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synced 2024-12-26 12:28:15 +03:00
All the scripts used by this repo were more focused on Linux based systems. They did not work on macOS or other BSD based systems because of flags or commands which are not available. This PR resolves those items by adjusting the failed commands so they work on both Linux and macOS/BSD systems. Fixes #112
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# Compile the web vault using docker
# Usage:
# Quick and easy:
# `make docker-extract`
# or, if you just want to build
# `make docker`
# docker build -t web_vault_build .
# image_id=$(docker create web_vault_build)
# docker cp $image_id:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz .
# docker rm $image_id
# Note: you can use --build-arg to specify the version to build:
# docker build -t web_vault_build --build-arg VAULT_VERSION=master .
# image_id=$(docker create bitwardenrs/web-vault@sha256:feb3f46d15738191b9043be4cdb1be2c0078ed411e7b7be73a2f4fcbca01e13c)
# docker cp $image_id:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz .
# docker rm $image_id
FROM node:16-bullseye as build
RUN node --version && npm --version
# Prepare the folder to enable non-root, otherwise npm will refuse to run the postinstall
RUN mkdir /vault
RUN chown node:node /vault
USER node
# Can be a tag, release, but prefer a commit hash because it's not changeable
# https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/commit/${VAULT_VERSION}
# Using https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/releases/tag/web-v2023.1.1
ARG VAULT_VERSION=8b9bdddf812f1e443d2d1ff1d1906c396e3afbdd
WORKDIR /vault
RUN git init
RUN git remote add origin https://github.com/bitwarden/clients.git
RUN git fetch --depth 1 origin "${VAULT_VERSION}"
RUN git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout FETCH_HEAD
COPY --chown=node:node patches /patches
COPY --chown=node:node resources /resources
COPY --chown=node:node scripts/apply_patches.sh /apply_patches.sh
RUN bash /apply_patches.sh
# Build
RUN npm ci
RUN npm audit fix || true
# Switch to the web apps folder
WORKDIR /vault/apps/web
RUN npm run dist:oss:selfhost
RUN printf '{"version":"%s"}' \
$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --tags --sort='v:refname' https://github.com/dani-garcia/bw_web_builds.git 'v*' | tail -n1 | grep -Eo '[^\/]*$') \
> build/vw-version.json
# Delete debugging map files, optional
# RUN find build -name "*.map" -delete
# Prepare the final archives
RUN mv build web-vault
RUN tar -czvf "bw_web_vault.tar.gz" web-vault --owner=0 --group=0
# We copy the final result as a separate empty image so there's no need to download all the intermediate steps
# The result is included both uncompressed and as a tar.gz, to be able to use it in the docker images and the github releases directly
FROM scratch
# hadolint ignore=DL3010
COPY --from=build /vault/apps/web/bw_web_vault.tar.gz /bw_web_vault.tar.gz
COPY --from=build /vault/apps/web/web-vault /web-vault
# Added so docker create works, can't actually run a scratch image
CMD [""]