BlackDex 9efb207eb1
Support v2.26.1
- Added support for v2.26.1
- Hide some more input fields we do not use
- Fixed building with npm (The audit fix breaks the build)
- Fixed the vaultwarden version json filename.
2022-02-23 14:20:20 +01:00

63 lines
2.2 KiB

# Compile the web vault using docker
# Usage:
# docker build -t web_vault_build .
# image_id=$(docker create web_vault_build)
# docker cp $image_id:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz .
# docker rm $image_id
# Note: you can use --build-arg to specify the version to build:
# docker build -t web_vault_build --build-arg VAULT_VERSION=master .
# image_id=$(docker create bitwardenrs/web-vault@sha256:feb3f46d15738191b9043be4cdb1be2c0078ed411e7b7be73a2f4fcbca01e13c)
# docker cp $image_id:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz .
# docker rm $image_id
FROM node:16-buster as build
RUN node -v && npm -v
# Prepare the folder to enable non-root, otherwise npm will refuse to run the postinstall
RUN mkdir /vault
RUN chown node:node /vault
USER node
# Can be a tag, release, but prefer a commit hash because it's not changeable
# Using
ARG VAULT_VERSION=aa42890fdfbfe603efd6d410d2cbd109f2033db9
RUN git clone /vault
WORKDIR /vault
RUN git checkout "$VAULT_VERSION" && \
git submodule update --recursive --init
COPY --chown=node:node patches /patches
COPY --chown=node:node /
RUN bash /
# Build
RUN npm ci
# RUN npm audit fix || true
RUN npm run dist:oss:selfhost
RUN printf '{"version":"%s"}' \
$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --tags --sort='v:refname' 'v*' | tail -n1 | sed -E 's#.*?refs/tags/v##') \
> build/vw-version.json
# Delete debugging map files, optional
# RUN find build -name "*.map" -delete
# Prepare the final archives
RUN mv build web-vault
RUN tar -czvf "bw_web_vault.tar.gz" web-vault --owner=0 --group=0
# We copy the final result as a separate empty image so there's no need to download all the intermediate steps
# The result is included both uncompressed and as a tar.gz, to be able to use it in the docker images and the github releases directly
FROM scratch
# hadolint ignore=DL3010
COPY --from=build /vault/bw_web_vault.tar.gz /bw_web_vault.tar.gz
COPY --from=build /vault/web-vault /web-vault
# Added so docker create works, can't actually run a scratch image
CMD [""]