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synced 2024-12-26 12:28:15 +03:00
Some misc changes. - Moved old patch files to a `legacy` sub-folder - If a legacy patch is used, show a warning and pause for 10 seconds - Updated the checkout and Dockerfile so both use the same way of cloning the Bitwarden/client repo - Updated the `patch_web_vault.sh` script to try and detect the vault version - Added two new make commands to prepare and release a new version - Added a `.env` feature for the `Makefile` to set some defaults Mainly used for using either `docker` or `podman` and for the GitHub Release script to have a predefined GPG user/key
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# Compile the web vault using docker
# Usage:
# Quick and easy:
# `make container-extract`
# or, if you just want to build
# `make container`
# The default is to use `docker` you can also configure `podman` via a `.env` file
# See the `.env.template` file for more details
# docker build -t web_vault_build .
# docker create --name bw_web_vault_extract web_vault_build
# docker cp bw_web_vault_extract:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz .
# docker rm bw_web_vault_extract
# Note: you can use --build-arg to specify the version to build:
# docker build -t web_vault_build --build-arg VAULT_VERSION=main .
FROM node:18-bookworm as build
RUN node --version && npm --version
# Prepare the folder to enable non-root, otherwise npm will refuse to run the postinstall
RUN mkdir /vault
RUN chown node:node /vault
USER node
# Can be a tag, release, but prefer a commit hash because it's not changeable
# https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/commit/${VAULT_VERSION}
# Using https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/releases/tag/web-v2023.12.0
ARG VAULT_VERSION=8d90085607341deab976952bce8d8937cf3eefb1
WORKDIR /vault
RUN git -c init.defaultBranch=main init && \
git remote add origin https://github.com/bitwarden/clients.git && \
git fetch --depth 1 origin "${VAULT_VERSION}" && \
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout FETCH_HEAD
COPY --chown=node:node patches /patches
COPY --chown=node:node resources /resources
COPY --chown=node:node scripts/apply_patches.sh /apply_patches.sh
RUN bash /apply_patches.sh
# Build
RUN npm ci
# Switch to the web apps folder
WORKDIR /vault/apps/web
RUN npm run dist:oss:selfhost
RUN printf '{"version":"%s"}' \
$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --tags --refs --sort='v:refname' https://github.com/dani-garcia/bw_web_builds.git 'v*' | tail -n1 | grep -Eo '[^\/v]*$') \
> build/vw-version.json
# Delete debugging map files, optional
# RUN find build -name "*.map" -delete
# Prepare the final archives
RUN mv build web-vault
RUN tar -czvf "bw_web_vault.tar.gz" web-vault --owner=0 --group=0
# Output the sha256sum here so people are able to match the sha256sum from the CI with the assets and the downloaded version if needed
RUN echo "sha256sum: $(sha256sum "bw_web_vault.tar.gz")"
# We copy the final result as a separate empty image so there's no need to download all the intermediate steps
# The result is included both uncompressed and as a tar.gz, to be able to use it in the docker images and the github releases directly
FROM scratch
# hadolint ignore=DL3010
COPY --from=build /vault/apps/web/bw_web_vault.tar.gz /bw_web_vault.tar.gz
COPY --from=build /vault/apps/web/web-vault /web-vault
# Added so docker create works, can't actually run a scratch image
CMD [""]