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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • #2120 Add new IP address condition for the dynamic rules redirections system.

    The conditions allow you to define IP addresses to match as static IP (, CIDR block ( or wildcard pattern (1.2.*.*).

  • #2018 Add option to allow all short URLs to be unconditionally crawlable in robots.txt, via ROBOTS_ALLOW_ALL_SHORT_URLS=true env var, or config option.

  • #2109 Add option to customize user agents robots.txt, via ROBOTS_USER_AGENTS=foo,bar,baz env var, or config option.

  • #2163 Add short-urls:edit command to edit existing short URLs.

    This brings CLI and API interfaces capabilities closer, and solves an overlook since the feature was implemented years ago.


  • #2096 Update to RoadRunner 2024.


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[4.1.1] - 2024-05-23


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  • Use new reusable workflow to publish docker image
  • #2015 Update to PHPUnit 11.
  • #2130 Replace deprecated pugx/shortid-php package with hidehalo/nanoid-php.


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  • #2111 Fix typo in OAS docs examples where redirect rules with query-param condition type were defined as query.
  • #2129 Fix error when resolving title for sites not using UTF-8 charset (detected with Japanese charsets).

[4.1.0] - 2024-04-14


  • #1330 All visit-related endpoints now expose the visitedUrl prop for any visit.

    Previously, this was exposed only for orphan visits, since this can be an arbitrary value for those.

  • #2077 When sending visits to Matomo, the short URL title is now used as document title in matomo.

  • #2059 Add new short-url:delete-expired command that can be used to programmatically delete expired short URLs.

    Expired short URLs are those that have a validUntil date in the past, or optionally, that have reached the max amount of visits.

    This command can be run periodically by those who create many disposable URLs which are valid only for a period of time, and then can be deleted to save space.

  • #1925 Add new integration:matomo:send-visits console command that can be used to send existing visits to integrated Matomo instance.

  • #2087 Allow memory_limit to be configured via the new MEMORY_LIMIT env var or configuration option.


  • #2034 Modernize entities, using constructor property promotion and readonly wherever possible.

  • #2036 Deep performance improvement in some endpoints which involve counting visits:

    • listing short URLs ordered by visits counts.
    • loading tags with stats.
    • visits overview.

    This has been achieved by introducing a new table which tracks slotted visits counts. We can then SUM all counts for certain short URL, avoiding COUNT(visits) aggregates which are much less performant when there are a lot of visits.

  • #2049 Request ID is now propagated to the background tasks/jobs scheduled during a request.

    This allows for a better traceability, as the logs generated during those jobs will have a matching UUID as the logs generated during the request the triggered the job.


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  • #2095 Fix custom slugs not being properly imported from bitly
  • Fix error when importing short URLs and visits from a Shlink 4.x instance

[4.0.3] - 2024-03-15


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  • #2058 Fix DB credentials provided as env vars being casted to int if they include only numbers.
  • #2060 Fix error when trying to redirect to a non-http long URL.

[4.0.2] - 2024-03-09


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  • #2021 Fix infinite GeoLite2 downloads.

[4.0.1] - 2024-03-08


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  • #2041 Document missing color and bgColor params for the QR code route in the OAS docs.
  • #2043 Fix language redirect conditions matching too low quality accepted languages.

[4.0.0] - 2024-03-03


  • #1914 Add new dynamic redirects engine based on rules. Rules are conditions checked against the visitor's request, and when matching, they can result in a redirect to a different long URL.

    Rules can be based on things like the presence of specific params, headers, locations, etc. This version ships with three initial rule condition types: device, query param and language.

  • #1902 Add dynamic redirects based on query parameters.

    This is implemented on top of the new rule-based redirects.

  • #1915 Add dynamic redirects based on accept language.

    This is implemented on top of the new rule-based redirects.

  • #1868 Add support for docker compose secrets to the docker image.

  • #1979 Allow orphan visits lists to be filtered by type.

    This is supported both by the GET /visits/orphan API endpoint via type=... query param, and by the visit:orphan CLI command, via --type flag.

  • #1904 Allow to customize QR codes foreground color, background color and logo.

  • #1884 Allow a path prefix to be provided during short URL creation.

    This can be useful to let Shlink generate partially random URLs, but with a known prefix.

    Path prefixes are validated and filtered taking multi-segment slugs into consideration, which means slashes are replaced with dashes as long as multi-segment slugs are disabled.


  • #1935 Replace dependency on abandoned php-middleware/request-id with userland simple middleware.
  • #1988 Remove dependency on league\uri package.
  • #1909 Update docker image to PHP 8.3.
  • #1786 Run API tests with RoadRunner by default.
  • #2008 Update to Doctrine ORM 3.0.
  • #2010 Update to Symfony 7.0 components.
  • #2016 Simplify and improve how code coverage is generated in API and CLI tests.
  • #1674 Database columns persisting long URLs have now TEXT type, which allows for much longer values.


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  • #1908 Remove support for openswoole (and swoole).


  • #2000 Fix short URL creation/edition getting stuck when trying to resolve the title of a long URL which never returns a response.

[3.7.3] - 2024-01-04


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  • #1968 Move migrations from data to module/Core.


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  • #1967 Allow an empty dir to be mounted in data when using the docker image.

[3.7.2] - 2023-12-26


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  • #1960 Allow QR codes to be optionally resolved even when corresponding short URL is not enabled.

[3.7.1] - 2023-12-17


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  • Remove dependency on functional-php library
  • #1939 Fine-tune RoadRunner logs to avoid too many useless info.


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  • #1947 Fix error when importing short URLs while using Postgres.

[3.7.0] - 2023-11-25


  • #1798 Experimental support to send visits to an external Matomo instance.

  • #1780 Add new NO_ORPHAN_VISITS API key role.

    Keys with this role will always get 0 when fetching orphan visits.

    When trying to delete orphan visits the result will also be 0 and no visits will actually get deleted.

  • #1879 Cache namespace can now be customized via config option or CACHE_NAMESPACE env var.

    This is important if you are running multiple Shlink instance on the same server, or they share the same Redis instance (even more so if they are on different versions).

  • #1905 Add support for PHP 8.3.

  • #1927 Allow redis credentials be URL-decoded before passing them to connection.

  • #1834 Add support for redis encrypted connections using SSL/TLS.

    Encryption should work out of the box if servers schema is set tp tls or rediss, including support for self-signed certificates.

    This has been tested with AWS ElasticCache using in-transit encryption, and with Digital Ocean Redis database.

  • #1906 Add support for RabbitMQ encrypted connections using SSL/TLS.

    In order to enable SLL, you need to pass RABBITMQ_USE_SSL=true or the corresponding config option.

    Connections using self-signed certificates should work out of the box.

    This has been tested with AWS RabbitMQ using in-transit encryption, and with CloudAMQP.


  • #1799 RoadRunner/openswoole jobs are not run anymore for tasks that are actually disabled.

    For example, if you did not enable RabbitMQ real-time updates, instead of triggering a job that ends immediately, the job will not even be enqueued.

  • #1835 Docker image is now built only when a release is tagged, and new tags are included, for minor and major versions.

  • #1055 Update OAS definition to v3.1.

  • #1885 Update to chronos 3.0.

  • #1896 Requests to health endpoint are no longer logged.

  • #1877 Print a warning when manually running visit:download-db command and a GeoLite2 license was not provided.


  • #1783 Deprecated support for openswoole. RoadRunner is the best replacement, with the same capabilities, but much easier and convenient to install and manage.


  • #1790 Drop support for PHP 8.1.


  • #1819 Fix incorrect timeout when running DB commands during Shlink start-up.
  • #1901 Do not allow short URLs with custom slugs containing URL-reserved characters, as they will not work at all afterward.
  • #1900 Fix short URL visits deletion when multi-segment slugs are enabled.

[3.6.4] - 2023-09-23


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  • #1866 The INITIAL_API_KEY env var is now only relevant for the official docker image.

    Going forward, new non-docker Shlink installations provisioned with env vars that also wish to provide an initial API key, should do it by using the vendor/bin/shlink-installer init --initial-api-key=%SOME_KEY% command, instead of using INITIAL_API_KEY.


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  • #1819 Fix incorrect timeout when running DB commands during Shlink start-up.
  • #1870 Make sure shared locks include the cache prefix when using Redis.
  • #1866 Fix error when starting docker image with INITIAL_API_KEY env var.

[3.6.3] - 2023-06-14


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  • #1817 Fix Shlink trying to create SQLite database tables even if they already exist.

[3.6.2] - 2023-06-08


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  • #1808 Fix rr binary downloading during Shlink update.

[3.6.1] - 2023-06-04


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  • #1413 Fix error when creating initial DB in Postgres in a cluster where a default postgres db does not exist or the credentials do not grant permissions to connect.
  • #1803 Fix default RoadRunner port when not using docker image.

[3.6.0] - 2023-05-24


  • #1148 Add support to delete short URL visits.

    This can be done via DELETE /short-urls/{shortCode}/visits REST endpoint or via short-url:visits-delete console command.

    The CLI command includes a warning and requires the user to confirm before proceeding.

  • #1681 Add support to delete orphan visits.

    This can be done via DELETE /visits/orphan REST endpoint or via visit:orphan-delete console command.

    The CLI command includes a warning and requires the user to confirm before proceeding.

  • #1753 Add a new vendor/bin/shlink-installer init command that can be used to automate Shlink installations.

    This command can create the initial database, update it, create proxies, clean cache, download initial GeoLite db files, etc

    The official docker image also uses it on its entry point script.

  • #1656 Add support for openswoole 22

  • #1784 Add new docker tag where the container runs as a non-root user.

  • #953 Add locks that prevent errors on duplicated keys when creating short URLs in parallel that depend on the same new tag or domain.


  • #1755 Update to roadrunner 2023

  • #1745 Roadrunner is now the default docker runtime.

    There are now three different docker images published:

    • Versions without suffix (like 3.6.0) will contain the default runtime, whichever it is.
    • Versions with -roadrunner suffix (like 3.6.0-roadrunner) will always use roadrunner as the runtime, even if default one changes in the future.
    • Versions with -openswoole suffix (like 3.6.0-openswoole) will always use openswoole as the runtime, even if default one changes in the future.


  • Deprecated ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE env var. Use an external mechanism to automate visit locations.


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  • #1760 Fix domain not being set to null when importing short URLs with default domain.
  • #953 Fix duplicated key errors and short URL creation failing when creating short URLs in parallel that depend on the same new tag or domain.
  • #1741 Fix randomly using 100% CPU in task workers when trying to download GeoLite DB files.
  • Fix Shlink trying to connect to RabbitMQ even if configuration set to not connect.

[3.5.4] - 2023-04-12


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  • #1742 Fix URLs using schemas which do not contain //, like mailto:, to no longer be considered valid.

  • #1743 Fix Error when trying to create short URLs from CLI on an openswoole context.

    Unfortunately the reason are real-time updates do not work with openswoole when outside an openswoole request, so the feature has been disabled for that context.

[3.5.3] - 2023-03-31


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  • #1715 Fix short URL creation/edition allowing long URLs without schema. Now a validation error is thrown.
  • #1537 Fix incorrect list of tags being returned for some author-only API keys.
  • #1738 Fix memory leak when importing short URLs with many visits.

[3.5.2] - 2023-02-16


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  • #1696 Migrated to PHPUnit 10.


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  • #1698 Fixed error 500 in robots.txt.
  • #1688 Fixed huge performance degradation on /tags/stats endpoint.
  • #1693 Fixed Shlink thinking database already exists if it finds foreign tables.

[3.5.1] - 2023-02-04


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  • #1685 Changed loosely mode to loose, as it was a typo. The old one keeps working and maps to the new one, but it's considered deprecated.


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  • #1682 Fixed incorrect case-insensitive checks in short URLs when using Microsoft SQL server.
  • #1684 Fixed entities metadata cache not being cleared at docker container start-up when using redis with replication.

[3.5.0] - 2023-01-28


  • #1557 Added support to dynamically redirect to different long URLs based on the visitor's device type.

    For the moment, only android, ios and desktop can have their own specific long URL, and when the visitor cannot be matched against any of them, the regular long URL will be used.

    In the future, more granular device types could be added if appropriate (iOS tablet, android table, tablet, mobile phone, Linux, Mac, Windows, etc).

    In order to match the visitor's device, the User-Agent header is used.

  • #1632 Added amount of bots, non-bots and total visits to the visits summary endpoint.

  • #1633 Added amount of bots, non-bots and total visits to the tag stats endpoint.

  • #1653 Added support for all HTTP methods in short URLs, together with two new redirect status codes, 307 and 308.

    Existing Shlink instances will continue to work the same. However, if you decide to set the redirect status codes as 307 or 308, Shlink will also return a redirect for short URLs even when the request method is different from GET.

    The status 308 is equivalent to 301, and 307 is equivalent to 302. The difference is that the spec requires the client to respect the original HTTP method when performing the redirect. With 301 and 302, some old clients might perform a GET request during the redirect, regardless the original request method.

  • #1662 Added support to provide openswoole-specific config options via env vars prefixed with OPENSWOOLE_.

  • #1389 and #706 Added support for case-insensitive short URLs.

    In order to achieve this, a new env var/config option has been implemented (SHORT_URL_MODE), which allows either strict or loosely loose.

    Default value is strict, but if loose is provided, then short URLs will be matched in a case-insensitive way, and new short URLs will be generated with short-codes in lowercase only.


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  • #1676 Deprecated GET /short-urls/shorten endpoint. Use POST /short-urls to create short URLs instead.
  • #1678 Deprecated validateUrl option on URL creation/edition.


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  • #1639 Fixed 500 error returned when request body is not valid JSON, instead of a proper descriptive error.

[3.4.0] - 2022-12-16


  • #1612 Allowed to filter short URLs out of lists, when validUntil date is in the past or have reached their maximum amount of visits.

    This can be done by:

    • Providing excludeMaxVisitsReached=true and/or excludePastValidUntil=true to the GET /short-urls endpoint.
    • Providing --exclude-max-visits-reached and/or --exclude-past-valid-until to the short-urls:list command.
  • #1613 Added amount of visits coming from bots, non-bots and total to every short URL in the short URLs list.

    Additionally, added option to order by non-bot visits, by passing nonBotVisits-DESC or nonBotVisits-ASC.

  • #1599 Added support for credentials on redis DSNs, either only password, or both username and password.

  • #1616 Added support to import orphan visits when importing short URLs from another Shlink instance.

  • #1519 Allowing to search short URLs by default domain.

  • #1555 and #1625 Added full support for PHP 8.2, updating the docker image to this version.


  • #1563 Moved logic to reuse command options to option classes instead of base abstract command classes.
  • #1569 Migrated test doubles from phpspec/prophecy to PHPUnit mocks.
  • #1329 Split some logic from VisitRepository and ShortUrlRepository into separated repository classes.


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  • #1618 Fixed imported short URLs and visits dates not being set to the target server timezone.
  • #1578 Fixed short URL allowing an empty string as the domain during creation.
  • #1580 Fixed FLUSHDB being run on Shlink docker start-up when using redis, causing full cache to be flushed.

[3.3.2] - 2022-10-18


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  • #1576 Fixed error when trying to retry visits location from CLI.

[3.3.1] - 2022-09-30


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  • #1474 Added preliminary support for PHP 8.2 during CI workflow.
  • #1551 Moved services related to geolocating visits to the Visit\Geolocation namespace.
  • #1550 Reorganized main namespaces from Core module.


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  • #1556 Fixed trailing slash not working when enabling multi-segment slashes.

[3.3.0] - 2022-09-18


  • #1221 Added experimental support to run Shlink with RoadRunner instead of openswoole.

  • #1531 and #1090 Added support for trailing slashes in short URLs.

  • #1406 Added new REST API version 3.

    When making requests to the REST API with /rest/v3/... and an error occurs, all error types will be different, with the next correlation:

    • INVALID_ARGUMENT -> https://shlink.io/api/error/invalid-data
    • INVALID_SHORT_URL_DELETION -> https://shlink.io/api/error/invalid-short-url-deletion
    • DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND -> https://shlink.io/api/error/domain-not-found
    • FORBIDDEN_OPERATION -> https://shlink.io/api/error/forbidden-tag-operation
    • INVALID_URL -> https://shlink.io/api/error/invalid-url
    • INVALID_SLUG -> https://shlink.io/api/error/non-unique-slug
    • INVALID_SHORTCODE -> https://shlink.io/api/error/short-url-not-found
    • TAG_CONFLICT -> https://shlink.io/api/error/tag-conflict
    • TAG_NOT_FOUND -> https://shlink.io/api/error/tag-not-found
    • MERCURE_NOT_CONFIGURED -> https://shlink.io/api/error/mercure-not-configured
    • INVALID_AUTHORIZATION -> https://shlink.io/api/error/missing-authentication
    • INVALID_API_KEY -> https://shlink.io/api/error/invalid-api-key

    If you make a request to the API with v2 or v1, the old error types will be returned, until Shlink 4 is released, when only the new ones will be used.

    Non-error responses are not affected.

  • #1513 Added publishing of the docker image in GHCR.

  • #1114 Added support to provide an initial API key via INITIAL_API_KEY env var, when running Shlink with openswoole or RoadRunner.

    Also, the installer tool now allows to generate an initial API key that can be copy-pasted (this tool is run interactively), in case you use php-fpm or you don't want to use env vars.

  • #1528 Added support to delay when the GeoLite2 DB file is downloaded in docker images, speeding up its startup time.

    In order to do it, pass SKIP_INITIAL_GEOLITE_DOWNLOAD=true when creating the container.


  • #1339 Added new test suite for CLI E2E tests.
  • #1503 Drastically improved build time in GitHub Actions, by optimizing parallelization and adding php extensions cache.
  • #1525 Migrated to custom doctrine CLI entry point.
  • #1492 Migrated to immutable options objects, mapped with cuyz/valinor.


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[3.2.1] - 2022-08-08


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  • #1495 Centralized how routes are configured to support multi-segment slugs.
  • #1497 Updated to latest shlink dependencies with support for PHP 8.1 only.


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  • #1499 Fixed loading of config options as env vars, which was making all default configurations to be loaded unless env vars were explicitly provided.

[3.2.0] - 2022-08-05


  • #854 Added support for multi-segment custom slugs.

    The feature is disabled by default, but you can optionally opt in. If you do, you will be able to create short URLs with multiple segments in the custom slug, like https://example.com/foo/bar/baz.

  • #1280 Added missing visit-related commands.

    Now you can run tag:visits, domain:visits, visit:orphan or visit:non-orphan to get the corresponding list of visits from the command line.

  • #962 Added new real-time update for new short URLs.

    You can now subscribe to the https://shlink.io/new-short-url topic on any of the supported async updates technologies in order to get notified when a short URL is created.

  • #1367 Added support to publish real-time updates in redis pub/sub.

    The publishing will happen in the same redis instance/cluster configured for caching.


  • #1452 Updated to monolog 3

  • #1485 Changed payload published in RabbitMQ for all visits events, in order to conform with the Async API spec.

    Since this is a breaking change, also provided a new RABBITMQ_LEGACY_VISITS_PUBLISHING=true env var that can be provided in order to keep the old payload.

    This env var is considered deprecated and will be removed in Shlink 4, when the legacy format will no longer be supported.


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  • #1280 Dropped support for PHP 8.0


  • #1471 Fixed error when running visit:locate command with any extra parameter (like --retry).

[3.1.2] - 2022-06-04


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  • #1448 Fixed HTML entities not being properly parsed when auto-resolving page titles.
  • #1458 Fixed 500 error when filtering short URLs by ALL tags and search term.

[3.1.1] - 2022-05-09


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  • #1444 Updated docker image to openswoole 4.11.1, in an attempt to fix error.


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  • #1439 Fixed crash when trying to auto-resolve titles for URLs which serve large binary files.

[3.1.0] - 2022-04-23


  • #1294 Allowed to provide a specific domain when importing URLs from YOURLS.

  • #1416 Added support to import URLs from Kutt.it.

  • #1418 Added support to customize the timezone used by Shlink, falling back to the default one set in PHP config.

    The timezone can be set via the TIMEZONE env var, or using the installer tool.

  • #1309 Improved URL importing, ensuring individual errors do not make the whole process fail, and instead, failing URLs are skipped.

  • #1162 Added new endpoint to get visits by domain.

    The endpoint is GET /domains/{domain}/visits, and it has the same capabilities as any other visits endpoint, allowing pagination and filtering.


  • #1359 Hidden database commands.
  • #1385 Prevented a big error message from being logged when using Shlink without mercure.
  • #1398 Increased required mutation score for unit tests to 85%.
  • #1419 Input dates are now parsed to Shlink's configured timezone or default timezone before using them for database queries.
  • #1428 Updated native dependencies in docker image and base image to PHP v8.1.5.


  • #1340 Deprecated webhooks. New events will only be added to other real-time updates approaches, and webhooks will be completely removed in Shlink 4.0.0.


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  • #1397 Fixed db:create command always reporting the schema exists if the db:migrate command has been run before by mistake.
  • #1402 Fixed the base path getting appended with the default domain by mistake, causing multiple side effects in several places.

[3.0.3] - 2022-02-19


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  • #1382 Updated docker image to PHP 8.1.3.


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  • #1377 Fixed installer always setting delete threshold with value 1.
  • #1379 Ensured API keys cannot be created with a domain-only role linked to default domain.

[3.0.2] - 2022-02-10


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  • #1373 Fixed incorrect config import when updating from Shlink 2.x using SQLite.
  • #1369 Fixed slow regexps in .htaccess file.

[3.0.1] - 2022-02-04


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  • #1363 Fixed titles being resolved no matter what when validateUrl is not set or is explicitly set to true.
  • #1352 Updated to stable pdo_sqlsrv in docker image.

[3.0.0] - 2022-01-28


  • #767 Added full support to use emojis everywhere, whether it is custom slugs, titles, referrers, etc.

  • #1274 Added support to filter short URLs lists by all provided tags.

    The GET /short-urls endpoint now accepts a tagsMode=all param which will make only short URLs matching all the tags in the tags[] query param, to be returned.

    The short-urls:list command now accepts a -i/--including-all-tags flag which behaves the same.

  • #1273 Added support for pagination in tags lists, allowing to improve performance by loading subsets of tags.

    For backwards compatibility, lists continue returning all items by default, but the GET /tags endpoint now supports page and itemsPerPage query params, to make sure only a subset of the tags is returned.

    This is supported both when invoking the endpoint with and without withStats=true query param.

    Additionally, the endpoint also supports filtering by searchTerm query param. When provided, only tags matching it will be returned.

  • #1063 Added new endpoint that allows fetching all existing non-orphan visits, in case you need a global view of all visits received by your Shlink instance.

    This can be achieved using the GET /visits/non-orphan endpoint.


  • #1277 Reduced docker image size to 45% of the original size.
  • #1268 Updated dependencies, including symfony/console 6 and mezzio/mezzio-swoole 4.
  • #1283 Changed behavior of DELETE_SHORT_URL_THRESHOLD env var, disabling the feature if a value was not provided.
  • #1300 Changed default ordering for short URLs list, returning always from newest to oldest.
  • #1299 Updated to the latest base docker images, based in PHP 8.1.1, and bumped openswoole to v4.9.1.
  • #1282 Env vars now have precedence over installer options.
  • #1328 Refactored ShortUrlsRepository to use DTOs in methods with too many arguments.


  • #1315 Deprecated GET /tags?withStats=true endpoint. Use GET /tags/stats instead.


  • #1275 Removed everything that was deprecated in Shlink 2.x.

    See UPGRADE doc in order to get details on how to migrate to this version.

  • #1347 Dropped support for regular swoole in favor of openswoole.

    Since openswoole support was introduced in the previous release version, Shlink will still consider the swoole extension as openswoole, as at the moment, functionality hasn't deviated too much, and will simplify migrating to Shlink 3.0.0

    However, there's no longer active testing with regular swoole, and it is considered no longer supported. If some incompatibility arises, the only supported solution will be to migrate to openswoole.


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Older versions