mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 21:19:54 +03:00
feat: reworked gamescope settings
This commit is contained in:
44 changed files with 1179 additions and 275 deletions
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ checksum = "5c6cb57a04249c6480766f7f7cef5467412af1490f8d1e243141daddada3264f"
name = "anime-game-core"
version = "1.22.0"
source = "git+https://github.com/an-anime-team/anime-game-core?tag=1.22.0#41a15f2f5620d281e22ccf2e7e68391c9d08cf5c"
version = "1.22.2"
source = "git+https://github.com/an-anime-team/anime-game-core?tag=1.22.2#e3f2c3361bd986e60c8b8e11b0921ac46d6473b8"
dependencies = [
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ dependencies = [
name = "anime-launcher-sdk"
version = "1.17.0"
source = "git+https://github.com/an-anime-team/anime-launcher-sdk?tag=1.17.0#a17a0824344d24bf02de00aee71967b028c176bb"
version = "1.18.0"
source = "git+https://github.com/an-anime-team/anime-launcher-sdk?tag=1.18.0#62053890f6da849aba5253cac0e3ff769bb756bb"
dependencies = [
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ glib-build-tools = "0.20"
git = "https://github.com/an-anime-team/anime-launcher-sdk"
tag = "1.17.0"
tag = "1.18.0"
features = ["all", "genshin"]
# path = "../anime-launcher-sdk" # ! for dev purposes only
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Prodleva v milisekundách mezi přepisován
window-mode = Režim v okně
borderless = Celá obrazovka v okně
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Celá obrazovka
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Rozlišení hry
gamescope-resolution = Rozlišení Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Škálování
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Integerové škálování
integer-scaling-description = Změní každý pixel na čtvercovou nebo obdélníkovou skupinu celočíselného počtu pixelů stejné barvy. Zabraňuje ztrátě ostrosti při škálování Full HD na 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Technika upscalingu s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem vyvinutá společností AMD pro lepší kvalitu škálování
nis-description = Technika škálování s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem vyvinutá společností Nvidia jako nezávislá, nenáročná alternativa k jejich proprietárnímu řešení DLSS, což znamená, že funguje na grafických procesorech AMD a Intel a také na GPU Nvidia.
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Další nastavení
framerate-limit = FPS limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = FPS limit při nečinosti
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Vynutit uchopení kurzoru
force-grab-cursor-description = Vždy používejte relativní režim myši namísto překlápění v závislosti na viditelnosti kurzoru. Kurzor myši bude ve hře správně vycentrován
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Fenster Modus
borderless = Randlos
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Vollbild
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Spiel-Auflösung
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope-Auflösung
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Integer-Skalierung
integer-scaling-description = Verwandelt jeden Pixel in eine quadratische oder rechteckige Gruppe mit einer ganzzahligen Anzahl gleichfarbiger Pixel. Verhindert Schärfeverluste bei der Skalierung von Full HD auf 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Eine von AMD entwickelte Open-Source-Upscaling-Technik für bessere Upscaling-Qualität
nis-description = Eine Open-Source-Upscaling-Technik, die von Nvidia als herstellerübergreifende, kostengünstige Alternative zu ihrer proprietären DLSS-Lösung entwickelt wurde, d. h. sie funktioniert sowohl auf AMD- und Intel-GPUs als auch auf Nvidia-GPUs
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Andere Einstellungen
framerate-limit = Framerate-Limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfokussiert Framerate-Limit
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Cursor greifen erzwingen
force-grab-cursor-description = Verwende immer den relativen Mausmodus, anstatt abhängig von der Sichtbarkeit des Cursors umzuschalten. Der Mauszeiger wird korrekt in der Mitte des Spiels zentriert.
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Window Mode
borderless = Borderless
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Fullscreen
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Game resolution
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope resolution
upscaling = Upscaling
integer-scaling = Integer scaling
integer-scaling-description = Turns each pixel into a square or rectangular group of integer number of same-color pixels. Prevents sharpness loss when scaling Full HD to 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = An open-source upscaling technique developed by AMD for better upscaling quality
nis-description = An open source upscaling technique developed by Nvidia as a cross-vendor, low-overhead alternative to their proprietary DLSS solution, meaning it works on AMD and Intel GPUs as well as Nvidia GPUs
other-settings = Other settings
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Modo de ventana
borderless = Sin bordes
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Pantalla completa
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Resolución del juego
gamescope-resolution = Resolución de Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Reescalado
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Escalado por números enteros
integer-scaling-description = Convierte a cada pixel en un grupo cuadrado o rectangular de pixeles del mismo color al escalar. Evita pérdidas de nitidez al escalar desde Full HD a 4K.
gamescope-fsr-description = Una técnica de escalado de código abierto desarrollada por AMD para mejor calidad de reescalado.
nis-description = Una técnica de escalado de código abierto desarrollada por Nvidia, pensada como una alternativa más compatible y menos costosa que su solución propietaria DLSS. Esto quiere decir que funciona tanto en tarjetas Nvidia como en AMD e Intel.
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Otras opciones
framerate-limit = Límite de framerate
unfocused-framerate-limit = Límite de framerate en segundo plano
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Type de fenêtre
borderless = Sans bordure
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Plein écran
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Résolution du jeu
gamescope-resolution = Résolution de Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling (mise à l'échelle intelligente)
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Mise à l'échelle à l'entier
integer-scaling-description = Transforme chaque pixel en un nombre entier de pixel de même couleur, sous la forme d'un carré ou d'un rectangle. Permet d'éviter l'effet de flou lors de la mise à l'échelle entre la Full-HD et la 4K par exemple
gamescope-fsr-description = Une technique de mise à l'échelle Open Source développée par AMD pour avoir une meilleur qualité de mise à l'échelle
nis-description = Une technologie de mise à l'échelle Open Source développée par NVidia comme alternative compatible avec les autres marques à leur solution DLSS qui est propriétaire. Ainsi, cette option foctionne non seulement sur les cartes graphiques NVidia, mais aussi sur celles d'Intel et d'AMD.
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Autres paramètres
framerate-limit = Limitation des FPS
unfocused-framerate-limit = Limitation des FPS hors focus
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Milliszekundumban (ms) hogy mekkora időkö
window-mode = Ablak mód
borderless = Keretmentes
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Teljesképernyő
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Játékfelbontás
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope felbontás
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Integer scaling
integer-scaling-description = Minden kerek számnyi egyező színű pixelt egy négyzet vagy téglalap csoportba rak. Megelőzheti az élességvesztést Full HD - 4K upscalingnél
gamescope-fsr-description = Open-source upscaling technika az AMD-től jobb upscaling minőségért
nis-description = Open source upscaling technika az Nvidia-tól, alternatíva a DLSS-re, minden videókártyán működik. 16
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Egyéb beállítások
framerate-limit = FPS limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Fókuszon kívüli FPS limit
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ game = Game
hud = HUD
fsr = FSR
fsr-description = Menaikkan skala resolusi game ke ukuran monitor Anda. Untuk menggunakan, pilih resolusi yang lebih rendah di pengaturan game dan tekan Alt+Enter
fsr-description = Menaikkan skala resolusi game ke ukuran monitor Anda. Untuk menggunakan, pilih resolusi yang lebih rendah di pengaturan game dan tekan Alt+Enter
ultra-quality = Kualitas Ultra
quality = Kualitas
balanced = Seimbang
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ title = Judul
description = Deskripsi
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
fps-unlocker-description = Meniadakan batas maksimum frame yang dapat dirender oleh game dengan memodifikasi memori game. Dapat terdeteksi oleh anti-cheat
fps-unlocker-description = Meniadakan batas maksimum frame yang dapat dirender oleh game dengan memodifikasi memori game. Dapat terdeteksi oleh anti-cheat
enabled = Aktifkan
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Jeda antara penulisan ulang nilai batas FPS
window-mode = Window Mode
borderless = Tanpa border
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Penuhi layar
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Resolusi game
game-resolution = Resolusi game
gamescope-resolution = Resolusi Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Peningkatan skala resolusi game
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Skala integer
integer-scaling-description = Membuat setiap pixel menjadi kelompok persegi atau persegi panjang dengan bilangan bulat dari pixel dengan warna yang sama. Mengecah hilangnya ketajaman ketika menskala dari Full HD ke 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Teknik peningkatan skala Open-source yang dikembangkan oleh AMD untuk kualitas peningkatan skala yang lebih baik
nis-description = Teknik peningkatan skala yang dikembangkan oleh Nvidia sebagai alternatif antar-vendor, overhead rendah DLSS yang artinya bisa dijalankan pada GPU AMD, Intel, dan tentunya Nvidia
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Pengaturan lainnya
framerate-limit = Batas framerate
unfocused-framerate-limit = Batas framerate saat tidak fokus
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Ritardo in millisecondi tra le sovrascrittur
window-mode = Modalità della finestra
borderless = Senza bordi
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Schermo intero
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Risoluzione del gioco
gamescope-resolution = Risoluzione di Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Scala per interi
integer-scaling-description = Trasforma ogni pixel in un quadrato o gruppo rettangolare di numero intero di pixel dello stesso colore. Evita la perdita di nitidezza quando scala da Full HD a 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Una tecnica di upscaling open-source sviluppata da AMD per un upscaling di migliore qualità
nis-description = Una tecnica di upscaling open-source sviluppata da Nvidia per essere indipendente dal produttore, alternativa alla loro soluzione DLSS proprietaria, a basso costo di prestazioni, ciò significa che funziona su GPU AMD e Intel oltre alle GPU Nvidia
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Altre impostazioni
framerate-limit = Limite del framerate
unfocused-framerate-limit = Limite del framerate quando fuori dal focus
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Forza la cattura del cursore
force-grab-cursor-description = Usa sempre la modalità relativa del mouse invece di cambiare in base alla visibilità del cursore. Il cursore del mouse verrà correttamente centrato nel gioco
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ wine = Wine
synchronization = 同期
wine-sync-description = Wine内部のイベントを同期するためのものです。
language =言語
language =言語
wine-lang-description = wine環境で使用される言語です。キーボードの問題を修正できます。
system = システム
@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = ウィンドウモード
borderless = ボーダーレス
headless = Headless
popup = ポップアップ
fullscreen = フルスクリーン
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = ゲーム解像度
gamescope-resolution = ゲームスコープの解像度
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = 拡大
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = 整数値
integer-scaling-description = Turns each pixel into a square or rectangular group of integer number of same-color pixels. Prevents sharpness loss when scaling Full HD to 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = An open-source upscaling technique developed by AMD for better upscaling quality
nis-description = An open source upscaling technique developed by Nvidia as a cross-vendor, low-overhead alternative to their proprietary DLSS solution, meaning it works on AMD and Intel GPUs as well as Nvidia GPUs
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = その他の設定
framerate-limit = FPS制限
unfocused-framerate-limit = 非フォーカス時の最大FPS
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = 창 모드
borderless = 테두리 없는 창 모드
headless = Headless
popup = 팝업
fullscreen = 전체 화면
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = 게임 해상도
gamescope-resolution = 게임 범위 해상도
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = 업스케일링
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = 정수 스케일링
integer-scaling-description = 각 픽셀을 정수로 구성된 정사각형 또는 직사각형의 동일한 색상 픽셀 그룹으로 변환합니다. Full HD에서 4K로 업스케일링할 때 선명도 손실을 방지합니다
gamescope-fsr-description = 더 나은 업스케일링 품질을 위해 AMD에서 개발한 오픈 소스 업스케일링 기술입니다
nis-description = Nvidia가 독점 DLSS 솔루션에 대한 낮은 오버헤드 대안으로 공급업체 간, 낮은 오버헤드로 개발한 오픈 소스 업스케일링 기술입니다. 즉, Nvidia GPU는 물론 AMD 및 Intel GPU에서도 작동합니다
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = 기타 설정
framerate-limit = 프레임 속도 제한
unfocused-framerate-limit = 초점이 맞지 않는 프레임 속도 제한
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Venster Mode
borderless = Randloos
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Volledig scherm
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Spelresolutie
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope resolutie
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Opschaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Schalen van gehele getallen
integer-scaling-description = Verandert elke pixel in een vierkante of rechthoekige groep van een geheel aantal pixels met dezelfde kleur. Voorkomt scherpteverlies bij het schalen van Full HD naar 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Een open-source opschalingstechniek ontwikkeld door AMD voor een betere opschalingskwaliteit
nis-description = Een open source opschalingstechniek ontwikkeld door Nvidia als een cross-vendor, low-overhead alternatief voor hun eigen DLSS-oplossing, wat betekent dat het werkt op AMD- en Intel GPU's en Nvidia GPU's
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Andere instellingen
framerate-limit = Frameratelimiet
unfocused-framerate-limit = Ongefocuste frameratelimiet
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Tryb okna
borderless = Okno bezramkowe
headless = Headless
popup = Wyskakujące okno
fullscreen = Pełny ekran
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Rozdzielczość gry
gamescope-resolution = Rozdzielczość Gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Skalowanie
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Skalowanie całkowitoliczbowe
integer-scaling-description = Zamienia każdy piksel na grupę kwadratowych lub prostokątnych pikseli o całkowitej liczbie tego samego koloru. Zapobiega utracie ostrości przy skalowaniu Full HD do 4K.
gamescope-fsr-description = Technika skalowania otwartego źródła opracowana przez AMD w celu poprawy jakości skalowania
nis-description = Technika skalowania otwartego źródła opracowana przez Nvidia jako alternatywa o niskim narzucie dla ich własnego rozwiązania DLSS, co oznacza, że działa ona również na GPU AMD i Intel, a nie tylko na GPU Nvidia
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Inne ustawienia
framerate-limit = Limit klatek na sekundę
unfocused-framerate-limit = Limit klatek na sekundę po utraceniu skupienia
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Modo janela
borderless = Sem borda
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Tela cheia
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Resolução de jogo
gamescope-resolution = Resolução gamescope
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
integer-scaling = Escalamento inteiro
integer-scaling-description = Torna cada pixel em um grupo de números inteiros de mesma cor em forma de quadrado ou retângulo. Previne a perda de nitidez quando escalando Full HD para 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Uma técnica de upscaling de código aberto desenvolvida pela AMD para melhor qualidade
nis-description = Uma técnica de upscaling de código aberto desenvolvida pela Nvidia como uma alternativa á solução DLSS proprietária, significa que funciona em GPUs AMD, Intel e Nvidia
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
other-settings = Outras configuraões
framerate-limit = Limite de taxa de quadros
unfocused-framerate-limit = Limite de taxa de quadros desfocado
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Задержка между перезапи
window-mode = Режим окна
borderless = Безрамочный
headless = Без заголовка
popup = Всплывающий
fullscreen = Полноэкранный
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Разрешение игры
gamescope-resolution = Разрешение Gamescope
gamescope-resolution = Разрешение gamescope
framerate = Частота кадров
framerate-limit = Предел частоты кадров
unfocused-framerate-limit = Предел частоты кадров окна без фокуса
upscaling = Масштабирование
upscaling-description = Рисовать игру в меньшем разрешении, улучшая качество картинки с помощью специальных алгоритмов
integer-scaling = Целочисленное масштабирование
integer-scaling-description = Переводит каждый пиксель в квадрат или прямоугольник из целого числа пикселей одного цвета. Предотвращает потерю резкости при масштабировании Full HD до 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Открытая техника масштабирования с сохранением хорошего качества изображения, разработанная AMD
nis-description = Открытая техника масштабирования с сохранением хорошего качества изображения, разработанная Nvidia для замены DLSS и работающая на видеокартах AMD, Intel и Nvidia
upscaler = Алгоритм увеличения изображения
upscaler-description = Алгоритм, используемый для увеличения изображения к выбранному разрешению
other-settings = Другие настройки
framerate-limit = Лимит числа кадров
unfocused-framerate-limit = Лимит числа кадров вне фокуса
auto = Автоматический
integer = Целочисленное
fit = Вмещение
fill = Заполнение
stretch = Растягивание
upscale-filter = Фильтр увеличенного изображения
upscale-filter-description = Алгоритм, используемый для пост-обработки увеличенного изображения
linear = Линейный
nearest = Ближайшие соседи
nis = NIS
pixel = Пиксельный
upscale-sharpness = Резкость изображения
upscale-sharpness-description = Резкость объекток на обработанном изображении
smallest = Наименьшая
small = Небольшая
high = Высокая
highest = Высочайшая
hdr-support = Поддержка HDR
hdr-support-description = Включить вывод HDR изображения из gamescope. Требует поддержки со стороны монитора
realtime-scheduler = Планировщик задач реального времени
realtime-scheduler-description = Использовать планировщик задач реального времени. Увеличивает производительность игры за счёт замедления фоновых процессов
adaptive-sync = Адаптивная синхронизация
adaptive-sync-description = Включить динамическую частоту кадров. Требует поддержки со стороны монитора
force-grab-cursor = Принудительный захват курсора
force-grab-cursor-description = Использовать относительный режим мыши вместо переворачивания в зависимости от видимости курсора. Курсор мыши будет правильно центрирован в игре
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Запускать игру вместе с монитором производительности mangoapp (mangohud)
extra-args = Дополнительные аргументы
extra-args-description = Список дополнительных аргументов, применяемых в gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Fönsterläge
borderless = Kantlöst
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Fullskärm
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Spelupplösning
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope-upplösning
upscaling = Uppskalning
integer-scaling = Heltalsskalning
integer-scaling-description = Omvandlar varje pixel till en kvadratisk eller rektangulär grupp med ett heltals antal pixlar av samma färg. Förhindrar förlust av skärpa vid skalning av Full HD till 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = En uppskalningsteknik med öppen källkod som utvecklats av AMD för bättre uppskalningskvalitet
nis-description = En uppskalningsteknik med öppen källkod som utvecklats av Nvidia som ett alternativ till deras egenutvecklade DLSS-lösning, vilket innebär att den fungerar på AMD- och Intel-GPU:er, samt även Nvidia-GPU:er
other-settings = Andra inställningar
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Gräns för bilduppdateringshastighet
unfocused-framerate-limit = Gräns för bilduppdateringshastighet utan fokus
upscaling = Uppskalning
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = การเขียนทับค่า
window-mode = โหมดหน้าต่างเกม
borderless = โหมดไร้ขอบเขต
headless = Headless
popup = ป๊อปอัพ
fullscreen = เต็มจอ
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = ความละเอียดของเกม
gamescope-resolution = ความละเอียดของ Gamescope
upscaling = การเพิ่มขนาดความละเอียด
integer-scaling = มาตราส่วนจำนวนเต็ม
integer-scaling-description = เปลี่ยนแต่ละพิกเซลเป็นกลุ่มสี่เหลี่ยมจัตุรัสหรือสี่เหลี่ยมของจำนวนเต็มของพิกเซลสีเดียวกัน ป้องกันการสูญเสียความคมชัดเมื่อปรับขนาด Full HD เป็น 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = เทคนิคการขยายขนาดที่พัฒนาโดย AMD เพื่อคุณภาพการขยายขนาดที่ดีขึ้น
nis-description = เทคนิคการขยายขนาดโอเพ่นซอร์สที่พัฒนาโดย Nvidia เป็นทางเลือกข้ามผู้จำหน่ายและมีค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำแทนโซลูชัน DLSS ที่เป็นกรรมสิทธิ์ ซึ่งหมายความว่าใช้งานได้กับ AMD และ Intel GPU รวมถึง Nvidia GPU
other-settings = การตั้งค่าอื่นๆ
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = ขีดจำกัดเฟรมเรต
unfocused-framerate-limit = เฟรมเรทจำกัดขณะไม่ได้โฟกัส
upscaling = การเพิ่มขนาดความละเอียด
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ enabled = Etkin
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Pencereli
window-mode = Pencereli
borderless = Köşesiz
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Tam ekran
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Oyun çözünürlüğü
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope çözünürlüğü
upscaling = Görüntü keskinleştirme
integer-scaling = Tamsayı ölçekleme
integer-scaling-description = Her pikseli, aynı renkli piksellerden oluşan bir kare veya dikdörtgen tamsayı grubuna dönüştürür. Full HD'yi 4K'ya ölçeklendirirken keskinlik kaybını önler
gamescope-fsr-description = Daha iyi yükseltme kalitesi için AMD tarafından geliştirilen açık kaynaklı bir yükseltme tekniği
nis-description = DLSS teknolojisine düşük maliyetli bir alternatif olarak Nvidia tarafından geliştirilen, yani AMD ve Intel GPU'ların yanı sıra Nvidia GPU'larda da çalışan açık kaynaklı bir yükseltme tekniği
other-settings = Diğer ayarlar
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Kare hızı limiti
unfocused-framerate-limit = Odakta değilken kare hızı limiti
upscaling = Görüntü keskinleştirme
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Затримка між перезаписа
window-mode = Режим вікна
borderless = Безрамковий
headless = Headless
popup = Спливаючий
fullscreen = Повноекранний
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Роздільна здатність гри
gamescope-resolution = Роздільна здатність Gamescope
upscaling = Масштабування
integer-scaling = Цілочисельне масштабування
integer-scaling-description = Кожен піксель перетворюється на квадрат або прямокутник з цілого числа пікселів одного кольору. Запобігає втраті чіткості при масштабуванні Full HD до 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Відкрита техніка масштабування зі збереженням хорошої якості зображення, розроблена AMD
nis-description = Відкрита техніка масштабування зі збереженням хорошої якості зображення, розроблена Nvidia для заміни DLSS і працює на відеокартах AMD, Intel і Nvidia
other-settings = Інші налаштування
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Обмеження кількості кадрів
unfocused-framerate-limit = Обмеження кількості кадрів поза фокусом
upscaling = Масштабування
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Примусове захоплення курсору
force-grab-cursor-description = Завжди використовувати відносний режим миші замість гортання залежно від видимості курсору. Курсор миші буде коректно відцентровано у грі
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = Chế độ cửa sổ
borderless = Cửa sổ không viền
headless = Headless
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Toàn màn hình
@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = Độ phân giải trò chơi
gamescope-resolution = Độ phân giải của gamescope
upscaling = Nâng độ phận giải
integer-scaling = Tỉ lệ nâng
integer-scaling-description = Biến mỗi pixel thành một nhóm hình vuông hoặc hình chữ nhật có pixel cùng màu. Ngăn mất độ sắc nét khi mở rộng Full HD thành 4K
gamescope-fsr-description = Một kỹ thuật nâng cấp mã nguồn mở do AMD phát triển
nis-description = Một kỹ thuật nâng cấp mã nguồn mở do Nvidia phát triển dưới dạng một giải pháp thay thế chi phí thấp của nhà cung cấp chéo cho giải pháp DLSS độc quyền của họ, nghĩa là nó hoạt động trên GPU AMD và Intel cũng như GPU Nvidia
other-settings = Cài đặt khác
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Giới hạn tốc độ khung hình
unfocused-framerate-limit = Giới hạn tốc độ khung hình khi không tập trung
upscaling = Nâng độ phận giải
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting th
window-mode = 窗口模式
borderless = 无边框
headless = Headless
popup = 弹出窗口
fullscreen = 全屏
@ -1,11 +1,52 @@
game-resolution = 游戏分辨率
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope 分辨率
game-resolution = Game resolution
gamescope-resolution = Gamescope resolution
integer-scaling = 整数倍数缩放
framerate = Framerate
framerate-limit = Framerate limit
unfocused-framerate-limit = Unfocused framerate limit
other-settings = 其它设置
framerate-limit = 帧率限制
unfocused-framerate-limit = 切出游戏帧率限制
upscaling = Upscaling
upscaling-description = Render the game in lower resolution and improve the image quality using special algorithms
upscaler = Upscaler
upscaler-description = Algorithm used to perform image upscaling
auto = Auto
integer = Integer
fit = Fit
fill = Fill
stretch = Stretch
upscale-filter = Filter
upscale-filter-description = Algorithm used to filter upscaled image
linear = Linear
nearest = Nearest
nis = NIS
pixel = Pixel
upscale-sharpness = Sharpness
upscale-sharpness-description = Upscaling sharpness
smallest = Smallest
small = Small
high = High
highest = Highest
hdr-support = HDR support
hdr-support-description = Enable gamescope HDR output. Requires display support
realtime-scheduler = Realtime scheduler
realtime-scheduler-description = Use realtime game process scheduling. Improves game performance in cost of slowing down background processes
adaptive-sync = Adaptive sync
adaptive-sync-description = Enable variable refresh rate. Requires display support
force-grab-cursor = Force grab cursor
force-grab-cursor-description = Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility. The mouse cursor will correctly be centered in the game
mangohud = MangoHUD
mangohud-description = Launch with the mangoapp (mangohud) performance overlay enabled
extra-args = Extra arguments
extra-args-description = Extra arguments appended to the gamescope
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
@ -29,6 +29,32 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_search_enabled: false,
add = &adw::PreferencesPage {
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
adw::ComboRow {
set_title: &tr!("window-mode"),
set_model = >k::StringList::new(&[
set_selected: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.window_mode.ordinal() as u32,
connect_selected_notify => |row| unsafe {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.window_mode = GamescopeWindowMode::from_ordinal_unsafe(row.selected() as i8);
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("game-resolution"),
@ -36,17 +62,24 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_title: &tr!("width"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.game.width > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.game_window.width {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.game.width = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.game_window.width = if value > 0 {
} else {
@ -57,17 +90,24 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_title: &tr!("height"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.game.height > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.game_window.height {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.game.height = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.game_window.height = if value > 0 {
} else {
@ -82,17 +122,24 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_title: &tr!("width"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope.width > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope_window.width {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope.width = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope_window.width = if value > 0 {
} else {
@ -103,17 +150,24 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_title: &tr!("height"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope.height > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope_window.height {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope.height = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.gamescope_window.height = if value > 0 {
} else {
@ -122,89 +176,30 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("upscaling"),
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: &tr!("integer-scaling"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("integer-scaling-description"),
add_suffix = >k::Switch {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.integer_scaling,
connect_state_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.integer_scaling = switch.is_active();
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "FSR",
set_subtitle: &tr!("gamescope-fsr-description"),
add_suffix = >k::Switch {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.fsr,
connect_state_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.fsr = switch.is_active();
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: "Nvidia Image Scaling",
set_subtitle: &tr!("nis-description"),
add_suffix = >k::Switch {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.nis,
connect_state_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.nis = switch.is_active();
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("other-settings"),
// TODO: maybe use Fps enum like in fps unlocker settings
set_title: &tr!("framerate"),
adw::EntryRow {
set_title: &tr!("framerate-limit"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.focused > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.focused {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.focused = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.focused = if value > 0 {
} else {
@ -215,17 +210,56 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
set_title: &tr!("unfocused-framerate-limit"),
set_input_purpose: gtk::InputPurpose::Digits,
set_text: &if CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.unfocused > 0 {
} else {
set_text: &match CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.unfocused {
Some(value) if value > 0 => value.to_string(),
_ => String::new()
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.unfocused = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
let value = row.text()
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.framerate.unfocused = if value > 0 {
} else {
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("upscaling"),
set_description: Some(&tr!("upscaling-description")),
adw::ComboRow {
set_title: &tr!("upscaler"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("upscaler-description"),
set_model = >k::StringList::new(&[
set_selected: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.upscaler.ordinal() as u32,
connect_selected_notify => |row| unsafe {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.upscaler = GamescopeUpscaler::from_ordinal_unsafe(row.selected() as i8);
@ -233,42 +267,164 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for GamescopeApp {
adw::ComboRow {
set_title: &tr!("window-mode"),
set_title: &tr!("upscale-filter"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("upscale-filter-description"),
set_model = >k::StringList::new(&[
set_selected: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.window_type.ordinal() as u32,
set_selected: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.filter.ordinal() as u32,
connect_selected_notify => |row| unsafe {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.window_type = WindowType::from_ordinal_unsafe(row.selected() as i8);
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.filter = GamescopeUpscaleFilter::from_ordinal_unsafe(row.selected() as i8);
adw::ActionRow {
adw::ComboRow {
set_title: &tr!("upscale-sharpness"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("upscale-sharpness-description"),
set_model = >k::StringList::new(&[
set_selected: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.sharpness.ordinal() as u32,
connect_selected_notify => |row| unsafe {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.upscaling.sharpness = GamescopeUpscaleSharpness::from_ordinal_unsafe(row.selected() as i8);
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("options"),
adw::SwitchRow {
set_title: &tr!("hdr-support"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("hdr-support-description"),
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.hdr_support,
connect_active_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.hdr_support = switch.is_active();
adw::SwitchRow {
set_title: &tr!("realtime-scheduler"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("realtime-scheduler-description"),
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.realtime_scheduler,
connect_active_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.realtime_scheduler = switch.is_active();
adw::SwitchRow {
set_title: &tr!("adaptive-sync"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("adaptive-sync-description"),
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.adaptive_sync,
connect_active_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.adaptive_sync = switch.is_active();
adw::SwitchRow {
set_title: &tr!("force-grab-cursor"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("force-grab-cursor-description"),
add_suffix = >k::Switch {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.force_grab_cursor,
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.force_grab_cursor,
connect_state_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.force_grab_cursor = switch.is_active();
connect_active_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.force_grab_cursor = switch.is_active();
adw::SwitchRow {
set_title: &tr!("mangohud"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("mangohud-description"),
set_active: CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.mangohud,
connect_active_notify => |switch| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.options.mangohud = switch.is_active();
add = &adw::PreferencesGroup {
set_title: &tr!("extra-args"),
set_description: Some(&tr!("extra-args-description")),
adw::EntryRow {
set_title: &tr!("extra-args"),
set_text: &CONFIG.game.enhancements.gamescope.extra_args,
connect_changed => |row| {
if is_ready() {
if let Ok(mut config) = Config::get() {
config.game.enhancements.gamescope.extra_args = row.text().parse().unwrap_or_default();
Add table
Reference in a new issue