2024-02-13 22:46:25 +01:00

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From v3.x to v4.x


  • Swoole and Openswoole are no longer officially supported runtimes. The recommended alternative is RoadRunner.
  • Dist files for swoole/openswoole are no longer published.
  • Webhooks are no longer supported. Migrate to one of the other real-time updates mechanisms.

Changes in URL shortener

  • The short URLs loosely mode is no longer supported, as it was a typo. Use loose mode instead.
  • QR codes URLs now work by default, even for short URLs that cannot be visited due to max visits or date range limitations. If you want to keep previous behavior, pass QR_CODE_FOR_DISABLED_SHORT_URLS=false or the equivalent configuration option.

Changes in REST API

  • REST API v1/v2 now behave like v3. This only affects error codes, which are now proper URIs.
    • INVALID_URL ->
    • TAG_NOT_FOUND ->
  • Endpoints previously returning props like "visitsCount": {number} no longer do it. There should be an alternative "visitsSummary": {} object with the amount nested on it.
  • It is no longer possible to order the short URLs list with orderBy=visitsCount-ASC/orderBy=visitsCount-DESC. Use orderBy=visits-ASC/orderBy=visits-DESC instead.
  • It is no longer possible to get tags with stats using GET /tags?withStats=true. Use GET /tags/stats endpoint instead.

Changes in Docker image

  • Since openswoole is no longer supported, there are no longer image tags suffixed with openswoole. You should migrate to the default or roadrunner ones.
  • The non-root docker tag is no longer published, as all docker images are now running without super-user permissions.
  • Due to previous point, it is no longer possible to pass ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE=true in order to configure a cron job that locates visits periodically. This was not really needed in the docker image, as visits are located on the fly.

Changes in integrations

  • Credentials in redis URLs should now be URL-encoded, as they are unconditionally url-decoded before being used. Previously, it was possible to customize this behavior via REDIS_DECODE_CREDENTIALS=true|false.
  • Providing redis URIs in the form of tcp://password@ is no longer supported. If you want to provide password with no username, do tcp://:password@ instead.

From v2.x to v3.x

Changes in REST API

  • The type property returned when trying to delete a URL that reached the visits threshold, when using the DELETE /short-urls/{shortCode} endpoint, is now INVALID_SHORT_URL_DELETION instead of INVALID_SHORTCODE_DELETION.
  • The INVALID_AUTHORIZATION error no longer includes the expectedTypes property. Use expectedHeaders one instead.
  • The GET /rest/v2/short-urls endpoint no longer allows ordering by visitsCount, visitCount or originalUrl. Use visits instead of the first two, and longUrl instead of the last one.
  • The GET /rest/v2/short-urls endpoint no longer allows providing the ordering params with array notation, as in /shortUrls?orderBy[longUrl]=DESC. Instead, use the following notation /shortUrls?orderBy=longUrl-DESC.
  • The GET /rest/v2/short-urls endpoint now has a default ordering of newest-to-oldest. Use /shortUrls?orderBy=dateCreated-ASC in order to keep the oldest-to-newest behavior.
  • Requests expecting a body no longer support url-encoded payloads. Instead, always use JSON bodies with Content-Type: application/json.
  • The next endpoints have been removed:
    • PUT /rest/v2/short-urls/{shortCode}/tags: Use the PATCH /rest/v2/short-urls/{shortCode} endpoint to set the short URL tags.
    • POST /rest/v2/tags: Use POST /rest/v2/short-urls or PATCH /rest/v2/short-urls/{shortCodes} to create new tags already attached to a short URL. Creating orphan tags makes no sense.

Changes in CLI

  • The next commands have been removed:
    • short-url:generate: Use short-url:create instead.
    • tag:create: Creating orphan tags makes no sense.
  • Params in camelCase format are no longer supported. They all have an equivalent kebab-case replacement. (for example, from --startDate to --start-date).
  • The short-url:create command no longer accepts the --no-validate-url flag. Now URLs are never validated, unless --validate-url is passed.
  • The CLI installer tool entry-points have changed.
    • bin/install: replaced by vendor/bin/shlink-installer install
    • bin/update: replaced by vendor/bin/shlink-installer update
    • bin/set-option: replaced by vendor/bin/shlink-installer set-option

Changes in config

  • The next env vars have been removed:
    • USE_HTTPS: Replaced by IS_HTTPS_ENABLED.
    • VALIDATE_URLS: There's no replacement. URLs are not validated, unless explicitly requested during creation or edition.
  • The next env vars behavior has changed:
    • DELETE_SHORT_URL_THRESHOLD: Now, if this env var is not provided, the "visits threshold" won't be checked at all when deleting short URLs. Make sure you explicitly provide a value if you want to enable this feature.
  • Environment variables now have precedence over configuration set via the installer tool.

Other changes

  • A default GeoLite2 license key is no longer provided. If you don't provide your own as explained in the docs, Shlink will not try to update the file anymore.
  • The docker image no longer accepts providing configuration via json files mounted in the config/params folder. Only env vars are supported now.
  • If you were manually serving Shlink with swoole, the entry script has to be changed from /path/to/shlink/vendor/bin/mezzio-swoole start to /path/to/shlink/vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start
  • The GET /{shortCode}/qr-code/{size} url has been removed. Use GET /{shortCode}/qr-code?size={size} instead.
  • Regular swoole extension is no longer supported. Use openswoole instead, as a direct replacement. In most of the cases you just need to uninstall one and install the other, the rest is transparent.

From v1.x to v2.x

PHP 7.4 required

This new version takes advantage of several new features introduced in PHP 7.4.

Thanks to that, the code is more reliable and robust, and easier to maintain and improve.

However, that means that any previous PHP version is no longer supported.

Preview generation

The ability to generate website previews has been completely removed and has no replacement.

The feature never properly worked, and it wasn't really useful. Because of that, the feature is no longer available on Shlink 2.x

Removing this feature has these implications:

  • The short-url:process-previews CLI command no longer exists, and an error will be thrown if executed.
  • The /{shortCode}/preview path is no longer valid, and will return a 404 status.

Removed paths

These routes have been removed, but have a direct replacement:

  • /qr/{shortCode}[/{size}] -> /{shortCode}/qr-code[/{size}]
  • PUT /rest/v{version}/short-urls/{shortCode} -> PATCH /rest/v{version}/short-urls/{shortCode}

When using the old ones, a 404 status will be returned now.

Removed command and route aliases

All the aliases for the CLI commands in the short-urls namespace have been removed. If you were using any of those commands with the shortcode or short-code prefixes, make sure to update them to use the short-urls prefix instead.

The same happens for all REST endpoints starting with /short-code. They were previously aliased to /short-urls ones, but they will return a 404 now. Make sure to update them accordingly.

JWT authentication removed

Shlink's REST API no longer accepts authentication using a JWT token. The API key has to be passed now in the x-api-key header.

Removing this feature has these implications:

  • Shlink will no longer introspect the Authorization header for Bearer tokens.
  • The POST /rest/v{version}/authenticate endpoint no longer exists and will return a 404.

API version is now required

Endpoints need to provide a version in the path now. Previously, not providing a version used to fall back to v1. Now, it will return a 404 status, as no route will match.

The only exception is the /rest/health endpoint, which will continue working without the version.

API errors

Shlink v1.21.0 introduced support for API errors using the Problem Details format, as well as the v2 of the API.

For backwards compatibility reasons, requests performed to v1 continued to return the old error and message properties.

Starting with Shlink v2.0.0, both versions of the API will no longer return those two properties.

As a replacement, use type instead of error, and detail instead of message.

Changes in models

The next REST API models have changed:

  • ShortUrl: The originalUrl property was deprecated and has been removed. Use longUrl instead.
  • Visit: The remoteAddr property was deprecated and has been removed. It has no replacement.
  • VisitLocation: The latitude and longitude properties are no longer strings, but float.

URL validation

Shlink can verify provided long URLs are valid before trying to shorten them. Starting with v2, it no longer does it by default and needs to be explicitly enabled instead of explicitly disabled.

Removed config options

The not_found_redirect_to config option and the NOT_FOUND_REDIRECT_TO env var are no longer taken into consideration for the docker image.

Instead, use invalid_short_url_redirect_to and INVALID_SHORT_URL_REDIRECT_TO respectively.

Migrated to Laminas

The project has been using Zend Framework components since the beginning. Since it has been re-branded as Laminas, this version updates to the new set of components.

Updating to Laminas components has these implications:

  • If you were manually serving Shlink with swoole, the entry script has to be changed from /path/to/shlink/vendor/bin/zend-expressive-swoole to /path/to/shlink/vendor/bin/mezzio-swoole