- added `zh-cn` locale
- added `server` field to `config.yaml` file that indicates
currently using game server - `global` or `cn`
its default value is based on the system language
- `constants.paths.gameDataDir` returns path based on `server` config property
- `constants.placeholders.uppercase.full` was changed to an object:
+ global: <global game name>
+ cn: <cn game name>
- in `constants.uri.*` changed second fields:
+ api
+ telemetry
they're following the same format as `full` placeholder
- `constants.versionsUri()` and
`constants.backgroundUri()` are functions now
their output depends on server you're passing as a parameter
- added `Game.server` field (global / cn)
- `PatchInfo` type now contains `server` field
- `Patch.getPatchInfo()` also depends on `Game.server` value
- reworked `Background.get()` method to support cn game api
- updated readme
- added DXVK 1.9.4 and made it default;
DXVK 1.8 and 1.8.1 now aren't recommended
- added Indonesian
- added Wine synchronization option in settings
that can accept None, ESync or FSync
- added `xdelta3` package existing checking before patch applying;
also added an error notification when patch repos are not available
- added `Launcher.version` field that represents... current launcher version
- made `Git` class to work with git repositories;
made `Git.getTags()` method to list remove repository tags
- added outdated launcher version notification
- updated readme
- removed es-es locale because no one use it
- updated German, French and uwu languages
- fixed old launcher logs deletion
- added environmental variables manager
- fixed `Domain.getInfo()` method work in some specific cases(?)
- added Italian
- added `Locales.supported()` and `Locales.fallback()` methods
now launcher can have locales unsupported by the game
From previous commits:
- fixed shaders work
- made `Tray` class to manage tray features
- added tray icon
- added `folders` field in config file
and now you can specify some pathes
- added `constants.paths.tempDir` field
- Discord RPC icons were moved to `src/assets/images/discord` folder
and highly optimized
- added templates for `fr-fr`, `es-es` and `vi-vn` translations
- added Discord RPC icons selection
- added windows centering;
also added `Window.current.center()` method
- added custom shaders option in settings menu
- fixed `applied` patch info field caching
- decreased splash screen timings
- Discord RPC icons were moved to `src/assets/images/discord` folder
and highly optimized
- added templates for `fr-fr`, `es-es` and `vi-vn` translations
- added Discord RPC icons selection
- added windows centering;
also added `Window.current.center()` method