2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< TS version = "2.0" language = "he" >
< context >
< name > AboutDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "21" / >
< source > About qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > א ו ד ו ת qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "83" / >
< source > About < / source >
< translation > א ו ד ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
2013-01-24 00:07:21 +04:00
< message utf8 = "true" >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; L u c i d a G r a n d e & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 3 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C ++ , based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent - rasterbar . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright © 2006 - 2013 Christophe Dumez & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Home Page : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; Bug Tracker : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://bugs.qbittorrent.org</span></a><br />Forum: <a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; IRC : # qbittorrent on Freenode & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
2013-01-24 00:07:21 +04:00
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; L u c i d a G r a n d e & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 3 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; L R E & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; ל ק ו ח ב י ט ו ר נ ט מ ת ק ד ם נ ב נ ה ב C ++ , מ ב ו ס ס ע ל ע ר כ ת כ ל י ה ע ב ו ד ה ש ל Qt4 ו ע ל libtorrent - rasterbar & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; ד ף ה ב י ת : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; מ ע ק ב ב א ג י ם : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://bugs.qbittorrent.org</span></a><br />פורום: <a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; IRC : # qbittorrent on Freenode & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; { 3 C ? } { 4 . 0 / ? } { 3 . ? } { 4 0 / ? } { 1 & q u o t ; ? } { 1 3 p ? } { 4 0 0 ; ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 ; ? } { 0 p ? } { 4 ? } { 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 1 3 ? } { 0 0 0 0 f ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 ; ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 0 0 0 f ? } { 0 0 0 0 f ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 p ? } { 0 ; ? } { 0 p ? } < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "134" / >
< source > Author < / source >
< translation > מ ח ב ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "222" / >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "299" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "246" / >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "287" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Country : < / source >
< translation > מ ד י נ ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "234" / >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "318" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > E - mail : < / source >
< translation > ד ו א ר א ל ק ט ר ו נ י : < / translation >
< / message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< message utf8 = "true" >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "105" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; L u c i d a G r a n d e & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 3 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; Lucida Grande & apos ; ; font - size :13pt ; & quot ; & gt ; An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C ++ , based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent - rasterbar . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright © 2006 - 2013 The qBittorrent project & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Home Page : & lt ; /span><a href="http:/ / www . qbittorrent . org & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; Lucida Grande & apos ; ; font - size :13pt ; text - decoration : underline ; color : # 0000 ff ; & quot ; & gt ; http : //www.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; Lucida Grande & apos ; ; font - size :13pt ; & quot ; & gt ; Bug Tracker : & lt ; /span><a href="http:/ / bugs . qbittorrent . org & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; Lucida Grande & apos ; ; font - size :13pt ; text - decoration : underline ; color : # 0000 ff ; & quot ; & gt ; http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt;"><br />Forum: </span><a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" font-family:'Lucida Grande'; font-size:13pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - family : & apos ; Lucida Grande & apos ; ; font - size :13pt ; & quot ; & gt ; IRC : # qbittorrent on Freenode & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "268" / >
< source > Greece < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "347" / >
< source > Current maintainer < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "360" / >
< source > Original author < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "414" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Libraries < / source >
< translation > ס פ ר י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "426" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This version of qBittorrent was built against the following libraries : < / source >
< translation > ג ר ס א ז ו ש ל qBittorrent נ ב נ ת ה נ ג ד ה ס פ ר י ו ת ה ב א ו ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "445" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Qt : < / source >
< translation > Qt : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "455" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Boost : < / source >
< translation > מ א י ץ : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "486" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Libtorrent : < / source >
< translation > Libtorrent : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > Christophe Dumez < / source >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > Christophe Dumez ( כ ר י ס ט ו פ ר ד ו מ ז ) < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message utf8 = "true" >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; L u c i d a G r a n d e & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 3 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C ++ , based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent - rasterbar . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright © 2006 - 2012 Christophe Dumez & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Home Page : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; Bug Tracker : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://bugs.qbittorrent.org</span></a><br />Forum: <a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; IRC : # qbittorrent on Freenode & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2013-01-24 00:07:21 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; L u c i d a G r a n d e & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 3 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; L R E & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; ל ק ו ח ב י ט ו ר נ ט מ ת ק ד ם נ ב נ ה ב C ++ , מ ב ו ס ס ע ל ע ר כ ת כ ל י ה ע ב ו ד ה ש ל Qt4 ו ע ל libtorrent - rasterbar & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; ד ף ה ב י ת : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; מ ע ק ב ב א ג י ם : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://bugs.qbittorrent.org</span></a><br />פורום: <a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p>
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; IRC : # qbittorrent on Freenode & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "190" / >
< source > France < / source >
< translation > צ ר פ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "384" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Translation < / source >
< translation > ת ר ג ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "401" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > License < / source >
< translation > ר ש י ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "54" / >
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; qBittorrent & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / h 3 & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; qBittorrent & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / h 3 & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< source > chris @qbittorrent . org < / source >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > chris @qbittorrent . org < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../about.ui" line = "371" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Thanks to < / source >
< translation > ת ו ד ה ל < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AddNewTorrentDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Dialog < / source >
< translation > ד ו ח ש י ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "32" / >
< source > Save as < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ה ב ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > Set as default save path < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ה כ נ ת י ב ב ר י ר ת ה מ ח ד ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "58" / >
< source > Never show again < / source >
< translation > ל ע ו ל ם א ל ת ר א ה ש ו ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "75" / >
< source > Torrent settings < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ו ת ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "81" / >
< source > Start torrent < / source >
< translation > ה ת ח ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > Label : < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "112" / >
< source > Skip hash check < / source >
< translation > ד י ל ו ג ע ל ב ד י ק ת ג י ב ו ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "122" / >
< source > Torrent Information < / source >
< translation > מ י ד ע ע ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "130" / >
< source > Size : < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "144" / >
< source > Comment : < / source >
< translation > ה ע ר ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "158" / >
< source > Date : < / source >
< translation > ת א ר י ך : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "220" / >
< source > Normal < / source >
< translation > ר ג י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "225" / >
< source > High < / source >
< translation > ג ב ו ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "230" / >
< source > Maximum < / source >
< translation > מ ק ס י מ ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.ui" line = "235" / >
< source > Do not download < / source >
< translation > ל א ל ה ו ר י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "71" / >
< source > Other . . . < / source >
< comment > Other save path . . . < / comment >
< translation > א ח ר . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "169" / >
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "169" / >
< source > The torrent file does not exist . < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ ה ט ו ר נ ט א י נ ו ק י י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "177" / >
< source > Invalid torrent < / source >
< translation > ט ו ר נ ט ל א ז מ י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "177" / >
< source > Failed to load the torrent : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ט ע י נ ת ה ט ו ר נ ט % 1 נ כ ש ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "187" / >
< source > Not available < / source >
< translation > ל א ז מ י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "246" / >
< source > Invalid magnet link < / source >
< translation > ק י ש ו ר מ ג נ ט י ל א ת ק י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "246" / >
< source > This magnet link was not recognized < / source >
< translation > ה ק י ש ו ר ה מ ג נ ט י ל א ז ו ה ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "252" / >
< source > Magnet link < / source >
< translation > ק י ש ו ר מ ג נ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "318" / >
< source > Disk space : % 1 < / source >
< translation > מ ק ו ם ב ד י ס ק : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "336" / >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "343" / >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "345" / >
< source > Choose save path < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת נ ת י ב ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "397" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename the file < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "398" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ח ד ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "402" / >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "428" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The file could not be renamed < / source >
< translation > ל א ה י י ת ה א פ ש ר ו ת ל ש נ ו ת א ת ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "403" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This file name contains forbidden characters , please choose a different one . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ מ כ י ל ת ו י ם ל א ח ו ק י י ם , נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ש ו נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "429" / >
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "464" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This name is already in use in this folder . Please use a different name . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ כ ב ר נ מ צ א ב ש י מ ו ש ב ת י ק י י ה ז ו . נ א ל ב ח ו ר מ ש ה ו א ח ר . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "463" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The folder could not be renamed < / source >
< translation > ל א נ י ת ן ל ש נ ו ת א ת ש ם ה ת י ק י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "522" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename . . . < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../addnewtorrentdialog.cpp" line = "526" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Priority < / source >
< translation > ע ד י פ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AdvancedSettings < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "184" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Disk write cache size < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל מ ט מ ו ן ל כ ת י ב ה ב ד י ס ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "173" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > MiB < / source >
< translation > מ ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "197" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Outgoing ports ( Min ) [ 0 : Disabled ] < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט י ם י ו צ א י ם ( מ י נ מ ו ם ) [ 0 : לא פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "202" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Outgoing ports ( Max ) [ 0 : Disabled ] < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט י ם י ו צ א י ם ( מ ק ס י מ ו ם ) [ 0 : לא פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "208" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Recheck torrents on completion < / source >
< translation > ב ד י ק ת ה ט ו ר נ ט י ם ש ו ב ב ע ת ס י ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "214" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Transfer list refresh interval < / source >
< translation > מ ר ו ו ח ל ר ע נ ו ן ר ש י מ ת ה ע ב ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "213" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > ms < / source >
< comment > milliseconds < / comment >
< translation > מ י ל י ש נ י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "59" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Setting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "59" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Value < / source >
< comment > Value set for this setting < / comment >
< translation > ע ר ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "171" / >
2012-10-07 20:18:11 +04:00
< source > ( auto ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "190" / >
< source > s < / source >
< comment > seconds < / comment >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "191" / >
< source > Disk cache expiry interval < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "217" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Resolve peer countries ( GeoIP ) < / source >
< translation > פ ת ו ר מ ד י נ ו ת מ ק ו ר ( GeoIP ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "220" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Resolve peer host names < / source >
< translation > פ ת ו ר ש מ ו ת מ ק ו ר ו ת מ א ר ח י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "225" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum number of half - open connections [ 0 : Disabled ] < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ח י ב ו ר י ם ח צ י פ ת ו ח י ם [ 0 : לא ז מ י ן ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "228" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Strict super seeding < / source >
< translation > ה ק פ ד ה ע ל ה פ צ ה מ ו ג ב ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "248" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Network Interface ( requires restart ) < / source >
< translation > מ נ ש ק ר ש ת ( ד ו ר ש א ת ח ו ל ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "276" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Exchange trackers with other peers < / source >
< translation > ה ח ל ף ט ר א ק ר י ם ע ם ע מ י ת י ם א ח ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "279" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Always announce to all trackers < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ת מ י ד ל כ ל ה ט ר א ק ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "230" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Any interface < / source >
< comment > i . e . Any network interface < / comment >
< translation > כ ל מ נ ש ק ש ה ו א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "251" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > IP Address to report to trackers ( requires restart ) < / source >
< translation > כ ת ו ב ת IP ל ד י ו ו ח ל ט ר א ק ר י ם ( ד ו ר ש א ת ח ו ל ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "254" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Display program on - screen notifications < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ת ה ו ד ע ו ת מ ה ת ו כ נ ה ב ה ו ד ע ה ע ל ה מ ס ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "257" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable embedded tracker < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר ט ר א ק ר מ ו ט מ ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "262" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Embedded tracker port < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט ל ט ר א ק ר מ ו ט מ ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "265" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Check for software updates < / source >
< translation > ב ד י ק ת ע ד כ ו נ י ת ו כ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "269" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use system icon theme < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב צ ל מ י ת ע ר כ ת ה נ ו ש א ש ל ה מ ע ר כ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "273" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Confirm torrent deletion < / source >
< translation > ו ו ד א מ ח י ק ת ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/advancedsettings.h" line = "205" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Ignore transfer limits on local network < / source >
< translation > ה ת ע ל מ ו ת מ ה ג ב ל ו ת ה ע ב ר ה ע ל ר ש ת ו ת מ ק ו מ י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AutomatedRssDownloader < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Automated RSS Downloader < / source >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד RSS א ו ט ו מ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Enable the automated RSS downloader < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר א ת מ ו ר י ד ה RSS ה א ו ט ו מ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > Download rules < / source >
< translation > כ ל ל י ם ל ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "123" / >
< source > Rule definition < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ת ה כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "138" / >
< source > Must contain : < / source >
< translation > ח י י ב ל ה כ י ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "180" / >
< source > Must not contain : < / source >
< translation > א ס ו ר ל ה כ י ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "129" / >
< source > Use regular expressions < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב ב י ט י י ם ר ג י ל י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "355" / >
< source > Import . . . < / source >
< translation > י י ב ו א . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "362" / >
< source > Export . . . < / source >
< translation > י י צ ו א . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "286" / >
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "233" / >
< source > Assign label : < / source >
< translation > ה ד ב ק ת ת ו י ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "252" / >
< source > Save to a different directory < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ה ל ת י ק י י ה א ח ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "264" / >
< source > Save to : < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ה א ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "308" / >
< source > Apply rule to feeds : < / source >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.ui" line = "330" / >
< source > Matching RSS articles < / source >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "311" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New rule name < / source >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "311" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please type the name of the new download rule . < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד א ת ש מ ו ש ל כ ל ל ה ה ו ר ד ה ה ח ד ש . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "315" / >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "430" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rule name conflict < / source >
< translation > ס ת י ר ת ש ם כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "315" / >
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "430" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > A rule with this name already exists , please choose another name . < / source >
< translation > כ ל ל ע ם ש ם ז ה ה כ ב ר ק י י ם , נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם א ח ר . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "333" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named % 1 ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ה ס י ר א ת כ ל ל ה ה ו ר ד ה % 1 ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "335" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ה ס י ר א ת כ ל ל י ה ה ו ר ד ה ש נ ב ח ר ו ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "336" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rule deletion confirmation < / source >
< translation > ו י ד ו א מ ח י ק ת כ ל ל י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "352" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Destination directory < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ת י ע ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "360" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid action < / source >
< translation > פ ע ו ל ה ל א ח ו ק י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "360" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The list is empty , there is nothing to export . < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ה ז ו ר י ק ה , א י ן ב ה ש ו ם ד ב ר ש נ י ת ן ל י י צ א . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "364" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Where would you like to save the list ? < / source >
< translation > ה י כ ן ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ש מ ו ר א ת ה ר ש י מ ה ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "364" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rules list ( * . rssrules ) < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ת כ ל ל י ם ( * . rssrules ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "369" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "369" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to create the destination file < / source >
< translation > י צ י ר ת ק ו ב ץ ה י ע ד נ כ ש ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "377" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please point to the RSS download rules file < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה צ ב י ע ע ל ק ו ב ץ כ ל ל י ה ה ו ר ד ה ש ל ה RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "377" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rules list ( * . rssrules * . filters ) < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ת כ ל ל י ם ( * . rssrules * . filters ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "381" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Import Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת י ב ו א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "381" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to import the selected rules file < / source >
< translation > י ב ו א ש ל ק ב צ י ה כ ל ל י ם ה נ ב ח ר י ם נ כ ש ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "392" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Add new rule . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת כ ל ל ח ד ש . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "398" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Delete rule < / source >
< translation > מ ח י ק ת כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "400" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename rule . . . < / source >
< translation > ש נ ה ש ם כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "402" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Delete selected rules < / source >
< translation > מ ח י ק ת כ ל ל י ם נ ב ח ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "426" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rule renaming < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "426" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please type the new rule name < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד ש ם ח ד ש ל כ ל ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "530" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Regex mode : use Perl - like regular expressions < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב Regex : השתמש ב ב י ט ו י Perl - like ר ג י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "534" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Wildcard mode : you can use & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; ? to match any single character & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; * t o m a t c h z e r o o r m o r e o f a n y c h a r a c t e r s & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W h i t e s p a c e s c o u n t a s A N D o p e r a t o r s & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > מ צ ב ג & apos ; וקר : באפשרותכם ל ה ש ת מ ש ב & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; ? ב כ ד י ל ה ת א י ם כ ל ת ו ב ו ד ד ש ה ו א & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; * ב כ ד י ל ה ת א י ם 0 א ו י ו ת ר ת ו י ם & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; מ ר ו ו ח י ם נ ח ש ב י ם כ א ו פ ר ט ו ר A N D & l t ; u l & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/automatedrssdownloader.cpp" line = "536" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Wildcard mode : you can use & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; ? to match any single character & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; * t o m a t c h z e r o o r m o r e o f a n y c h a r a c t e r s & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; | i s u s e d a s O R o p e r a t o r & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > מ צ ב ג & apos ; וקר : באפשרותכם ל ה ש ת מ ש ב & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; ? ב כ ד י ל ה ת א י ם כ ל ת ו ב ו ד ד ש ה ו א & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; * ב כ ד י ל ה ת א י ם 0 א ו י ו ת ר ת ו י ם & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; | נ ח ש ב כ א ו פ ר ט ו ר O R & l t ; u l & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > CookiesDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/cookiesdlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Cookies management < / source >
< translation > נ י ה ו ל ע ו ג י ו ת ( Cookies ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/cookiesdlg.ui" line = "36" / >
< source > Key < / source >
< extracomment > As in Key / Value pair < / extracomment >
< translation > מ פ ת ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/cookiesdlg.ui" line = "41" / >
< source > Value < / source >
< extracomment > As in Key / Value pair < / extracomment >
< translation > ע ר ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/cookiesdlg.cpp" line = "48" / >
< source > Common keys for cookies are : & apos ; % 1 & apos ; , & apos ; % 2 & apos ; .
You should get this information from your Web browser preferences . < / source >
< translation > ה מ פ ת ח ו ת ה נ פ ו צ י ם ל ע ו ג י ו ת ה י נ ם : & apos ; % 1 & apos ; , & apos ; % 2 & apos ; . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > DNSUpdater < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "178" / >
< source > Your dynamic DNS was successfully updated . < / source >
< translation > ה DNS ה ד י נ מ י ע ו ד כ ן ב ה צ ל ח ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "182" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : The service is temporarily unavailable , it will be retried in 30 minutes . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : השרות ל א ז מ י ן ב א ו פ ן ז מ נ י , נ ס י ו ן ש נ י י י ת ב צ ע ב ת ו ך 30 ד ק ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "192" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : hostname supplied does not exist under specified account . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : שם ה מ א ר ח ש ס ו פ ק ל א ק י י ם ת ח ת ה ח ש ב ו ן ש צ ו י ן . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "198" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : Invalid username / password . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : שם מ ש ת מ ש א ו ס י ס מ א ש ג ו י י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "203" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : qBittorrent was blacklisted by the service , please report a bug at http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org.</source>
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : qBittorrent נ מ צ א ב ר ש י מ ה ה ש ח ו ר ה ( נ ח ס ם ) ע ל י ד י ה ש ר ו ת , נ א ל ד ו ו ח ע ל ה ב א ג בכתובת : http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org.</translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "209" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : % 1 was returned by the service , please report a bug at http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org.</source>
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS ד י נ מ י : % 1 ה ו ח ז ר ע ל י ד י ה ש ר ו ת , נ א ל ד ו ו ח ע ל ה ב א ג בכתובת : http : //bugs.qbittorrent.org.</translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "215" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : Your username was blocked due to abuse . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : שם ה מ ש ת מ ש ש ל ך נ ח ס ם ב ג ל ל ש י מ ו ש ב ל ת י ה ו ל ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "236" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : supplied domain name is invalid . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : שם ה ד ו מ י י ן ש ס ו פ ק ל א ת ק ף . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "248" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : supplied username is too short . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : שם ה מ ש ת מ ש ש ס ו פ ק ק צ ר מ ד י . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../dnsupdater.cpp" line = "260" / >
< source > Dynamic DNS error : supplied password is too short . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת DNS דינמי : הסיסמה ש ס ו פ ק ה ק צ ר ה מ ד י . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > DownloadThread < / name >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "157" / >
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "161" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "252" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The remote host name was not found ( invalid hostname ) < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה מ א ר ח מ ר ח ו ק ל א נ מ צ א ( ש ם מ א ר ח ל א ת ק ף ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "254" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The operation was canceled < / source >
< translation > ה פ ע ו ל ה ב ו ט ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "256" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The remote server closed the connection prematurely , before the entire reply was received and processed < / source >
< translation > ה ש ר ת ה מ ר ו ח ק ס ג ר א ת ה ח י ב ו ר ל ת מ י ד , ל פ נ י ש כ ל ה מ ע נ ה ה ת ק ב ל ו ה ו ע ב ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "258" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The connection to the remote server timed out < / source >
< translation > ה ח י ב ו ר ל ש ר ת ה מ ר ו ח ק ה ו פ ס ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "260" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SSL / TLS handshake failed < / source >
< translation > ה ח י ב ו ר ש ל SSL / TLS ל א ה צ ל י ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "262" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The remote server refused the connection < / source >
< translation > ה ש ר ת ה מ ר ו ח ק ד ח ה א ת ה ח י ב ו ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "264" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The connection to the proxy server was refused < / source >
< translation > ה ח י ב ו ר ל ש ר ת ה פ ר ו ק ס י נ ד ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "266" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The proxy server closed the connection prematurely < / source >
< translation > ש ר ת ה פ ר ו ק ס י ס ג ר א ת ה ח י ב ו ר ל ת מ י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "268" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The proxy host name was not found < / source >
< translation > ש מ ו ש ל מ א ר ח ה פ ר ו ק ס י ל א נ מ צ א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "270" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent < / source >
< translation > ה ח י ב ו ר ל פ ר ו ק ס י ה ו פ ס ק א ו ש ה פ ר ו ק ס י ל א ה ג י ב ב ז מ ן ל ש א י ל ת ה ש נ ש ל ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "272" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The proxy requires authentication in order to honour the request but did not accept any credentials offered < / source >
< translation > ה פ ר ו ק ס י ד ו ר ש א י מ ו ת ב כ ד י ל כ ב ד א ת ה ב ק ש ה א ב ל ה ו א ל א א י ש ר ש ו ם ה מ ל צ ה ש ה ו צ ע ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "274" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The access to the remote content was denied ( 401 ) < / source >
< translation > ה ג י ש ה ל ת ו כ ן ה מ ר ו ח ק נ ד ח ת ה ( 401 ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "276" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The operation requested on the remote content is not permitted < / source >
< translation > ה פ ע ו ל ה ש נ ד ר ש ת ל ת ו כ ן ה מ ר ו ח ק ל א מ א ו ש ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "278" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The remote content was not found at the server ( 404 ) < / source >
< translation > ה ת ו כ ן ה מ ר ו ח ק ל א נ מ צ א ע ל ה ש ר ת ( 404 ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "280" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not accepted < / source >
< translation > ה ש ר ת ה מ ר ו ח ק ד ו ר ש א י מ ו ת כ ד י ל ה ג י ש א ת ה ת ו כ ן א ב ל ה ה מ ל צ ה ש ס ו פ ק ה ל ו ל א ה ת ק ב ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "282" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known < / source >
< translation > ג י ש ת ה ר ש ת API ל א י כ ו ל ה ל כ ב ד א ת ה ב ק ש ה . פ ר ו ט ו ק ו ל ל א י ד ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "284" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The requested operation is invalid for this protocol < / source >
< translation > ה פ ע ו ל ה ה מ ב ו ק ש ת ל א ז מ י נ ה ל פ ו ר ט ו ק ו ל ז ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "286" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > An unknown network - related error was detected < / source >
< translation > ה ת ג ל ת ה ש ג י א ה ל א י ד ו ע ה ש ק ש ו ר ה ל ר ש ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "288" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > An unknown proxy - related error was detected < / source >
< translation > ה ת ג ל ת ה ש ג י א ה ל א י ד ו ע ה ש ק ש ו ר ה ל פ ר ו ק ס י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "290" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > An unknown error related to the remote content was detected < / source >
< translation > ה ת ג ל ת ה ש ג י א ה ל א י ד ו ע ה ש ק ש ו ר ה ל ת ו כ ן ה מ ר ו ח ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "292" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > A breakdown in protocol was detected < / source >
< translation > ה ת ג ל ה ש ב ר ב פ ר ו ט ו ק ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-17 00:01:48 +04:00
< location filename = "../downloadthread.cpp" line = "294" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unknown error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ה ל א י ד ו ע ה < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ExecutionLog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../executionlog.ui" line = "27" / >
< source > General < / source >
< translation > כ ל ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../executionlog.ui" line = "33" / >
< source > Blocked IPs < / source >
< translation > כ ת ו ב ו ת IP ח ס ו מ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FeedListWidget < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/feedlistwidget.cpp" line = "41" / >
< source > RSS feeds < / source >
< translation > ה ז נ ת RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/feedlistwidget.cpp" line = "43" / >
< source > Unread < / source >
< translation > ל א נ ק ר א < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > HeadlessLoader < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../headlessloader.h" line = "54" / >
< source > Information < / source >
< translation > מ י ד ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../headlessloader.h" line = "55" / >
< source > To control qBittorrent , access the Web UI at http : //localhost:%1</source>
< translation > כ ד י ל ש ל ו ט ב - qBittorrent , ג ש ל מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט בכתובת : http : //localhost:%1</translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../headlessloader.h" line = "56" / >
< source > The Web UI administrator user name is : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה מ ש ת מ ש ש ל ה מ נ ה ל ב מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ה ו א : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../headlessloader.h" line = "59" / >
< source > The Web UI administrator password is still the default one : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ ת ה מ נ ה ל ל מ ש ת מ ש ב מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ה ו א ע ד י י ן ב ר י ר ת ה מ ח ד ל : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../headlessloader.h" line = "60" / >
< source > This is a security risk , please consider changing your password from program preferences . < / source >
< translation > מ ד ו ב ר ב ס י כ ו ן א ב ט ח ה , נ א ל ש ק ו ל ה ח ל פ ת ה ס י ס מ א ד ר ך ה ג ד ר ו ת ה ת ו כ נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > HttpConnection < / name >
< message >
2012-10-07 17:09:33 +04:00
< location filename = "../webui/httpconnection.cpp" line = "190" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Your IP address has been banned after too many failed authentication attempts . < / source >
< translation > ה IP ש ל ך נ ח ס ם ל א ח ר ש ב ו צ ע ו מ ד י ה ר ב ה נ ס י ו נ ו ת כ ו ש ל י ם ל א מ ת ו א ו ת ו . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > HttpServer < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "110" / >
< source > File < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "111" / >
< source > Edit < / source >
< translation > ע ר י כ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "112" / >
< source > Help < / source >
< translation > ע ז ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "113" / >
< source > Download Torrents from their URL or Magnet link < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ת ט ו ר נ ט י ם מ כ ת ו ב ת ה URL ש ל ה ם א ו מ ק י ש ו ר מ ג נ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "114" / >
< source > Only one link per line < / source >
< translation > ק י ש ו ר א ח ד ב ל ב ד ל כ ל ש ו ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "115" / >
< source > Download local torrent < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ת ט ו ר נ ט מ ק ו מ י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "116" / >
< source > Torrent files were correctly added to download list . < / source >
< translation > ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט נ ו ס פ ו נ כ ו נ ה ל ר ש מ י מ ת ה ה ו ר ד ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "117" / >
< source > Point to torrent file < / source >
< translation > ה צ ב ע ה ל ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "118" / >
< source > Download < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "119" / >
< source > Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list and hard disk ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל מ ח ו ק א ת ה ט ו ר נ ט ה נ ב ח ר מ ר ש י מ ת ה ע ב ר ו ת ו מ ה ד י ס ק ק ש י ח ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "120" / >
< source > Download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ה ו ר ד ה ח י י ב ת ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל ה מ א פ ס א ו מ ב ו ט ל ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "121" / >
< source > Upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה ח י י ב ת ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל ה מ א פ ס א ו מ ב ו ט ל ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "122" / >
< source > Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled . < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ י ר ב י ש ל ה ג ב ל ת ח י ב ו ר י ם ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל מ א פ ס א ו מ ב ו ט ל . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "123" / >
< source > Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled . < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ י ר ב י ש ל ה ג ב ל ו ת ה ח י ב ו ר י ם ל כ ל ט ו ר נ ט ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל מ א פ ס א ו מ ב ו ט ל . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "124" / >
< source > Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled . < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ י ר ב י ל ה ג ב ל ת ח ר י צ י ה ע ל א ה ל כ ל ט ו ר נ ט ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל מ א פ ס א ו מ ב ו ט ל . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "125" / >
< source > Unable to save program preferences , qBittorrent is probably unreachable . < / source >
< translation > ל א נ י ת ן ל ש מ ו ר א ת ה ג ד ר ו ת ה ת ו כ נ ה , כ נ ר א ה ש ל א נ י ת ן ל ג ש ת ל qBittorrent . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "126" / >
< source > Language < / source >
< translation > ש פ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "127" / >
< source > Downloaded < / source >
< comment > Is the file downloaded or not ? < / comment >
< translation > י ר ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "128" / >
< source > The port used for incoming connections must be greater than 1024 and less than 65535 . < / source >
< translation > ה פ ו ר ט ש מ ש מ ש ל ח י ב ו ר י ם נ כ נ ס י ם ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל מ 1024 ו פ ח ו ת מ 65536 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "129" / >
< source > The port used for the Web UI must be greater than 1024 and less than 65535 . < / source >
< translation > ה פ ו ר ט ש מ ש מ ש ל מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ג ד ו ל מ 1024 ו ק ט ן מ 65535 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "130" / >
< source > The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה מ ש ת מ ש ב מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ח י י ב ל ה י ו ת ב א ו ר ך ש ל 3 ת ו י ם ל פ ח ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "131" / >
< source > The Web UI password must be at least 3 characters long . < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ ת מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ח י י ב ת ל ה י ו ת ב א ו ר ך ש ל 3 ת ו י ם ל פ ח ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "132" / >
< source > Save < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "133" / >
< source > qBittorrent client is not reachable < / source >
< translation > ל א נ י ת ן ל ג ש ת ל ל ק ו ח qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "134" / >
< source > HTTP Server < / source >
< translation > ש ר ת HTTP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "135" / >
< source > The following parameters are supported : < / source >
< translation > ה פ ר מ ט ר י ם ה ב א י ם נ ת מ כ י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "136" / >
< source > Torrent path < / source >
< translation > נ ת י ב ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "137" / >
< source > Torrent name < / source >
< translation > ש ם ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/httpserver.cpp" line = "138" / >
< source > qBittorrent has been shutdown . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > LegalNotice < / name >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "105" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Legal Notice < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ת ח ו ק י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "106" / >
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "117" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent is a file sharing program . When you run a torrent , its data will be made available to others by means of upload . Any content you share is your sole responsibility .
No further notices will be issued . < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent ה י נ ה ת ו כ נ ת ש י ת ו ף . כ א ש ר ה י נ כ ם מ ר י צ י ם ט ו ר נ ט , ה מ י ד ע ש ה ו א מ כ י ל י י ע ש ה ז מ י ן ל א ח ר י ם ע ל י ד י א מ צ ע י ה ע ל א ה . כ ל ת ו כ ן ש ה ו א ש ה י נ כ ם מ ש ת פ י ם ה ו א ע ל א ח ר י ו ת כ ם ה ב ל ע ד י ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "107" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Press % 1 key to accept and continue . . . < / source >
< translation > ל א י ש ו ר ו ה מ ש ך ה ק י ש ו % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "118" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Legal notice < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ת ח ו ק י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "119" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "120" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I Agree < / source >
< translation > א נ י מ ס כ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LineEdit < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../lineedit/src/lineedit.cpp" line = "30" / >
< source > Clear the text < / source >
< translation > נ י ק ו י ט ק ס ט < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LogListWidget < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../loglistwidget.cpp" line = "47" / >
< source > Copy < / source >
< translation > ה ע ת ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../loglistwidget.cpp" line = "48" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > MainWindow < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "37" / >
< source > & amp ; Edit < / source >
< translation > ע & amp ; ר י כ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "60" / >
< source > & amp ; Tools < / source >
< translation > & amp ; כ ל י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "79" / >
< source > & amp ; File < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "50" / >
< source > & amp ; Help < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ע ז ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "88" / >
< source > & amp ; View < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ת צ ו ג ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "151" / >
< source > & amp ; Options . . . < / source >
< translation > & amp ; א פ ש ר ו י ו ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > & amp ; Resume < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ח י ד ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "317" / >
< source > R & amp ; esume All < / source >
< translation > ח י & amp ; ד ו ש ה כ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "190" / >
< source > Torrent & amp ; creator < / source >
< translation > י ו & amp ; צ ר ה ט ו ר נ ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "244" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "247" / >
< source > Alternative speed limits < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ו ת מ ה י ר ו ת ח י ל פ ו י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "255" / >
< source > Top & amp ; tool bar < / source >
< translation > ס ר ג ל כ ל י ם & amp ; ע ל י ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "258" / >
< source > Display top tool bar < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג ס ר ג ל כ ל י ם ע ל י ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "266" / >
< source > & amp ; Speed in title bar < / source >
< translation > & amp ; מ ה י ר ו ת ב ש ו ר ת ה כ ו ת ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "269" / >
< source > Show transfer speed in title bar < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ב ר ה ב ש ו ר ת ה כ ו ת ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "156" / >
< source > & amp ; About < / source >
< translation > & amp ; א ו ד ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "138" / >
< source > & amp ; Add torrent file . . . < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ה ו ס ף ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "143" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "146" / >
< source > Exit < / source >
< translation > י צ י א ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "166" / >
< source > & amp ; Pause < / source >
< translation > ה & amp ; ש ה י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "171" / >
< source > & amp ; Delete < / source >
< translation > & amp ; מ ח ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "322" / >
< source > P & amp ; ause All < / source >
< translation > ה ש ה ה ה & amp ; כ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "180" / >
< source > Visit & amp ; Website < / source >
< translation > ב י & amp ; ק ו ר ב א ת ר ה א י נ ט ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "64" / >
< source > Auto - Shutdown on downloads completion < / source >
< translation > כ י ב ו י א ו ט ו מ ט י ע ם ס י ו ם ה ה ו ר ד ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "185" / >
< source > Add & amp ; link to torrent . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו & amp ; ס ף ק י ש ו ר ל ט ו ר נ ט . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "195" / >
< source > Report a & amp ; bug < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ד י ו ו ח ש ג י א ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "200" / >
< source > Set upload limit . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ה ג ב ל ת ה ע ל א ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "205" / >
< source > Set download limit . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ה ג ב ל ת ה ו ר ד ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "210" / >
< source > & amp ; Documentation < / source >
< translation > & amp ; מ ס מ כ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "215" / >
< source > Set global download limit . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ה ג ב ל ת ה ו ר ד ה כ ל ל י ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "220" / >
< source > Set global upload limit . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ה ג ב ל ת ה ע ל א ה כ ל ל י ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "277" / >
< source > & amp ; RSS reader < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ק ו ר א RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "285" / >
< source > Search & amp ; engine < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו ע & amp ; ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "341" / >
< source > Exit qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > י צ י א ה מ - qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "349" / >
< source > Suspend system < / source >
< translation > ה ש ה י י ת ה מ ע ר כ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "357" / >
< source > Shutdown system < / source >
< translation > כ י ב ו י ה מ ע ר כ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "365" / >
< source > Disabled < / source >
< translation > ל א ז מ י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "370" / >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1225" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Show < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "290" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "293" / >
< source > Lock qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > נ ע י ל ת qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "296" / >
< source > Ctrl + L < / source >
< translation > Ctrl + L < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "301" / >
< source > Import existing torrent . . . < / source >
< translation > י י ב ו א ט ו ר נ ט ק י י ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "304" / >
< source > Import torrent . . . < / source >
< translation > י י ב ו א ט ו ר נ ט . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "309" / >
< source > Donate money < / source >
< translation > ת ר ו מ ת כ ס ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "312" / >
< source > If you like qBittorrent , please donate ! < / source >
< translation > א ם א ה ב ת ם א ת qBittorrent , ב ב ק ש ה ל ת ר ו ם ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "330" / >
< source > Execution & amp ; Log < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ד ו ח ב י צ ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "333" / >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1370" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Execution Log < / source >
< translation > ד ו ח ב י צ ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "225" / >
< source > Decrease priority < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ת ע ד י פ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.ui" line = "233" / >
< source > Increase priority < / source >
< translation > ה ע ל א ת ע ד י פ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "103" / >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1289" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent % 1 < / source >
< comment > e.g : qBittorrent v0 . x < / comment >
< translation > qBittorrnet % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "146" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Set the password . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ת ה ס י ס מ א . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "181" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Transfers < / source >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "300" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent file association < / source >
< translation > ש י ו ך ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "301" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent is not the default application to open torrent files or Magnet links .
Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links ? < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent א י נ ו מ ו ג ד ר כ ת ו כ נ י ת ב ר י ר ת ה מ ח ד ל ל פ ת י ח ת ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט א ו ק י ש ו ר י ם מ ג נ ט י י ם . ה א ם ל ה פ ו ך א ת qBittorrent ל ת ו כ נ ה ש פ ו ת ח ת ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט ו ק י ש ו ר י ם מ ג נ ט י י ם ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "400" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "420" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "685" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UI lock password < / source >
< translation > נ ע י ל ת UI ב ס י ס מ א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "400" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "420" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "685" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please type the UI lock password : < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד א ת ס י ס מ ת ה נ ע י ל ה ל UI : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "404" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The password should contain at least 3 characters < / source >
< translation > ה ס י ס מ א ח י י ב ת ל ה כ י ל ל פ ח ו ת 3 ת ו י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "410" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Password update < / source >
< translation > ע ד כ ו ן ס י ס מ א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "410" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The UI lock password has been successfully updated < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ ת ה נ ע י ל ה ל UI ע ו ד כ נ ה ב ה צ ל ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "436" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > RSS < / source >
< translation > RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "451" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "461" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Transfers ( % 1 ) < / source >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ו ת ( % 1 ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "532" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download completion < / source >
< translation > ס י ו ם ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "532" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 has finished downloading . < / source >
< comment > e.g : xxx.avi has finished downloading . < / comment >
< translation > ה ה ו ר ד ה ש ל % 1 ה ס ת י י מ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "538" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< comment > i.e : Input / Output Error < / comment >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > An I / O error occured for torrent % 1 .
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
Reason : % 2 < / source >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< comment > e.g : An error occured for torrent xxx . avi .
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
Reason : disk is full . < / comment >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > ש ג י א ת I / O ה ת ר ח ש ה ל ט ו ר נ ט % 1 .
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
ה ס י ב ה : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "545" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Alt + 1 < / source >
< comment > shortcut to switch to first tab < / comment >
< translation > Alt + 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "547" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Alt + 2 < / source >
< comment > shortcut to switch to third tab < / comment >
< translation > Alt + 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "549" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Ctrl + F < / source >
< comment > shortcut to switch to search tab < / comment >
< translation > Ctrl + F < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "551" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Alt + 3 < / source >
< comment > shortcut to switch to fourth tab < / comment >
< translation > Alt + 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "599" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Recursive download confirmation < / source >
< translation > א י מ ו ת ה ו ר ד ה ר ק ו ר ס י ב י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "599" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The torrent % 1 contains torrent files , do you want to proceed with their download ? < / source >
< translation > ה ט ו ר נ ט % 1 מ כ י ל ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט , ה א ם ל ה מ ש י ך א ת ה ה ו ר ד ה ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "600" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "774" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Yes < / source >
< translation > כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "601" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "773" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > No < / source >
< translation > ל א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "602" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Never < / source >
< translation > א ף פ ע ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "616" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Url download error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ה ב כ ת ו ב ת ה ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "616" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Couldn & apos ; t download file at url : % 1 , reason : % 2 . < / source >
< translation > ל א י כ ו ל ל ה ו ר י ד ק ו ב ץ מ ה כ ת ו ב ת : % 1 , ה ס י ב ה : % 2 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "627" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Global Upload Speed Limit < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה כ ל ל י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "646" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Global Download Speed Limit < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה כ ל ל י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1142" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ D : % 1 / s , U : % 2 / s ] qBittorrent % 3 < / source >
< comment > D = Download ; U = Upload ; % 3 is qBittorrent version < / comment >
< translation > [ ה ר : % 1 / ש , ה ע : % 2 / ש ] qBittorrent % 3 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "404" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "698" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid password < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ א ש ג ו י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "698" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The password is invalid < / source >
< translation > ה ס י ס מ א ש ג ו י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1225" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Hide < / source >
< translation > ה ס ת ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "770" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Exiting qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > י ו צ א מ qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "538" / >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > An I / O error occurred for torrent % 1 .
Reason : % 2 < / source >
< comment > e.g : An error occurred for torrent xxx . avi .
Reason : disk is full . < / comment >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "771" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Some files are currently transferring .
Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent ? < / source >
< translation > י ש נ ם ק ב צ י ם ב ת ה ל י כ י ה ע ב ר ה .
ה א ם ל ס ג ו ר א ת qBittorrent ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "775" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Always < / source >
< translation > ת מ י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "927" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Open Torrent Files < / source >
< translation > פ ת י ח ת ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "928" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent Files < / source >
< translation > ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1016" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Options were saved successfully . < / source >
< translation > ה א פ ש ר ו י ו ת נ ש מ ר ו ב ה צ ל ח ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1125" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1128" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1135" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > DL speed : % 1 KiB / s < / source >
< comment > e.g : Download speed : 10 KiB / s < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה : % 1 ק ב / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1131" / >
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1137" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UP speed : % 1 KiB / s < / source >
< comment > e.g : Upload speed : 10 KiB / s < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע א ל ה : % 1 ק ב / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1327" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > A newer version is available < / source >
< translation > ג י ר ס ה ח ד ש ה י ו ת ר ז מ י נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1328" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > A newer version of qBittorrent is available on Sourceforge .
Would you like to update qBittorrent to version % 1 ? < / source >
< translation > ק י י מ ת ג י ר ס ה ח ד ש ה י ו ת ר ש ל qBittorrent ב א ת ר Sourceforge .
ה א ם ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ע ד כ ן א ת qBittorrent ל ג י ר ס ה % 1 ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1343" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Impossible to update qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > ל א נ י ת ן ל ע ד ע ן א ת qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../mainwindow.cpp" line = "1343" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent failed to update , reason : % 1 < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent ל א ה צ ל י ח ל ע ד כ ן , ה ס י ב ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PeerAdditionDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peeraddition.h" line = "94" / >
< source > Invalid IP < / source >
< translation > IP ל א ת ק י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peeraddition.h" line = "95" / >
< source > The IP you provided is invalid . < / source >
< translation > כ ת ו ב ת ה IP ש ס ו פ ק א י נ ו ת ק י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PeerListDelegate < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistdelegate.h" line = "64" / >
< source > / s < / source >
< comment > / second ( i . e . per second ) < / comment >
< translation > / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PeerListWidget < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "64" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > IP < / source >
< translation > IP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "65" / >
< source > Flags < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "66" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Connection < / source >
< translation > ח י ב ו ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "67" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Client < / source >
< comment > i.e. : Client application < / comment >
< translation > ל ק ו ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "68" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Progress < / source >
< comment > i . e : % downloaded < / comment >
< translation > ת ה ל י ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "69" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Down Speed < / source >
< comment > i.e : Download speed < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "70" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Up Speed < / source >
< comment > i.e : Upload speed < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "71" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Downloaded < / source >
< comment > i.e : total data downloaded < / comment >
< translation > ה ו ר ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "72" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Uploaded < / source >
< comment > i.e : total data uploaded < / comment >
< translation > ה ו ע ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "155" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Add a new peer . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ע מ י ת ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "164" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Copy IP < / source >
< translation > ה ע ת ק ת IP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "166" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Limit download rate . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ו ר ד ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "167" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Limit upload rate . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ע ל א ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "169" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Ban peer permanently < / source >
< translation > ח ס י מ ת ע מ י ת ב א ו פ ן ק ב ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "180" / >
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "182" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Peer addition < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ע מ י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "180" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The peer was added to this torrent . < / source >
< translation > ה ע מ י ת נ ו ס ף ל ט ו ר נ ט ז ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "182" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The peer could not be added to this torrent . < / source >
< translation > ה ע מ י ת ל א י כ ל ל ה ת ו ו ס ף ל ט ו ר נ ט ז ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "213" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure ? -- qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > ב ט ו ח ? -- qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "213" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ח ס ו ם ב א ו פ ן ק ב ו ע א ת ה ע מ י ת י ם ה נ ב ח ר י ם ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "214" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Yes < / source >
< translation > & amp ; כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "214" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & amp ; No < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ל א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "221" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Manually banning peer % 1 . . . < / source >
< translation > ח ס י מ ה י ד נ י ת ש ל ע מ י ת % 1 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "245" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Upload rate limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ע ל א ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/peerlistwidget.cpp" line = "279" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download rate limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Preferences < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > Downloads < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "104" / >
< source > Connection < / source >
< translation > ח י ב ו ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "115" / >
< source > Speed < / source >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "137" / >
< source > Web UI < / source >
< translation > מ מ ש ק א י נ ט ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "148" / >
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > מ ת ק ד ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "224" / >
< source > ( Requires restart ) < / source >
< translation > ( ד ו ר ש א ת ח ו ל ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "258" / >
< source > Use alternating row colors < / source >
< extracomment > In transfer list , one every two rows will have grey background . < / extracomment >
< translation > ש ו ר ו ת ב צ ב ע י ם ש ו נ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "300" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "326" / >
< source > Start / Stop Torrent < / source >
< translation > ה ת ח ל / ע צ ו ר ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "310" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "336" / >
< source > No action < / source >
< translation > ל ל א פ ע ו ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "685" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Append . ! qB extension to incomplete files < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס ף ס י ו מ ת qB ל ק ב צ י ם ל א ג מ ו ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "788" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Copy . torrent files to : < / source >
< translation > ה ע ת ק ת ק ב צ י . torrent ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "993" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The following parameters are supported :
& lt ; ul & gt ;
& lt ; li & gt ; % f : Torrent path & lt ; / l i & g t ;
& lt ; li & gt ; % n : Torrent name & lt ; / l i & g t ;
& lt ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > ה פ ר מ ט ר י ם ה נ ת מ כ י ם ה ם : & lt ; ul & gt ;
& lt ; li & gt ; % f : Torrent path & lt ; li & gt ;
& lt ; li & gt ; % n : Torrent name & lt ; li & gt ;
& lt ; / u l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1107" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Connections Limits < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1227" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Proxy Server < / source >
< translation > ש ר ת פ ר ו ק ס י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1484" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Global Rate Limits < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ו ת ק צ ב כ ל ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1602" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Apply rate limit to uTP connections < / source >
< translation > ה ח ל ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ל ח י ב ו ר י uTP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1609" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Apply rate limit to transport overhead < / source >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1622" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Alternative Global Rate Limits < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ו ת ק צ ב כ ל ל י ח י ל ו פ י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1728" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Schedule the use of alternative rate limits < / source >
< translation > ת ז מ ו ן ש י מ ו ש ב ה ג ב ל ו ת ק צ ב ח י ל ו פ י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1988" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר ג י ל ו י ש ל ע מ י ת י ם מ ק ו מ י י ם כ ד י ל מ צ ו א י ו ת ר ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2000" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Encryption mode : < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב ה צ פ נ ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2008" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Prefer encryption < / source >
< translation > ה ע ד ף ה צ פ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2013" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Require encryption < / source >
< translation > ד ר ו ש ה צ פ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2018" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Disable encryption < / source >
< translation > ב ט ל א פ ש ר ו ת ה צ פ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2050" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > ( & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>)</source>
< translation > ( & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>)</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2093" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum active downloads : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ה ו ר ד ו ת פ ע י ל ו ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2113" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum active uploads : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ה ע ל א ו ת פ ע י ל ו ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2133" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum active torrents : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ט ו ר נ ט י ם פ ע י ל י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "533" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > When adding a torrent < / source >
< translation > כ א ש ר ט ו ר נ ט מ ת ו ו ס ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "79" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "82" / >
< source > Behavior < / source >
< translation > ה ת נ ה ג ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "188" / >
< source > Language < / source >
< translation > ש פ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "542" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Display torrent content and some options < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ת ת ו כ ן ה ט ו ר נ ט ו כ מ ה א פ ש ר ו י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1043" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Port used for incoming connections : < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט ב ש י מ ו ש ל ח י ב ו ר י ם נ כ נ ס י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1063" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Random < / source >
< translation > א ק ר א י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1113" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Global maximum number of connections : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ח י ב ו ר י ם כ ל ל י י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1139" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum number of connections per torrent : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ש ל ח י ב ו ר י ם ל כ ל ט ו ר נ ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1162" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum number of upload slots per torrent : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ ר ב י ל ח ר י צ י ה ע ל א ה ל כ ל ט ו ר נ ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1502" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1657" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Upload : < / source >
< translation > ה ע ל א ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1538" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1684" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download : < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1531" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1564" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1677" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1704" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > KiB / s < / source >
< translation > ק ב / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "755" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Remove folder < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר ת ת י ק י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1769" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > to < / source >
< extracomment > time1 to time2 < / extracomment >
< translation > ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1821" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Every day < / source >
< translation > כ ל י ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1826" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Week days < / source >
< translation > י מ ו ת ה ש ב ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1831" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Week ends < / source >
< translation > ס ו פ י - ש ב ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1931" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > DHT port : < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט DHT : < / translation >
< / message >
< message utf8 = "true" >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1972" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Exchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients ( µ Torrent , Vuze , . . . ) < / source >
< translation > ה ח ל פ ה ש ל ע מ י ת י ם ע ם ל ק ו ח ו ת ת ו א מ י ם ( µ Torrent , Vuze , . . . ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1269" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Host : < / source >
< translation > מ א ר ח : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1248" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SOCKS4 < / source >
< translation > SOCKS4 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1235" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Type : < / source >
< translation > ס ו ג : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "20" / >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1586" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Options < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר ו י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "274" / >
< source > Action on double - click < / source >
< translation > פ ע ו ל ת & quot ; ל ח י צ ה כ פ ו ל ה & quot ; < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "283" / >
< source > Downloading torrents : < / source >
< translation > ט ו ר נ ט י ם ב ה ו ר ד ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "305" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "331" / >
< source > Open destination folder < / source >
< translation > פ ת י ח ת ת י ק י י ת י ע ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "318" / >
< source > Completed torrents : < / source >
< translation > ט ו ר נ ט י ם ש ה ס ת י י מ ו : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "350" / >
< source > Desktop < / source >
< translation > ש ו ל ח ן ע ב ו ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "363" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Show splash screen on start up < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג ס פ ל א ש ב ע ת ה פ ע ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "373" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Start qBittorrent minimized < / source >
< translation > ה ת ח ל א ת qBittorrent מ מ ו ז ע ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "399" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Minimize qBittorrent to notification area < / source >
< translation > מ ז ע ר א ת qBittorrent ל א ז ו ר ה ה ו ד ע ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "409" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Close qBittorrent to notification area < / source >
< comment > i.e : The systray tray icon will still be visible when closing the main window . < / comment >
< translation > ס ג ו ר א ת qBittorrent ל א ז ו ר ה ה ו ד ע ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "418" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Tray icon style : < / source >
< translation > ס ג נ ו ן צ ל מ י ת ב מ ג ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "426" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Normal < / source >
< translation > ר ג י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "431" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Monochrome ( Dark theme ) < / source >
< translation > מ ו נ ו כ ר ו ם ( ע ר כ ת נ ו ש א כ ה ה ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "436" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Monochrome ( Light theme ) < / source >
< translation > מ ו נ ו כ ר ו ם ( ע ר כ ת נ ו ש א ב ה י ר ה ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "380" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Ask for program exit confirmation < / source >
< translation > ו ו ד א ל פ נ י י צ י א ה מ ה ת ו כ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "196" / >
< source > User Interface Language : < / source >
< translation > ש פ ת מ נ ש ק ה מ ש ת מ ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "252" / >
< source > Transfer List < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ת ה ע ב ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "356" / >
< source > Start qBittorrent on Windows start up < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "390" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Show qBittorrent in notification area < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג ת qBittorrent ב א ז ו ר ה ה ו ד ע ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "449" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > File association < / source >
< translation > ש י ו ך ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "455" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use qBittorrent for . torrent files < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב qBittorrent ל ק ב צ י . torrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "462" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use qBittorrent for magnet links < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב qBittorrent ל ק י ש ו ר י מ ג נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "475" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Power Management < / source >
< translation > נ י ה ו ל צ ר י כ ת ח ש מ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "481" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Inhibit system sleep when torrents are active < / source >
< translation > ע י כ ו ב מ צ ב ש י נ ה כ ש י ש ט ו ר נ ט י ם פ ע י ל י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "552" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Do not start the download automatically < / source >
< comment > The torrent will be added to download list in pause state < / comment >
< translation > ל א ל ה ת ח י ל א ת ה ה ו ר ד ה ב א ו פ ן א ו ט ו מ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "568" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Hard Disk < / source >
< translation > ד י ס ק ק ש י ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "574" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Save files to location : < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ת ה ק ב צ י ם ל מ י ק ו ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "622" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Append the label of the torrent to the save path < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס ף א ת ת ו י ת ה ט ו ר נ ט ל נ ת י ב ה ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "632" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Pre - allocate disk space for all files < / source >
< translation > מ צ א מ ק ו ם פ נ ו י ב ד י ס ק ל פ נ י ה ה ו ר ד ה ע ב ו ר כ ל ה ק ב צ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "639" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Keep incomplete torrents in : < / source >
< translation > ש מ י ר ת ט ו ר נ ט י ם ל א ג מ ו ר י ם ב : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "692" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Automatically add torrents from : < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ט ו ר נ ט י ם ב א ו פ ן א ו ט ו מ ט י מ : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "745" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Add folder . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ת י ק י י ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "837" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< source > Copy . torrent files for finished downloads to : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "893" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Email notification upon download completion < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ה ב ד ו א & quot ; ל כ א ש ר ה ו ר ד ה מ ס ת י י מ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "907" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Destination email : < / source >
< translation > ד ו א & quot ; ל י ע ד : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "917" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SMTP server : < / source >
< translation > ש ר ת SMTP : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "966" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This server requires a secure connection ( SSL ) < / source >
< translation > ש ר ת ז ה ד ו ר ש ח י ב ו ר מ א ו ב ט ח ( SSL ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "978" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Run an external program on torrent completion < / source >
< translation > ה פ ע ל ת ו כ נ י ת ח י צ ו נ י ת כ א ש ר ט ו ר נ ט מ ס ת י י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1035" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Listening Port < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט ה א ז נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1085" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use UPnP / NAT - PMP port forwarding from my router < / source >
< translation > ה ש ת מ ש ב ק י ד ו ם פ ו ר ט UPnP / NAT - PMP מ ה נ ת ב ש ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1095" / >
< source > Use different port on each startup < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1323" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Otherwise , the proxy server is only used for tracker connections < / source >
< translation > א ח ר ת , ש ר ת ה פ ר ו ק ס י מ ש ת מ ש ר ק ל ח י ב ו ר י ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1326" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use proxy for peer connections < / source >
< translation > ה ש ת מ ש ב פ ר ו ק ס י ל ח י ב ו ר י ע מ י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1398" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > IP Filtering < / source >
< translation > ס י נ ו ן IP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1439" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Reload the filter < / source >
< translation > ט ע י נ ת ה מ ס נ ן מ ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1592" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable bandwidth management ( uTP ) < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר נ י ה ו ל ר ו ח ב - פ ס ( uTP ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1745" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > from < / source >
< extracomment > from ( time1 to time2 ) < / extracomment >
< translation > מ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1813" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > When : < / source >
< translation > מ ת י : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1896" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Privacy < / source >
< translation > פ ר ט י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1902" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable DHT ( decentralized network ) to find more peers < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר DHT ( ר ש ת ו ת מ ב ו ז ר ו ת ) כ ד י ל מ צ ו א ע ו ד ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1911" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use a different port for DHT and BitTorrent < / source >
< translation > ה ש ת מ ש ב פ ו ר ט ש ו נ ה ל DHT ו BitTorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1975" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable Peer Exchange ( PeX ) to find more peers < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר ה ח ל פ ת ע מ י ת י ם ( PeX ) כ ד י ל מ צ ו א י ו ת ר ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1985" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Look for peers on your local network < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש ע מ י ת י ם ע ל ה ר ש ת ה מ ק ו מ י ת ש ל ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2043" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable anonymous mode < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר מ צ ב א נ ו נ י מ י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2192" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Do not count slow torrents in these limits < / source >
< translation > א ל ת ח ש ב ט ו ר נ ט י ם א י ט י י ם ב ה ג ב ל ו ת א ל ו < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2213" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Seed torrents until their ratio reaches < / source >
< translation > ה פ ץ ט ו ר נ ט ע ד ש י ח ס ה ש י ת ו ף ש ל ה ם מ ש ת ו ו ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2245" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > then < / source >
< translation > ל א ח ר מ כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2256" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Pause them < / source >
< translation > ה ש ה ה א ו ת ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2261" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Remove them < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר א ו ת ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2359" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use UPnP / NAT - PMP to forward the port from my router < / source >
< translation > ה ש ת מ ש ב UPnP / NAT - PMP כ ד י ל ה ע ב י ר ה ל א ה א ת ה פ ו ר ט מ ה נ ת ב ש ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2369" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Use HTTPS instead of HTTP < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב HTTPS ב מ ק ו ם ב HTTP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2412" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Import SSL Certificate < / source >
< translation > י ב ו א א י ש ו ר י SSL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2465" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Import SSL Key < / source >
< translation > י ב ו א מ פ ת ח ו ת SSL < / translation >
< / message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2487" / >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > & lt ; a href = http : //httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a></source>
< translation type = "unfinished" > & lt ; a href = http : //httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a> {2.2/?}</translation>
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2400" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Certificate : < / source >
< translation > א י ש ו ר : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2453" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Key : < / source >
< translation > מ פ ת ח : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > & lt ; a href = http : //httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a></source>
< translation type = "obsolete" > & lt ; a href = http : //httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a></translation>
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2532" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Bypass authentication for localhost < / source >
< translation > ה ת ע ל מ ו ת מ א י מ ו ת ל מ א ר ח מ ק ו מ י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2556" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Update my dynamic domain name < / source >
< translation > ע ד כ ו ן ש ם ה ד ו מ י י ן ה ד י נ מ י ש ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2568" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Service : < / source >
< translation > ש ר ו ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2591" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Register < / source >
< translation > ר י ש ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2600" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Domain name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ד ו מ י י ן : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1243" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > ( None ) < / source >
< translation > ( כ ל ו ם ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "126" / >
< source > BitTorrent < / source >
< translation > BitTorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1258" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > HTTP < / source >
< translation > HTTP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1295" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2324" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Port : < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "927" / >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1336" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2500" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Authentication < / source >
< translation > א י מ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "939" / >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1350" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2539" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2614" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Username : < / source >
< translation > ש ם מ ש ת מ ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-08 22:35:51 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "949" / >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1370" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2546" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2628" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ א : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2078" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent Queueing < / source >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< translation > ר ש י מ ת ה מ ת נ ה ש ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2202" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Share Ratio Limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת י ח ס ש י ת ו ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "2310" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Enable Web User Interface ( Remote control ) < / source >
< translation > א פ ש ר מ נ ש ק מ ש ת מ ש א י נ ט ר נ ט י ( ש ל ט ר ח ו ק ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1253" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SOCKS5 < / source >
< translation > SOCKS5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options.ui" line = "1410" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Filter path ( . dat , . p2p , . p2b ) : < / source >
< translation > ס נ ן נ ת י ב ( . dat , . p2p , . p2b ) : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PreviewSelect < / name >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "49" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "50" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Size < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "51" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Progress < / source >
< translation > ת ה ל י ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "78" / >
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "113" / >
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "119" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Preview impossible < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה ב ל ת י א פ ש ר י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "78" / >
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "113" / >
< location filename = "../previewselect.cpp" line = "119" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Sorry , we can & apos ; t preview this file < / source >
< translation > ס ל י ח ה , א נ ו ל א י כ ו ל י ם ל ה צ י ג ק ו ב ץ ז ה < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PropListDelegate < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "112" / >
< source > Not downloaded < / source >
< translation > ל א י ר ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "121" / >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "176" / >
< source > Normal < / source >
< comment > Normal ( priority ) < / comment >
< translation > ר ג י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "115" / >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "177" / >
< source > High < / source >
< comment > High ( priority ) < / comment >
< translation > ג ב ו ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "109" / >
< source > Mixed < / source >
< comment > Mixed ( priorities < / comment >
< translation > מ ע ו ר ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "118" / >
< location filename = "../properties/proplistdelegate.h" line = "178" / >
< source > Maximum < / source >
< comment > Maximum ( priority ) < / comment >
< translation > מ ק ס י מ ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PropTabBar < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proptabbar.cpp" line = "45" / >
< source > General < / source >
< translation > כ ל ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proptabbar.cpp" line = "50" / >
< source > Trackers < / source >
< translation > ט ר א ק ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proptabbar.cpp" line = "54" / >
< source > Peers < / source >
< translation > ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proptabbar.cpp" line = "58" / >
< source > HTTP Sources < / source >
< translation > מ ק ו ר ו ת HTTP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/proptabbar.cpp" line = "62" / >
< source > Content < / source >
< translation > ת ו כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PropertiesWidget < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "346" / >
< source > Save path : < / source >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< translation > נ ת י ב ש מ י ר ה : < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "438" / >
< source > Torrent hash : < / source >
< translation > ג י ב ו ב ט ו ר נ ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "206" / >
< source > Share ratio : < / source >
< translation > י ח ס ש י ת ו ף : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "77" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "223" / >
< source > Downloaded : < / source >
< translation > י ר ד : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "131" / >
< source > Availability : < / source >
< translation > ז מ י נ ו ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "166" / >
< source > Transfer < / source >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "172" / >
< source > Uploaded : < / source >
< translation > ה ו ע ל ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "274" / >
< source > Wasted : < / source >
< translation > ב ו ז ב ז : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "189" / >
< source > UP limit : < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ה ע ל א ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "240" / >
< source > DL limit : < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ה ו ר ד ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "257" / >
< source > Connections : < / source >
< translation > ח י ב ו ר י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "291" / >
< source > Time active : < / source >
< extracomment > Time ( duration ) the torrent is active ( not paused ) < / extracomment >
< translation > מ ש ך ז מ ן פ ע י ל : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "308" / >
< source > Reannounce in : < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ש ו ב ב ע ו ד : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "334" / >
< source > Information < / source >
< translation > מ י ד ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "392" / >
< source > Created on : < / source >
< translation > נ ו צ ר ב : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "481" / >
< source > Pieces size : < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל ה ח ל ק : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "524" / >
< source > Comment : < / source >
< translation > ה ע ר ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "668" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent content : < / source >
< translation > ת ו כ ן ה ט ו ר נ ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "721" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Select All < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ה כ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "728" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Select None < / source >
< translation > ל א ל ב ח ו ר כ ל ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "761" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Normal < / source >
< translation > ר ג י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "766" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > High < / source >
< translation > ג ב ו ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "771" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Maximum < / source >
< translation > מ ק ס י מ ו ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "776" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.ui" line = "779" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Do not download < / source >
< translation > ל א ל ה ו ר י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "319" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "320" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > this session < / source >
< translation > ב ק ט ע פ ע ו ל ה נ ו כ ח י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "324" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "328" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > / s < / source >
< comment > / second ( i . e . per second ) < / comment >
< translation > / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "331" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Seeded for % 1 < / source >
< comment > e . g . Seeded for 3 m10s < / comment >
< translation > מ ו פ ץ ל מ ש ך % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "335" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 max < / source >
< comment > e . g . 10 max < / comment >
< translation > מ ק ס י מ ו ם % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "428" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "448" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "428" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This file does not exist yet . < / source >
< translation > ה ק ו ב ץ ע ד י י ן ל א ק י י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "448" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This folder does not exist yet . < / source >
< translation > ה ת י ק י י ה א י נ ה ק י י מ ת ע ד י י ן . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "458" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename . . . < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "467" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Priority < / source >
< translation > ע ד י פ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "506" / >
< source > New Web seed < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "512" / >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< source > Remove Web seed < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "514" / >
< source > Copy Web seed URL < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "515" / >
< source > Edit Web seed URL < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "537" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename the file < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "538" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ח ד ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "542" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "573" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The file could not be renamed < / source >
< translation > ל א ה י ת ה א פ ש ר ו ת ל ש נ ו ת א ת ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "543" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This file name contains forbidden characters , please choose a different one . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה ק ו ב ץ מ כ י ל ת ו י ם ל א ח ו ק י י ם , נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ש ו נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "574" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "612" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This name is already in use in this folder . Please use a different name . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ז ה כ ב ר נ מ צ א ב ש י מ ו ש ב ת י ק י י ה ז ו . נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ש ו נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "611" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The folder could not be renamed < / source >
< translation > ל א ה י י ת ה א פ ש ר ו ת ל ש נ ו ת א ת ש ם ה ת י ק י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "650" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New url seed < / source >
< comment > New HTTP source < / comment >
< translation > מ פ י ץ url ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "651" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New url seed : < / source >
< translation > מ פ י ץ url ח ד ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "656" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "710" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "657" / >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "711" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This url seed is already in the list . < / source >
< translation > מ פ י ץ url ז ה כ ב ר ק י י ם ב ר ש י מ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "703" / >
< source > Web seed editing < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/propertieswidget.cpp" line = "704" / >
< source > Web seed URL : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > QBtSession < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "237" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "243" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 reached the maximum ratio you set . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ה ג י ע ל י ח ס ה מ ק ס י מ ל י ש ה ו ג ד ר . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "238" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Removing torrent % 1 . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ס י ר ט ו ר נ ט % 1 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "244" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Pausing torrent % 1 . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ש ה ה ט ו ר נ ט % 1 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "295" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "304" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent is bound to port : TCP / % 1 < / source >
< comment > e.g : qBittorrent is bound to port : 6881 < / comment >
< translation > qBittorrent מ ק ו ש ר ל פ ו ר ט TCP / % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "405" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > HTTP user agent is % 1 < / source >
< translation > נ צ י ג מ ש ת מ ש HTTP ה ו א % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "432" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Anonymous mode [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב א נ ו נ י מ י [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "434" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< source > Anonymous mode [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "466" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Reporting IP address % 1 to trackers . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ד ו ו ח כ ת ו ב ת IP % 1 ל ט ר א ק ר י ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "514" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > DHT support [ ON ] , port : UDP / % 1 < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת DHT [ פ ע י ל ] , פורט :UDP / % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "516" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "520" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > DHT support [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת DHT [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "524" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > PeX support [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת PeX [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "526" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > PeX support [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת PeX [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "529" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Restart is required to toggle PeX support < / source >
< translation > נ ד ר ש א ת ח ו ל כ ד י ל ש נ ו ת מ צ ב ת מ י כ ת PeX < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "537" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Local Peer Discovery support [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ה ב ג י ל ו י ע מ י ת י ם מ ק ו מ י י ם [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "549" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Encryption support [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ה ב ה צ פ נ ה [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "554" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Encryption support [ FORCED ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ה ב ה צ פ נ ה [ כ פ ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "559" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Encryption support [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ה ב ה צ פ נ ה [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "621" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Embedded Tracker [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > ט ר א ק ר מ ו ט מ ע [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "623" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to start the embedded tracker ! < / source >
< translation > נ כ ש ל ה ה ה פ ע ל ה ש ל ה ט ר א ק ר ה מ ו ט מ ע ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "626" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Embedded Tracker [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ט ר א ק ר מ ו ט מ ע [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "680" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The Web UI is listening on port % 1 < / source >
< translation > מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט מ א ז י ן ב פ ו ר ט % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "682" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Web User Interface Error - Unable to bind Web UI to port % 1 < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת מ נ ש ק מ ש ת מ ש א י נ ט ר נ ט - ל א מ צ ל י ח ל ק ש ר א ת מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ל פ ו ר ט % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "823" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; was removed from transfer list and hard disk . < / source >
< comment > & apos ; xxx . avi & apos ; was removed . . . < / comment >
< translation > % 1 ה ו ס ר מ ר ש י מ ת ה ה ע ב ר ה ו ה ד י ס ק ק ש י ח . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "825" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; was removed from transfer list . < / source >
< comment > & apos ; xxx . avi & apos ; was removed . . . < / comment >
< translation > % 1 ה ו ס ר מ ר ש י מ ת ה ה ע ב ר ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "920" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; is not a valid magnet URI . < / source >
< translation > % 1 א י נ ו URI מ ג נ ט י ח ו ק י . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "936" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1069" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1074" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1076" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; is already in download list . < / source >
< comment > e . g : & apos ; xxx . avi & apos ; is already in download list . < / comment >
< translation > % 1 כ ב ר ק י י ם ב ר ש מ י ת ה ה ו ר ד ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1201" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1206" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; resumed . ( fast resume ) < / source >
< comment > & apos ; / h o m e / y / x x x . t o r r e n t & a p o s ; w a s r e s u m e d . ( f a s t r e s u m e ) < / c o m m e n t >
< translation > % 1 ה ו ת ח ל מ ח ד ש . ( ה ת ח ל ה מ ה י ר ה ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2286" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The computer will now go to sleep mode unless you cancel within the next 15 seconds . . . < / source >
< translation > ה מ ח ש ב י ע ב ו ר ע כ ש י ו ל מ צ ב ש י נ ה א ל א א ם כ ן ז ה י ב ו ט ל ת ו ך 15 ש נ י ו ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2288" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The computer will now be switched off unless you cancel within the next 15 seconds . . . < / source >
< translation > ה מ ח ש ב ע כ ש י ו י י כ ב ה א ל א א ם כ ן ז ה י ב ו ט ל ת ו ך 15 ש נ י ו ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2290" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent will now exit unless you cancel within the next 15 seconds . . . < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent ע כ ש י ו י י צ א א ל א א ם כ ן ז ה י ב ו ט ל ת ו ך 15 ש נ י ו ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2425" / >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > An I / O error occurred , & apos ; % 1 & apos ; paused . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2835" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Successfully parsed the provided IP filter : % 1 rules were applied . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is a number < / comment >
< translation > מ ס נ ן ה IP ש ס ו פ ק נ ו ת ח בהצלחה : הוחלו % 1 כ ל ל י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2841" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Error : Failed to parse the provided IP filter . < / source >
< translation > שגיאה : ניתוח מ ס נ ן ה IP ש ס ו פ ק נ כ ש ל . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1001" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1203" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1208" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & apos ; % 1 & apos ; added to download list . < / source >
< comment > & apos ; / h o m e / y / x x x . t o r r e n t & a p o s ; w a s a d d e d t o d o w n l o a d l i s t . < / c o m m e n t >
< translation > % 1 נ ו ס ף ל ר ש מ י ת ה ה ו ר ד ו ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "396" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UPnP / NAT - PMP support [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת UPnP / NAT - PMP [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "399" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UPnP / NAT - PMP support [ OFF ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ת UPnP / NAT - PMP [ כ ב ו י ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "534" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Local Peer Discovery support [ ON ] < / source >
< translation > ת מ י כ ה ב ג י ל ו י ע מ י ת י ם מ ק ו מ י י ם [ פ ע י ל ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1037" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1045" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1047" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unable to decode torrent file : & apos ; % 1 & apos ; < / source >
< comment > e.g : Unable to decode torrent file : & apos ; / h o m e / y / x x x . t o r r e n t & a p o s ; < / c o m m e n t >
< translation > ל א מ צ ל י ח ל פ ע נ ח ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1051" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This file is either corrupted or this isn & apos ; t a torrent . < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ ז ה פ ג ו ם א ו ש א י נ ו ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1092" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Error : The torrent % 1 does not contain any file . < / source >
< translation > שגיאה : הטורנט % 1 ל א מ כ י ל ש ו ם ק ו ב ץ . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1333" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1361" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Note : new trackers were added to the existing torrent . < / source >
< translation > ש י ם לב : טראקרים ח ד ש י ם נ ו ס פ ו ל ט ו ר נ ט ה ק י י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1391" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Note : new URL seeds were added to the existing torrent . < / source >
< translation > ש י ם לב : מפיצי URL ח ד ש י ם נ ו ס פ ו ל ט ו ר נ ט ה ק י י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1733" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & apos ; red & apos ; & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /font> <i>was blocked due to your IP filter</i & gt ; < / source >
< comment > x . y . z . w was blocked < / comment >
< translation > & lt ; font color = & apos ; red & apos ; & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /font> <i> נחסם בגלל מסנן הIP שלך >/i & lt ; < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1735" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & apos ; red & apos ; & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /font> <i>was banned due to corrupt pieces</i & gt ; < / source >
< comment > x . y . z . w was banned < / comment >
< translation > & lt ; font color = & apos ; red & apos ; & gt ; % 1 & lt ; /font> <i>נחסם בשל חלקים פגומים</i & gt ; < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1934" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The network interface defined is invalid : % 1 < / source >
< translation > מ נ ש ק ה ר ש ת ש ה ו ג ד ר א י נ ו ז מ י ן : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > Trying any other network interface available instead . < / source >
2012-10-07 17:09:33 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > מ נ ס ה כ ל מ נ ש ק ר ש ת א ח ר ש ז מ י ן ב מ ק ו ם ז א ת . < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1952" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Listening on IP address % 1 on network interface % 2 . . . < / source >
< translation > מ א ז י ן ל כ ת ו ב ת IP % 1 ב מ נ ש ק ר ש ת % 2 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "1955" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to listen on network interface % 1 < / source >
< translation > ה א ז נ ה ע ל מ נ ש ק ר ש ת % 1 נ כ ש ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2136" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2138" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Recursive download of file % 1 embedded in torrent % 2 < / source >
< comment > Recursive download of test . torrent embedded in torrent test2 < / comment >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה ח ו ז ר ת ע ל ע צ מ ה ש ל ק ו ב ץ % 1 ש נ מ צ א ב ת ו ך ט ו ר נ ט % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2233" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2235" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unable to decode % 1 torrent file . < / source >
< translation > ל א מ צ ל י ח ל פ ע נ ח ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט % 1 . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2183" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent name : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ש ם ט ו ר נ ט : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2184" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent size : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל ט ו ר נ ט : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2185" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Save path : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ש מ ו ר נ ת י ב : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2186" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The torrent was downloaded in % 1 . < / source >
< comment > The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 seconds < / comment >
< translation > ה ט ו ר נ ט י ר ד ב : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2187" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Thank you for using qBittorrent . < / source >
< translation > ת ו ד ה ע ל ה ש י מ ו ש ב qBittorrent . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2190" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ qBittorrent ] % 1 has finished downloading < / source >
< translation > [ qBittorrent ] % 1 ס י י ם ל ר ד ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > An I / O error occured , & apos ; % 1 & apos ; paused . < / source >
< translation type = "obsolete" > ה ת ר ח ש ה ש ג י א ת I / O , % 1 ה ו ש ה ה . < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2426" / >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2537" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Reason : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ס י ב ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2501" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UPnP / NAT - PMP : Port mapping failure , message : % 1 < / source >
< translation > UPnP / NAT - PMP : מיפוי ה פ ו ר ט נ כ ש ל , ה ו ד ע ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2506" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > UPnP / NAT - PMP : Port mapping successful , message : % 1 < / source >
< translation > UPnP / NAT - PMP : מיפוי ה פ ו ר ט ה צ ל י ח , ה ו ד ע ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2532" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > File sizes mismatch for torrent % 1 , pausing it . < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל י ה ק ב צ י ם ל א מ ת א י מ י ם ל ט ו ר נ ט % 1 , מ ש ה ה א ו ת ו . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2536" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Fast resume data was rejected for torrent % 1 , checking again . . . < / source >
< translation > נ ת ו נ י ם ל ה ת ח ל ה מ ח ד ש מ ה י ר ה נ ד ח ו ע ב ו ר ט ו ר נ ט % 1 , ב ו ד ק ש ו ב . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2542" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Url seed lookup failed for url : % 1 , message : % 2 < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש מ פ י צ י Url נ כ ש ל ע ב ו ר Url % 1 , ה ו ד ע ה : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/qbtsession.cpp" line = "2665" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Downloading & apos ; % 1 & apos ; , please wait . . . < / source >
< comment > e.g : Downloading & apos ; xxx . torrent & apos ; , please wait . . . < / comment >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד % 1 , נ א ל ה מ ת י ן . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > RSS < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Search < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > New subscription < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו י ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "47" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "195" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "198" / >
< source > Mark items read < / source >
< translation > ס י מ ו ן פ ר י ט י ם כ נ ק ר א ו < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "66" / >
< source > Update all < / source >
< translation > ע ד כ ו ן ה כ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "95" / >
< source > RSS Downloader . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד ה RSS . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "102" / >
< source > Settings . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ו ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "124" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 0 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Torrents : & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; s p a n s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - s t y l e : i t a l i c ; & q u o t ; & g t ; ( d o u b l e - c l i c k t o d o w n l o a d ) & l t ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 0 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Torrents : & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; s p a n s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - s t y l e : i t a l i c ; & q u o t ; & g t ; ( d o u b l e - c l i c k t o d o w n l o a d ) & l t ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "158" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > Delete < / source >
< translation > מ ח י ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "166" / >
< source > Rename . . . < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "169" / >
< source > Rename < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "174" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "177" / >
< source > Update < / source >
< translation > ע ד כ ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "182" / >
< source > New subscription . . . < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו י ח ד ש . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "187" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "190" / >
< source > Update all feeds < / source >
< translation > ע ד כ ו ן כ ל ה ה ז נ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "203" / >
< source > Download torrent < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ת ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "208" / >
< source > Open news URL < / source >
< translation > פ ת י ח ת URL ש ל ח ד ש ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "213" / >
< source > Copy feed URL < / source >
< translation > ה ע ת ק ת URL ש ל ה ז נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "218" / >
< source > New folder . . . < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ה ח ד ש ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "223" / >
< source > Manage cookies . . . < / source >
< translation > נ י ה ו ל ע ו ג י ו ת ( Cookies ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rss.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > Refresh RSS streams < / source >
< translation > ר י ע נ ו ן ז ר ם RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > RSSImp < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "200" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please type a rss stream url < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד URL ש ל ז ר ם RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "200" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Stream URL : < / source >
< translation > ז ר ם URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "237" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "241" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure ? -- qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ? - qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "242" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & amp ; Yes < / source >
< translation > & amp ; כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "242" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & amp ; No < / source >
< translation > & amp ; ל א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "153" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please choose a folder name < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ת י ק י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "153" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Folder name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ת י ק י י ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "153" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New folder < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ה ח ד ש ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > Overwrite attempt < / source >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > מ נ ס ה ל ש כ ת ב < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > You cannot overwrite % 1 item . < / source >
< comment > You cannot overwrite myFolder item . < / comment >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > א י ן ב א פ ש ר ו ת כ ם ל ש כ ת ב א ת % 1 . < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "209" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "210" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This rss feed is already in the list . < / source >
< translation > ה ז נ ת RSS ז ו כ ב ר נ מ צ א ת ב ר י ש מ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "237" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to delete these elements from the list ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל מ ח ו ק פ ר ט י ם א ל ו מ ה ר ש י מ ה ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "241" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to delete this element from the list ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל מ ח ו ק פ ר י ט י ם א ל ו מ ה ר ש י מ ה ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "375" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please choose a new name for this RSS feed < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ח ד ש ל ה ז נ ת RSS ז ו < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "375" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New feed name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ה ז נ ה ח ד ש ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "379" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Name already in use < / source >
< translation > ה ש ם כ ב ר נ מ צ א ב ש י מ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "379" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This name is already used by another item , please choose another one . < / source >
< translation > ש ם ז ה כ ב ר נ מ צ א ב ש י מ ו ש ע ל י ד י פ ר י ט א ח ר , נ א ל ב ח ו ר ש ם ש ו נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "555" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Date : < / source >
< translation > ת א ר י ך : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "558" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Author : < / source >
< translation > מ ח ב ר : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rss_imp.cpp" line = "607" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unread < / source >
< translation > ל א נ ק ר א < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > RssFeed < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rssfeed.cpp" line = "345" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Automatically downloading % 1 torrent from % 2 RSS feed . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה א ו ט ו מ ט י ת ש ל ט ו ר נ ט % 1 מ ה ז נ ת RSS % 2 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > RssParser < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rssparser.cpp" line = "457" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to open downloaded RSS file . < / source >
< translation > פ ת י ח ת ה ק ו ב ץ ש י ר ד מ ה RSS נ כ ש ל ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../rss/rssparser.cpp" line = "494" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid RSS feed at % 1 . < / source >
< translation > ה ז נ ת RSS ל א ת ק י נ ה ב % 1 . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > RssSettingsDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rsssettingsdlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > RSS Reader Settings < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ו ת ק ו ר א RSS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rsssettingsdlg.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > RSS feeds refresh interval : < / source >
< translation > מ ר ו ו ח ז מ ן ל ר ע נ ו ן ה ז נ ת RSS : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rsssettingsdlg.ui" line = "70" / >
< source > minutes < / source >
< translation > ד ק ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../rss/rsssettingsdlg.ui" line = "77" / >
< source > Maximum number of articles per feed : < / source >
< translation > מ ס פ ר מ י ר ב י ש ל מ א מ ר י ם ל ה ז נ ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ScanFoldersModel < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../scannedfoldersmodel.cpp" line = "102" / >
< source > Watched Folder < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ה ב מ ע ק ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../scannedfoldersmodel.cpp" line = "103" / >
< source > Download here < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה ל כ א ן < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SearchCategories < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "52" / >
< source > All categories < / source >
< translation > כ ל ה ק ט ג ו ר י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "53" / >
< source > Movies < / source >
< translation > ס ר ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "54" / >
< source > TV shows < / source >
< translation > ת ו כ נ י ו ת ט ל ו י ז י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "55" / >
< source > Music < / source >
< translation > מ ו ז י ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "56" / >
< source > Games < / source >
< translation > מ ש ח ק י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "57" / >
< source > Anime < / source >
< translation > א נ י מ צ י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "58" / >
< source > Software < / source >
< translation > ת ו כ נ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "59" / >
< source > Pictures < / source >
< translation > ת מ ו נ ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/supportedengines.h" line = "60" / >
< source > Books < / source >
< translation > ס פ ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SearchEngine < / name >
< message >
< source > Cut < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > ג ז י ר ה < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Copy < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > ה ע ת ק ה < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Paste < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > ה ד ב ק ה < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Clear field < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > נ י ק ו י ש ד ה < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Clear completion history < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > מ ח י ק ת ה י ס ט ו ר י י ת ה ה ש ל מ ו ת < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Confirmation < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > א י מ ו ת < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Are you sure you want to clear the history ? < / source >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל מ ח ו ק א ת ה ה י ס ט ו ר י ה ? < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "221" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "251" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "252" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "232" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Missing Python Interpreter < / source >
< translation > ח ס ר פ ר ש ן Python < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "233" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Python 2 . x is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed .
Do you want to install it now ? < / source >
< translation > ב כ ד י ל ה ש ת מ ש ב מ נ ו ע ה ח י פ ו ש נ ד ר ש Python 2 . x , א ב ל ז ה ל א נ ר א ה ש ה ו א מ ו ת ק ן . ה א ם ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל ה ת ק י נ ו כ ע ת ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "263" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Empty search pattern < / source >
< translation > ת ב נ י ת ח י פ ו ש ר י ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "263" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please type a search pattern first < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד ת ח י ל ה ת ב נ י ת ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "288" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "377" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Results < / source >
< translation > ת ו צ א ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "356" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Searching . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ח פ ש . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "492" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search Engine < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו ע ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "492" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "507" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search has finished < / source >
< translation > ה ח י פ ו ש ה ס ת י י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > An error occured during search . . . < / source >
< translation type = "obsolete" > ה ת ר ח ש ה ש ג י א ה ב מ ה ל ך ה ח י פ ו ש . . . < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "496" / >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "502" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search aborted < / source >
< translation > ה ח י פ ו ש ה ו פ ס ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "172" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "172" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Python setup could not be downloaded , reason : % 1 .
Please install it manually . < / source >
< translation > ה ה ו ר ד ה ש ל ה ת ק נ ת Python ל א י כ ו ל ה ל ה ת ב צ ע , ה ס י ב ה : % 1 .
נ א ל ה ת ק י נ ו י ד נ י ת . < / translation >
< / message >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "498" / >
< source > An error occurred during search . . . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< message >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "505" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search returned no results < / source >
< translation > ה ח י פ ו ש ל א ה נ י ב ש ו ם ת ו צ א ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "512" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Results < / source >
< comment > i.e : Search results < / comment >
< translation > ת ו צ א ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "548" / >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchengine.cpp" line = "554" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation > ל א י ד ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SearchTab < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchtab.cpp" line = "55" / >
< source > Name < / source >
< comment > i.e : file name < / comment >
< translation > ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchtab.cpp" line = "56" / >
< source > Size < / source >
< comment > i.e : file size < / comment >
< translation > ג ו ד ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchtab.cpp" line = "57" / >
< source > Seeders < / source >
< comment > i.e : Number of full sources < / comment >
< translation > מ פ י צ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchtab.cpp" line = "58" / >
< source > Leechers < / source >
< comment > i.e : Number of partial sources < / comment >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/searchtab.cpp" line = "59" / >
< source > Search engine < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו ע ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ShutdownConfirmDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/shutdownconfirm.h" line = "44" / >
< source > Shutdown confirmation < / source >
< translation > ו ו ד א כ י ב ו י < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SpeedLimitDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../speedlimitdlg.h" line = "84" / >
< source > KiB / s < / source >
< translation > ק ב / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > StatusBar < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "67" / >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "180" / >
< source > Connection status : < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב ח י ב ו ר : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "67" / >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "180" / >
< source > No direct connections . This may indicate network configuration problems . < / source >
< translation > א י ן ח י ב ו ר י ש י ר . י כ ו ל ל ה י ו ת ש י ש ב ע י ו ת ב ה ג ד ר ו ת ה ר ש ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "95" / >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "187" / >
< source > DHT : % 1 nodes < / source >
< translation > DHT : % 1 צ מ ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "150" / >
< source > qBittorrent needs to be restarted < / source >
< translation > ל qBittorrent נ ד ר ש ת ה פ ע ל ה מ ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "160" / >
< source > qBittorrent was just updated and needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective . < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent ע ו ד כ נ ה ע כ ש י ו ו צ ר י כ ה ל ה פ ע י ל ע צ מ ה מ ח ד ש כ ד י ל ה ח י ל א ת ה ש י נ ו י י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "172" / >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "177" / >
< source > Connection Status : < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב ח י ב ו ר : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "172" / >
< source > Offline . This usually means that qBittorrent failed to listen on the selected port for incoming connections . < / source >
< translation > ל א מ ח ו ב ר . ב ד ר ך כ ל ל פ י ר ו ש ו ש qBittorrent ל א ה צ י ח ה ל ה ק ש י ב ל פ ו ר ט ה נ ב ח ר ל ח י ב ו ר י ם נ כ נ ס י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "177" / >
< source > Online < / source >
< translation > מ ח ו ב ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "193" / >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "194" / >
< source > % 1 / s < / source >
< comment > Per second < / comment >
< translation > % 1 / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "204" / >
< source > Click to switch to alternative speed limits < / source >
< translation > ה ק ל ק כ ד י ל ה ח ל י ף ל ה ג ב ל ו ת מ ה י ר ו ת ח י ל ו פ י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "200" / >
< source > Click to switch to regular speed limits < / source >
< translation > ה ק ל ק כ ד י ל ה ח ל י ף ל ה ג ב ל ו ת מ ה י ר ו ת ר ג י ל ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "220" / >
< source > Global Download Speed Limit < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה כ ל ל י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../statusbar.h" line = "245" / >
< source > Global Upload Speed Limit < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה כ ל ל י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TorrentContentModel < / name >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line = "41" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line = "41" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Size < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line = "42" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Progress < / source >
< translation > ת ה ל י ך < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcontentmodel.cpp" line = "42" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Priority < / source >
< translation > ה ע ד פ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TorrentCreatorDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "74" / >
< source > Select a folder to add to the torrent < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ת י ק י י ה ל ה ו ס פ ה ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "90" / >
< source > Select a file to add to the torrent < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ק ו ב ץ ל ה ו ס פ ה ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "113" / >
< source > No input path set < / source >
< translation > ל א ה ו ג ד ר נ ת י ב ל ה כ נ ס ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "113" / >
< source > Please type an input path first < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד נ ת י ב ה כ נ ס ה ק ו ד ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "123" / >
< source > Select destination torrent file < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט כ י ע ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "123" / >
< source > Torrent Files < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "150" / >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "164" / >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "174" / >
< source > Torrent creation < / source >
< translation > י צ י ר ת ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "150" / >
< source > Torrent creation was unsuccessful , reason : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ה ט ו ר נ ט נ ו צ ר ב ה צ ל ח ה , ס י ב ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "164" / >
< source > Created torrent file is invalid . It won & apos ; t be added to download list . < / source >
< translation > ה ט ו ר נ ט ש נ ו צ ר ל א ח ו ק י . ה ו א ל א י י ת ו ו ס ף . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/torrentcreatordlg.cpp" line = "174" / >
< source > Torrent was created successfully : < / source >
< translation > ה ט ו ר נ ט נ ו צ ר ב ה צ ל ח ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TorrentImportDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Torrent Import < / source >
< translation > י י ב ו א ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "53" / >
< source > This assistant will help you share with qBittorrent a torrent that you have already downloaded . < / source >
< translation > ה מ ס י י ע י ע ז ו ר ל כ ם ל ש ת ף ע ם qBittorrent ט ו ר נ ט ש כ ב ר ה ו ר ד ת ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "65" / >
< source > Torrent file to import : < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט ל י י ב ו א : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "81" / >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "109" / >
< source > . . . < / source >
< translation > . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > Content location : < / source >
< translation > מ י ק ו ם ה ת ו כ ן : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "121" / >
< source > Skip the data checking stage and start seeding immediately < / source >
< translation > ד י ל ו ג ע ל ש ל ב ב ד י ק ת ה מ י ד ע ו ה ת ח ל ה מ י י ד י ת ש ל ה ה פ צ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.ui" line = "131" / >
< source > Import < / source >
< translation > י י ב ו א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > Torrent file to import < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט ל י י ב ו א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "68" / >
< source > Torrent files ( * . torrent ) < / source >
< translation > ק ב צ י ט ו ר נ ט ( * . torrent ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "93" / >
< source > % 1 Files < / source >
< comment > % 1 is a file extension ( e . g . PDF ) < / comment >
< translation > ק ב צ י % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "95" / >
< source > Please provide the location of % 1 < / source >
< comment > % 1 is a file name < / comment >
< translation > נ א ל צ י י ן א ת ה מ י ק ו ם ש ל % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "130" / >
< source > Please point to the location of the torrent : % 1 < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה צ ב י ע ע ל ה מ י ק ו ם ש ל ה ט ו ר נ ט % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-07 17:09:33 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "235" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid torrent file < / source >
< translation > ש ם ט ו ר נ ט ל א ח ו ק י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-10-07 17:09:33 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentimportdlg.cpp" line = "235" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This is not a valid torrent file . < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט ז ה א י נ ו ת ק ף . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TorrentModel < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "249" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< comment > i.e : torrent name < / comment >
< translation > ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "251" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Size < / source >
< comment > i.e : torrent size < / comment >
< translation > ג ו ד ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "252" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Done < / source >
< comment > % Done < / comment >
< translation > ב ו צ ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "253" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Status < / source >
< comment > Torrent status ( e . g . downloading , seeding , paused ) < / comment >
< translation > מ צ ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "254" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Seeds < / source >
< comment > i . e . full sources ( often untranslated ) < / comment >
< translation > מ ש ת פ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "255" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Peers < / source >
< comment > i . e . partial sources ( often untranslated ) < / comment >
< translation > ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "256" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Down Speed < / source >
< comment > i.e : Download speed < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "257" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Up Speed < / source >
< comment > i.e : Upload speed < / comment >
< translation > מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "258" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Ratio < / source >
< comment > Share ratio < / comment >
< translation > י ח ס ש י ת ו ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "259" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > ETA < / source >
< comment > i.e : Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left < / comment >
< translation > ז מ ן מ ש ו ע ר ש נ ו ת ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "260" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Label < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "261" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Added On < / source >
< comment > Torrent was added to transfer list on 01 / 01 / 2010 08 :00 < / comment >
< translation > נ ו ס ף ב - < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "262" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Completed On < / source >
< comment > Torrent was completed on 01 / 01 / 2010 08 :00 < / comment >
< translation > ה ו ש ל ם ב - < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "263" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Tracker < / source >
< translation > ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "264" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Down Limit < / source >
< comment > i.e : Download limit < / comment >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "265" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Up Limit < / source >
< comment > i.e : Upload limit < / comment >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ה ע ל א ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "266" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Amount downloaded < / source >
< comment > Amount of data downloaded ( e . g . in MB ) < / comment >
< translation > ס כ ו ם ש י ר ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "267" / >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< source > Amount uploaded < / source >
< comment > Amount of data uploaded ( e . g . in MB ) < / comment >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "268" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Amount left < / source >
< comment > Amount of data left to download ( e . g . in MB ) < / comment >
< translation > ס כ ו ם ש נ ו ת ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../qtlibtorrent/torrentmodel.cpp" line = "269" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Time Active < / source >
< comment > Time ( duration ) the torrent is active ( not paused ) < / comment >
< translation > מ ש ך ז מ ן פ ע י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TrackerList < / name >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "64" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > URL < / source >
< translation > URL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "65" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Status < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "66" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Peers < / source >
< translation > ע מ י ת י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "67" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Message < / source >
< translation > ה ו ד ע ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "69" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ DHT ] < / source >
< translation > [ DHT ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "72" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ PeX ] < / source >
< translation > [ PeX ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "75" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ LSD ] < / source >
< translation > [ LSD ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "194" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "204" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "210" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "260" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Working < / source >
< translation > ע ו ב ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "196" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "206" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "212" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Disabled < / source >
< translation > ל א ז מ י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "199" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This torrent is private < / source >
< translation > ט ו ר נ ט ז ה ה ו א פ ר ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "264" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Updating . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ע ד כ ן . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "268" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Not working < / source >
< translation > ל א פ ו ע ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "271" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Not contacted yet < / source >
< translation > ל א מ ח ו ב ר ע ד י י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "360" / >
< source > Tracker URL : < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "361" / >
< source > Tracker editing < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "372" / >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "385" / >
< source > Tracker editing failed < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "372" / >
< source > The tracker URL entered is invalid . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "385" / >
< source > The tracker URL already exists . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "413" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Add a new tracker . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ט ר א ק ר ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "419" / >
2013-02-10 01:06:09 +04:00
< source > Copy tracker url < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-02-11 14:42:39 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "420" / >
< source > Edit selected tracker URL < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackerlist.cpp" line = "418" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Remove tracker < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > Force reannounce < / source >
2013-01-20 14:20:51 +04:00
< translation type = "obsolete" > כ פ י י ת ה ו ד ע ה ח ו ז ר ת < / translation >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TrackersAdditionDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Trackers addition dialog < / source >
< translation > ד ו ש י ח ה ו ס פ ת ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > List of trackers to add ( one per line ) : < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ת ט ר א ק ר י ם ל ה ו ס פ ה ( כ ל א ח ד ב ש ו ר ה ) : < / translation >
< / message >
< message utf8 = "true" >
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.ui" line = "44" / >
< source > µ Torrent compatible list URL : < / source >
< translation > כ ת ו ב ת URL ל ר ש י מ ה ת ו א מ ת ל - µ Torrent : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "78" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > I / O Error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת I / O < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "78" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Error while trying to open the downloaded file . < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ה ת ו ך כ ד י נ י ס י ו ן ל פ ת ו ח א ת ה ק ו ב ץ ש י ר ד . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "122" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > No change < / source >
< translation > א י ן ש י נ ו י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "122" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > No additional trackers were found . < / source >
< translation > ל א נ מ צ א ו ט ר א ק ר י ם נ ו ס פ י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "131" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-09 21:06:09 +04:00
< location filename = "../properties/trackersadditiondlg.h" line = "131" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > The trackers list could not be downloaded , reason : % 1 < / source >
< translation > ר ש י מ ת ה ט ר א ק ר י ם ל א י כ ו ל ה ל ר ד ת , ה ס י ב ה : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TransferListDelegate < / name >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "95" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Downloading < / source >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "99" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Paused < / source >
< translation > ה ש ה י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "103" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Queued < / source >
< comment > i . e . torrent is queued < / comment >
< translation > ב ת ו ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "107" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Seeding < / source >
< comment > Torrent is complete and in upload - only mode < / comment >
< translation > מ פ י ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "110" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Stalled < / source >
< comment > Torrent is waiting for download to begin < / comment >
< translation > מ מ ת י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "114" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Checking < / source >
< comment > Torrent local data is being checked < / comment >
< translation > נ ב ד ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "128" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > / s < / source >
< comment > / second ( . i . e per second ) < / comment >
< translation > / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "137" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > KiB / s < / source >
< comment > KiB / second ( . i . e per second ) < / comment >
< translation > ק ב / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-02 20:25:53 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistdelegate.h" line = "147" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Seeded for % 1 < / source >
< comment > e . g . Seeded for 3 m10s < / comment >
< translation > מ ו פ ץ ל מ ש ך % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TransferListFiltersWidget < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "206" / >
< source > Torrents < / source >
< translation > ט ו ר נ ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "212" / >
< source > Labels < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "226" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "308" / >
< source > All < / source >
< translation > ה כ ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "229" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "309" / >
< source > Downloading < / source >
< translation > מ ו ר י ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "232" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "310" / >
< source > Completed < / source >
< translation > ה ו ש ל ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "235" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "311" / >
< source > Paused < / source >
< translation > ה ו ש ה ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "312" / >
< source > Active < / source >
< translation > פ ע י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "241" / >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "313" / >
< source > Inactive < / source >
< translation > ל א פ ע י ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "255" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "492" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > All labels < / source >
< translation > כ ל ה ת ו י ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "258" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "493" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Unlabeled < / source >
< translation > ל ל א ת ו י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "340" / >
< source > Remove label < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר ת ת ו י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "341" / >
< source > Add label . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ת ו י ת . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "343" / >
< source > Resume torrents < / source >
< translation > ה פ ע ל מ ח ד ש ט ו ר נ ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "344" / >
< source > Pause torrents < / source >
< translation > ה ש ה י י ת ט ו ר נ ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "345" / >
< source > Delete torrents < / source >
< translation > מ ח ק ט ו ר נ ט י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "371" / >
< source > New Label < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת ח ד ש ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "371" / >
< source > Label : < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "376" / >
< source > Invalid label name < / source >
< translation > ש ם ת ו י ת ל א ח ו ק י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../transferlistfilterswidget.h" line = "376" / >
< source > Please don & apos ; t use any special characters in the label name . < / source >
< translation > נ א ל א ל ה ש ת מ ש ב ת ו י ם מ י ו ח ד י ם ל ש ם ש ל ת ו י ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > TransferListWidget < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "541" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Column visibility < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ת ט ו ר י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "776" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Label < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "241" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Choose save path < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת נ ת י ב ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "463" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent Download Speed Limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ו ר ד ה ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "496" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Torrent Upload Speed Limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת מ ה י ר ו ת ה ע ל א ה ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "529" / >
2012-10-07 17:21:11 +04:00
< source > Recheck confirmation < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "529" / >
2012-10-07 17:21:11 +04:00
< source > Are you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent ( s ) ? < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "604" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New Label < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת ח ד ש ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "604" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Label : < / source >
< translation > ת ו י ת : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "609" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid label name < / source >
< translation > ש ם ת ו י ת ל א ח ו ק י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "609" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please don & apos ; t use any special characters in the label name . < / source >
< translation > נ א ל א ל ה ש ת מ ש ב ת ו י ם מ י ו ח ד י ם ל ש ם ש ל ת ו י ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "626" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "626" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New name : < / source >
< translation > ש ם ח ד ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "660" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Resume < / source >
< comment > Resume / start the torrent < / comment >
< translation > ח י ד ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "662" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Pause < / source >
< comment > Pause the torrent < / comment >
< translation > ה ש ה י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "664" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Delete < / source >
< comment > Delete the torrent < / comment >
< translation > מ ח י ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "666" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Preview file . . . < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה ל ק ו ב ץ . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "668" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Limit share ratio . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל י ח ס ש י ת ו ף . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "670" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Limit upload rate . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ע ל א ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "672" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Limit download rate . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת ק צ ב ה ו ר ד ה . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "674" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Open destination folder < / source >
< translation > פ ת י ח ת ת י ק י י ת י ע ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "676" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Move up < / source >
< comment > i . e . move up in the queue < / comment >
< translation > ה ע ל א ה מ ע ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "678" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Move down < / source >
< comment > i . e . Move down in the queue < / comment >
< translation > ה ו ר ד מ ט ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "680" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Move to top < / source >
< comment > i . e . Move to top of the queue < / comment >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ל ה ת ח ל ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "682" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Move to bottom < / source >
< comment > i . e . Move to bottom of the queue < / comment >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ל ס ו ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "684" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Set location . . . < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר מ י ק ו ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "819" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Priority < / source >
< translation > ע ד י פ ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "686" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Force recheck < / source >
< translation > כ פ י י ת ב ד י ק ה ח ו ז ר ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "688" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Copy magnet link < / source >
< translation > ה ע ת ק ק י ש ו ר מ ג נ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "690" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Super seeding mode < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב ה פ צ ה מ ו ג ב ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "693" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Rename . . . < / source >
< translation > ש י נ ו י ש ם . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "695" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download in sequential order < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה ב ס ד ר ע ו ק ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "698" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download first and last piece first < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה ת ח י ל ה ש ל ה ח ל ק ה ר א ש ו ן ו ה א ח ר ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "777" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > New . . . < / source >
< comment > New label . . . < / comment >
< translation > ח ד ש . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../transferlistwidget.cpp" line = "778" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Reset < / source >
< comment > Reset label < / comment >
< translation > א י פ ו ס < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > UpDownRatioDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Torrent Upload / Download Ratio Limiting < / source >
< translation > ה ג ב ל ת י ח ס ה ע ל א ה / ה ו ר ד ה ל ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Use global ratio limit < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש ב ה ג ב ל ת י ח ס כ ל ל י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "23" / >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "33" / >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "45" / >
< source > buttonGroup < / source >
< translation > buttonGroup < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "30" / >
< source > Set no ratio limit < / source >
< translation > ל א ל ה ג ד י ר ה ג ב ל ת י ח ס ש י ת ו ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../updownratiodlg.ui" line = "42" / >
< source > Set ratio limit to < / source >
< translation > ה ג ד ר ת ה ג ב ל ת י ח ס ש י ת ו ף ל - < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > UsageDisplay < / name >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "83" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Usage : < / source >
< translation > ש י מ ו ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "84" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > displays program version < / source >
< translation > ה צ ג ת ג י ר ס ת ת ו כ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "86" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > disable splash screen < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל מ ס ך ס פ ל א ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "88" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< source > run in daemon - mode ( background ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "90" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > displays this help message < / source >
< translation > מ צ י ג א ת ה ו ד ע ת ה ע ז ר ה ה ז ו < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "91" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > changes the webui port ( current : % 1 ) < / source >
< translation > ש נ ה א ת פ ו ר ט מ נ ש ק ה א י נ ט ר נ ט ( נ ו כ ח י : % 1 ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< location filename = "../main.cpp" line = "92" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > [ files or urls ] : downloads the torrents passed by the user ( optional ) < / source >
< translation > [ ק ב צ י ם א ו כ ת ו ב ו ת URL ] : ה ו ר ד ה ש ל ה ט ו ר נ ט י ם ש ה ו ע ב ר ו ע ל י ד י ה מ ש ת מ ש ( א ו פ צ י ו נ ל י ) < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > about < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../about_imp.h" line = "54" / >
< source > qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../about_imp.h" line = "64" / >
< source > I would like to thank the following people who volunteered to translate qBittorrent : < / source >
< translation > ב ר צ ו נ י ל ה ו ד ו ת ל א נ ש י ם ה ב א י ם ש ה ת נ ד ב ו ל ת ר ג ם א ת qBittorrent : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 19:25:00 +04:00
< location filename = "../about_imp.h" line = "100" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Please contact me if you would like to translate qBittorrent into your own language . < / source >
< translation > א ם ב ר צ ו נ ך ל ת ר ג ם א ת qBittorrent ל ש פ ה ש ל ך , א נ א צ ו ר א י ת י ק ש ר . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > addPeerDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peer.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Peer addition < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ע מ י ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peer.ui" line = "36" / >
< source > IP < / source >
< translation > IP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../properties/peer.ui" line = "59" / >
< source > Port < / source >
< translation > פ ו ר ט < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > authentication < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "14" / >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Tracker authentication < / source >
< translation > א י מ ו ת ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "64" / >
< source > Tracker : < / source >
< translation > ט ר א ק ר : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "86" / >
< source > Login < / source >
< translation > ה י כ נ ס < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "94" / >
< source > Username : < / source >
< translation > ש ם מ ש ת מ ש : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "117" / >
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > ס י ס מ א : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "154" / >
< source > Log in < / source >
< translation > ה י כ נ ס < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../login.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > confirmDeletionDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../confirmdeletiondlg.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > Deletion confirmation - qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > א י מ ו ת מ ח י ק ה - qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../confirmdeletiondlg.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list ? < / source >
< translation > ה א ם א ת ם ב ט ו ח י ם ש ב ר צ ו נ כ ם ל מ ח ו ק א ת ה ט ו ר נ ט י ם ש נ ב ח ר ו מ ר ש י מ ת ה ה ע ב ר ו ת ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../confirmdeletiondlg.ui" line = "67" / >
< source > Remember choice < / source >
< translation > ז כ י ר ת ה ב ח י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../confirmdeletiondlg.ui" line = "94" / >
< source > Also delete the files on the hard disk < / source >
< translation > ל מ ח ו ק ג ם א ת ה ק ב צ י ם מ ה ד י ס ק ה ק ש י ח < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > createTorrentDialog < / name >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "283" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Torrent Creation Tool < / source >
< translation > כ ל י י צ י ר ת ה ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "38" / >
< source > Torrent file creation < / source >
< translation > י צ י ר ת ק ו ב ץ ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "60" / >
< source > Add file < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "67" / >
< source > Add folder < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ת י ק י י ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "48" / >
< source > File or folder to add to the torrent : < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ א ו ת י ק י י ה ל ה ו ס פ ה ל ט ו ר נ ט : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "78" / >
< source > Tracker URLs : < / source >
< translation > URL ש ל ט ר א ק ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "88" / >
< source > Web seeds urls : < / source >
< translation > URL ש ל מ פ י צ י ם ב א י נ ט ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "98" / >
< source > Comment : < / source >
< translation > ה ע ר ה : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "127" / >
< source > You can separate tracker tiers / groups with an empty line . < / source >
< comment > A tracker tier is a group of trackers , consisting of a main tracker and its mirrors . < / comment >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "148" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Piece size : < / source >
< translation > ג ו ד ל ה ח ל ק : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "165" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 32 KiB < / source >
< translation > 32 ק י ל ו ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "170" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 64 KiB < / source >
< translation > 64 ק י ל ו ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "175" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 128 KiB < / source >
< translation > 128 ק י ל ו ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "180" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 256 KiB < / source >
< translation > 256 ק י ל ו ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "185" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 512 KiB < / source >
< translation > 512 ק י ל ו ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "190" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 1 MiB < / source >
< translation > 1 מ ג ה ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "195" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 2 MiB < / source >
< translation > 2 מ ג ה ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "200" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > 4 MiB < / source >
< translation > 4 מ ג ה ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "208" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Auto < / source >
< translation > א ו ט ו מ ט י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "233" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Private ( won & apos ; t be distributed on DHT network if enabled ) < / source >
< translation > פ ר ט י ( ל א י ו פ ץ ע ל ר ש ת ה DHT א ם מ א ו פ ש ר ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "240" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Start seeding after creation < / source >
< translation > ה ת ח ל ה פ צ ה ל א ח ר ה י צ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "276" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Create and save . . . < / source >
< translation > י צ י ר ה ו ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-03-10 22:03:21 +04:00
< location filename = "../torrentcreator/createtorrent.ui" line = "247" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Progress : < / source >
< translation > ת ה ל י ך : < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > downloadFromURL < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.ui" line = "28" / >
< source > Add torrent links < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ק י ש ו ר י ט ו ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.ui" line = "55" / >
< source > Both HTTP and Magnet links are supported < / source >
< translation > ג ם HTTP ו ג ם ק י ש ו ר י ם מ ג נ ט י י ם נ ת מ כ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.ui" line = "77" / >
< source > Download < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Download from urls < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה מ כ ת ו ב ת URL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.h" line = "78" / >
< source > No URL entered < / source >
< translation > ל א ה ו ז ן URL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../downloadfromurldlg.h" line = "78" / >
< source > Please type at least one URL . < / source >
< translation > נ א ל ה ק ל י ד ל פ ח ו ת URL א ח ד . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > engineSelect < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Search plugins < / source >
< translation > ת ו ס פ י ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "30" / >
< source > Installed search engines : < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו ע י ח י פ ו ש מ ו ת ק נ י ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "50" / >
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > ש ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "55" / >
< source > Url < / source >
< translation > URL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "60" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "119" / >
< source > Enabled < / source >
< translation > מ א ו פ ש ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "78" / >
< source > You can get new search engine plugins here : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a></source>
< translation > ב א פ ש ר ו ת כ ם ל ק ב ל ת ו ס פ י ם ל מ נ ו ע י ח י פ ו ש כ א ן : & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > Install a new one < / source >
< translation > ה ת ק נ ת ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "100" / >
< source > Check for updates < / source >
< translation > ב ד י ק ת ע ד כ ו נ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "107" / >
< source > Close < / source >
< translation > ס ג י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselect.ui" line = "124" / >
< source > Uninstall < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר ת ה ת ו כ נ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > engineSelectDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "175" / >
< source > Uninstall warning < / source >
< translation > א ז ה ר ת ה ס ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "175" / >
< source > Some plugins could not be uninstalled because they are included in qBittorrent .
Only the ones you added yourself can be uninstalled .
However , those plugins were disabled . < / source >
< translation > א י ן א פ ש ר ו ת ל ה ס י ר כ מ ה מ ה ת ו ס פ י ם , ה ם ח ל ק מ ת ו כ נ ת qBittorrent .
נ י ת ן ל ה ס י ר ר ק א ת ה ת ו ס פ י ם ש ה ו ס פ ת ם ב ע צ מ כ ם .
ב כ ל מ ק ר ה , ת ו ס פ י ם א ל ו ה פ כ ו ל ל א ז מ י נ י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "177" / >
< source > Uninstall success < / source >
< translation > ה ס ר ה ה צ ל י ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "341" / >
< source > Select search plugins < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ת ו ס פ י ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "342" / >
< source > qBittorrent search plugins < / source >
< translation > ת ו ס פ י ח י פ ו ש ש ל qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "263" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "268" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "277" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "280" / >
< source > Search plugin install < / source >
< translation > ה ת ק נ ת ת ו ס פ י ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "118" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "189" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "300" / >
< source > Yes < / source >
< translation > כ ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "121" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "155" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "192" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "303" / >
< source > No < / source >
< translation > ל א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "263" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "268" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "277" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "280" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "394" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "427" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "448" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "455" / >
< source > qBittorrent < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "238" / >
< source > A more recent version of % 1 search engine plugin is already installed . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > ג ר ס א מ ע ו ד כ נ ת י ו ת ר ש ל % 1 כ ב ר מ ו ת ק נ ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "394" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "427" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "448" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "455" / >
< source > Search plugin update < / source >
< translation > ח פ ש ע ד כ ו נ י ם ל ת ו ס פ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "427" / >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "448" / >
< source > Sorry , update server is temporarily unavailable . < / source >
< translation > מ צ ט ע ר י ם , ז מ נ י ת ש ר ת ה ע ד כ ו נ י ם ל א ז מ י ן . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "394" / >
< source > All your plugins are already up to date . < / source >
< translation > כ ל ה ת ו ס פ י ם מ ע ו ד כ נ י ם . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "263" / >
< source > % 1 search engine plugin could not be updated , keeping old version . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > ת ו ס ף ה ח י פ ו ש % 1 ל א נ י ת ן ל ע י ד כ ו ן , ש ו מ ר ע ל ה ג י ר ס ה ה י ש נ ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "268" / >
< source > % 1 search engine plugin could not be installed . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > ל א נ י ת ן ל ה ת ק י ן א ת ת ו ס ף ה ח י פ ו ש % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "177" / >
< source > All selected plugins were uninstalled successfully < / source >
< translation > כ ל ה ת ו ס פ י ם ה ו ס ר ו ב ה צ ל ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "277" / >
< source > % 1 search engine plugin was successfully updated . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > ת ו ס ף ה ח י פ ו ש % 1 ע ו ד כ ן ב ה צ ל ח ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "280" / >
< source > % 1 search engine plugin was successfully installed . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > ת ו ס ף ה ח י פ ו ש % 1 ה ו ת ק ן ב ה צ ל ח ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "455" / >
< source > Sorry , % 1 search plugin install failed . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is the name of the search engine < / comment >
< translation > מ צ ט ע ר י ם , ת ו ס ף ה ח י פ ו ש % 1 ל א ה ו ת ק ן ב ה צ ל ח ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "330" / >
< source > New search engine plugin URL < / source >
< translation > כ ת ו ב ת URL ש ל ת ו ס ף מ נ ו ע ח י פ ו ש ח ד ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/engineselectdlg.cpp" line = "331" / >
< source > URL : < / source >
< translation > URL < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2013-01-27 00:18:24 +04:00
< context >
< name > errorDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../stacktrace_win_dlg.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Crash info < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< context >
< name > fsutils < / name >
< message >
2012-12-09 16:33:17 +04:00
< location filename = "../fs_utils.cpp" line = "430" / >
< location filename = "../fs_utils.cpp" line = "461" / >
< location filename = "../fs_utils.cpp" line = "473" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Downloads < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > misc < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "73" / >
< source > B < / source >
< comment > bytes < / comment >
< translation > ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "74" / >
< source > KiB < / source >
< comment > kibibytes ( 1024 bytes ) < / comment >
< translation > ק ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "75" / >
< source > MiB < / source >
< comment > mebibytes ( 1024 kibibytes ) < / comment >
< translation > מ ב < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "76" / >
< source > GiB < / source >
< comment > gibibytes ( 1024 mibibytes ) < / comment >
< translation > ג י ג ה ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "77" / >
< source > TiB < / source >
< comment > tebibytes ( 1024 gibibytes ) < / comment >
< translation > ט ר ה ב י י ט < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "246" / >
< source > / s < / source >
< comment > per second < / comment >
< translation > / ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-11-15 21:36:54 +04:00
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "391" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 h % 2 m < / source >
< comment > e.g : 3hours 5 minutes < / comment >
< translation > % 1 ש % 2 ד < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-11-15 21:36:54 +04:00
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "396" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 d % 2 h < / source >
< comment > e.g : 2days 10 hours < / comment >
< translation > % 1 י מ י ם % 2 ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "236" / >
< source > Unknown < / source >
< comment > Unknown ( size ) < / comment >
< translation > ל א י ד ו ע < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "178" / >
< source > qBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete . < / source >
< translation > qBittorrent י כ ב ה כ ע ת א ת ה מ ח ש ב ה י ו ת ש כ ל ה ה ו ר ד ו ת ה ס ת י י מ ו . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-11-15 21:36:54 +04:00
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "382" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > & lt ; 1 m < / source >
< comment > & lt ; 1 minute < / comment >
< translation > פ ח ו ת מ ד ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-11-15 21:36:54 +04:00
< location filename = "../misc.cpp" line = "386" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > % 1 m < / source >
< comment > e.g : 10minutes < / comment >
< translation > % 1 ד ק ו ת < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "241" / >
< source > Working < / source >
< translation > פ ו ע ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "244" / >
< source > Updating . . . < / source >
< translation > מ ע ד כ ן . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "246" / >
< source > Not working < / source >
< translation > ל א פ ו ע ל < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "246" / >
< source > Not contacted yet < / source >
< translation > ל א מ ח ו ב ר ע ד י י ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "298" / >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "299" / >
< source > this session < / source >
< translation > ב ק ט ע פ ע ו ל ה נ ו כ ח י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "310" / >
< source > Seeded for % 1 < / source >
< comment > e . g . Seeded for 3 m10s < / comment >
< translation > מ ו פ ץ ל מ ש ך % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "312" / >
< source > % 1 max < / source >
< comment > e . g . 10 max < / comment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "380" / >
< source > D : % 1 / s - T : % 2 < / source >
< comment > Download speed : x KiB / s - Transferred : x MiB < / comment >
< translation > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../webui/btjson.cpp" line = "381" / >
< source > U : % 1 / s - T : % 2 < / source >
< comment > Upload speed : x KiB / s - Transferred : x MiB < / comment >
< translation > ה ע : % 1 / ש - ה ו ע ב ר : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > options_imp < / name >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1122" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1124" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Choose export directory < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ת י ק י י ה ל י י צ ו א < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1164" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1166" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1181" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1183" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Choose a save directory < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ת י ק י י ה ל ש מ י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1146" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1148" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Choose an ip filter file < / source >
< translation > ב ח י ר ת ק ו ב ץ מ ס נ ן IP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1079" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Add directory to scan < / source >
< translation > ה ו ס פ ת ת י ק י י ה ל ס ר י ק ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1085" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Folder is already being watched . < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ה ז ו כ ב ר נ צ פ י ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1088" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Folder does not exist . < / source >
< translation > ת י ק י י ה ל א ק י י מ ת . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1091" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Folder is not readable . < / source >
< translation > ה ת י ק י י ה ל א נ י ת נ ת ל ק ר י א ה . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1099" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failure < / source >
< translation > כ ש ל ו ן < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1099" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to add Scan Folder & apos ; % 1 & apos ; : % 2 < / source >
< translation > ס ר י ק ת ה ת י ק י י ה & apos ; % 1 & apos ; נ כ ש ל ה : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1146" / >
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1148" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Filters < / source >
< translation > מ ס נ נ י ם < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1226" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SSL Certificate ( * . crt * . pem ) < / source >
< translation > א י ש ו ר SSL ( * . crt * . pem ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1237" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > SSL Key ( * . key * . pem ) < / source >
< translation > מ פ ת ח SSL ( * . key * . pem ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1268" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Parsing error < / source >
< translation > ש ג י א ת נ י ת ו ח < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1268" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Failed to parse the provided IP filter < / source >
< translation > ל א ה צ ל י ח ל נ ת ח א ת מ ס נ ן ה IP ש ס ו פ ק < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1270" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Successfully refreshed < / source >
< translation > ר ו ע נ ן ב ה צ ל ח ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1270" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Successfully parsed the provided IP filter : % 1 rules were applied . < / source >
< comment > % 1 is a number < / comment >
< translation > מ ס נ ן ה IP ש ס ו פ ק נ ו ת ח ב ה צ ל ח ה : % 1 כ ל ל י ם ה ו ח ל ו . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1341" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid key < / source >
< translation > מ פ ת ח ל א ת ק ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1341" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This is not a valid SSL key . < / source >
< translation > מ פ ת ח SSL ז ה א י נ ו ת ק ף . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1356" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Invalid certificate < / source >
< translation > א י ש ו ר ל א ת ק ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2013-07-03 19:25:18 +04:00
< location filename = "../preferences/options_imp.cpp" line = "1356" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > This is not a valid SSL certificate . < / source >
< translation > א י ש ו ר SSL ז ה א י נ ו ת ק ף . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > pluginSourceDlg < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/pluginsource.ui" line = "13" / >
< source > Plugin source < / source >
< translation > מ ק ו ר ה ת ו ס ף < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/pluginsource.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Search plugin source : < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש מ ק ו ר ת ו ס ף : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/pluginsource.ui" line = "35" / >
< source > Local file < / source >
< translation > ק ו ב ץ מ ק ו מ י < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/pluginsource.ui" line = "42" / >
< source > Web link < / source >
< translation > ק י ש ו ר ל א י נ ט ר נ ט < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > preview < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../preview.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Preview selection < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה ש ל ב ח י ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preview.ui" line = "38" / >
< source > File preview < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה ל ק ו ב ץ < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preview.ui" line = "54" / >
< source > The following files support previewing , & lt ; br & gt ; please select one of them : < / source >
< translation > ה ק ב צ י ם ה ב א י ם ת ו מ כ י ם ב ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה , & lt ; br & gt ; נ א ל ב ח ו ר א ח ד מ ה ם : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preview.ui" line = "82" / >
< source > Preview < / source >
< translation > ת צ ו ג ה מ ק ד י מ ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../preview.ui" line = "89" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > ב י ט ו ל < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > search_engine < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "14" / >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "31" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search < / source >
< translation > ח י פ ו ש < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "54" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Status : < / source >
< translation > מ צ ב : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "78" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Stopped < / source >
< translation > נ ע צ ר < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "110" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Download < / source >
< translation > ה ו ר ד ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "120" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Go to description page < / source >
< translation > ה ע ב ר ה ל ד ף ה ג ד ר ה < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-09-15 11:06:27 +04:00
< location filename = "../searchengine/search.ui" line = "140" / >
2012-09-15 11:05:50 +04:00
< source > Search engines . . . < / source >
< translation > מ נ ו ע ח י פ ו ש . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< / TS >