Corentin Garcia ae760e40cc
replace wiki links with documentation links (#2630)
* docs: update composer support links

* docs: update link from wiki to docs for github issue template

* docs: update link pointing to wiki to point to new documentation

* docs: replace wiki links by documentation links in README and
2022-04-10 21:58:29 +02:00

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BridgeAbstract is a base class for standard bridges. It implements the most common functions to simplify the process of adding new bridges.

Creating a new bridge

You need four basic steps in order to create a new bridge:

Step 1 - Create a new file Step 2 - Add a class, extending BridgeAbstract Step 3 - Add general constants to the class Step 4 - Implement a function to collect feed data

These steps are described in more detail below. At the end of this document you'll find a complete template based on these instructions. The pictures below show an example based on these instructions:

Show pictures

example card

example atom

Make sure to read these instructions carefully. Please don't hesitate to open an Issue if you have further questions (or suggestions). Once your bridge is finished, please open a Pull Request, in order to get your bridge merge into RSS-Bridge.

Step 1 - Create a new file

Please read these instructions on how to create a new file for RSS-Bridge.

Step 2 - Add a class, extending BridgeAbstract

Your bridge needs to be a class, which extends BridgeAbstract. The class name must exactly match the name of the file, without the file extension.

For example: MyBridge.php => MyBridge

Show example
class MyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {

// This line is empty (just imagine it!)

Step 3 - Add general constants to the class

In order to present your bridge on the front page, RSS-Bridge requires a few constants:

const NAME          // Name of the Bridge (default: "Unnamed Bridge")
const URI           // URI to the target website of the bridge (default: empty)
const DESCRIPTION   // A brief description of the Bridge (default: "No description provided")
const MAINTAINER    // Name of the maintainer, i.e. your name on GitHub (default: "No maintainer")
const PARAMETERS    // (optional) Definition of additional parameters (default: empty)
const CACHE_TIMEOUT // (optional) Defines the maximum duration for the cache in seconds (default: 3600)
Show example
class MyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	const NAME        = 'My Bridge';
	const URI         = '';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns "Hello World!"';
	const MAINTAINER  = 'ghost';
// This line is empty (just imagine it!)

Notice: const PARAMETERS can be used to request information from the user. Refer to these instructions for more information.

Step 4 - Implement a function to collect feed data

In order for RSS-Bridge to collect data, you must implement the public function collectData. This function takes no arguments and returns nothing. It generates a list of feed elements, which must be placed into the variable $this->items.

Show example
class MyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	const NAME        = 'My Bridge';
	const URI         = '';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns "Hello World!"';
	const MAINTAINER  = 'ghost';

	public function collectData() {
		$item = array(); // Create an empty item

		$item['title'] = 'Hello World!';

		$this->items[] = $item; // Add item to the list
// This line is empty (just imagine it!)

For more details on the collectData function refer to these instructions.


Use this template to create your own bridge. Please remove any unnecessary comments and parameters.

class MyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	const NAME = 'Unnamed bridge';
	const URI = '';
	const DESCRIPTION = 'No description provided';
	const MAINTAINER = 'No maintainer';
	const PARAMETERS = array(); // Can be omitted!
	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600; // Can be omitted!

	public function collectData() {
		$item = array(); // Create an empty item

		$item['title'] = 'Hello World!';

		$this->items[] = $item; // Add item to the list
// This line is empty (just imagine it!)


You can specify additional parameters in order to customize the bridge (i.e. to specify how many items to return). This document explains how to specify those parameters and which options are available to you.

For information on how to read parameter values during execution, please refer to the getInput function.

Adding parameters to a bridge

Parameters are specified as part of the bridge class. An empty list of parameters is defined as const PARAMETERS = array();

Show example
class MyBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
	/* ... */
	const PARAMETERS = array(); // Empty list of parameters (can be omitted)
	/* ... */

Parameters are organized in two levels:

Level 1 - Context Level 2 - Parameter

Level 1 - Context

A context is defined as a associative array of parameters. The name of a context is displayed by RSS-Bridge.

Show example
const PARAMETERS = array(
	'My Context 1' => array(),
	'My Context 2' => array()


bridge context named

Notice: The name of a context can be left empty if only one context is needed!

Show example
const PARAMETERS = array(

You can also define a set of parameters that will be applied to every possible context of your bridge. To do this, specify a context named global.

Show example
const PARAMETERS = array(
	'global' => array() // Applies to all contexts!

Level 2 - Parameter

Parameters are placed inside a context. They are defined as associative array of parameter specifications. Each parameter is defined by it's internal input name, a definition in the form 'n' => array();, where n is the name with which the bridge can access the parameter during execution.

Show example
const PARAMETERS = array(
	'My Context' => array(
		'n' => array()

The parameter specification consists of various fields, listed in the table below.

Show example
const PARAMETERS = array(
	'My Context' => array(
		'n' => array(
			'name' => 'Limit',
			'type' => 'number',
			'required' => false,
			'title' => 'Maximum number of items to return',
			'defaultValue' => 10


context parameter

Parameter Name Required Type Supported values Description
name yes Text Input name as displayed to the user
type no Text text, number, list, checkbox Type of the input (default: text)
required no Boolean true, false Specifies if the parameter is required or not (default: false). Not supported for lists and checkboxes.
values no associative array name/value pairs used by the HTML option tag, required for type 'list'
title no Text Used as tool-tip when mouse-hovering over the input box
pattern no Text Defines a pattern for an element of type text. The pattern should be mentioned in the title attribute!
exampleValue no Text Defines an example value displayed for elements of type text and number when no data has been entered yet
defaultValue no Defines the default value if left blank by the user

List values

List values are defined in an associative array where keys are the string displayed in the combo list of the RSS-Bridge web interface, and values are the content of the <option> HTML tag value attribute.

    'type' => 'list',
    'values' => array(
        'Item A' => 'itemA'
        'Item B' => 'itemB'

If a more complex organization is required to display the values, the above key/value can be used to set a title as a key and another array as a value:

    'type' => 'list',
    'values' => array(
        'Item A' => 'itemA',
        'List 1' => array(
            'Item C' => 'itemC',
            'Item D' => 'itemD'
        'List 2' => array(
            'Item E' => 'itemE',
            'Item F' => 'itemF'
        'Item B' => 'itemB'


This attribute defines the default value for your parameter. Its behavior depends on the type:

  • text: Allows any text
  • number: Allows any number
  • list: Must match either name or value of one element
  • checkbox: Must be "checked" to activate the checkbox


The queried context is defined via PARAMETERS and can be accessed via $this->queriedContext. It provides a way to identify which context the bridge is called with.


	const PARAMETERS = array(
		'By user name' => array(
			'u' => array('name' => 'Username')
		'By user ID' => array(
			'id' => array('name' => 'User ID')


In this example $this->queriedContext will either return By user name or By user ID. The queried context might return no value, so the best way to handle it is by using a case-structure:

	case 'By user name':
	case 'By user ID':
	default: // Return default value


The collectData function is responsible for collecting data and adding items to generate feeds from. If you are unsure how to solve a specific problem, please don't hesitate to open an Issue on GitHub. Existing bridges are also a good source to learn implementing your own bridge.

Implementing the collectData function

Implementation for the collectData function is specific to each bridge. However, there are certain reoccurring elements, described below. RSS-Bridge also provides functions to simplify the process of collecting and parsing HTML data (see "Helper Functions" on the sidebar)

Elements collected by this function must be stored in $this->items. The items variable is an array of item elements, each of which is an associative array that may contain arbitrary keys. RSS-Bridge specifies common keys which are used to generate most common feed formats.

Show example

$item = array(); // Create a new item

$item['title'] = 'Hello World!';

$this->items[] = $item; // Add item to the list

Additional keys may be added for custom APIs (ignored by RSS-Bridge).

Item parameters

The item array should provide as much information as possible for RSS-Bridge to generate feature rich feeds. Find below list of keys supported by RSS-Bridge.

$item['uri']        // URI to reach the subject ("https://...")
$item['title']      // Title of the item
$item['timestamp']  // Timestamp of the item in numeric or text format (compatible for strtotime())
$item['author']     // Name of the author for this item
$item['content']    // Content in HTML format
$item['enclosures'] // Array of URIs to an attachments (pictures, files, etc...)
$item['categories'] // Array of categories / tags / topics
$item['uid']        // A unique ID to identify the current item

All formats support these parameters. The formats Plaintext and JSON also support custom parameters.


The getDescription function returns the description for a bridge.

Notice: By default RSS-Bridge returns the contents of const DESCRIPTION, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!

	public function getDescription(){
		return self::DESCRIPTION;


The getMaintainer function returns the name of the maintainer for a bridge.

Notice: By default RSS-Bridge returns const MAINTAINER, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!

	public function getMaintainer(){
		return self::MAINTAINER;


The getName function returns the name of a bridge.

Notice: By default RSS-Bridge returns const NAME, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!

	public function getName(){
		return self::NAME;


The getURI function returns the base URI for a bridge.

Notice: By default RSS-Bridge returns const URI, so you only have to implement this function if you require different behavior!

	public function getURI(){
		return self::URI;


The getIcon function returns the URI for an icon, used as favicon in feeds.

If no icon is specified by the bridge, RSS-Bridge will use a default location: static::URI . '/favicon.ico' (i.e. "") which may or may not exist.

	public function getIcon(){
		return static::URI . '/favicon.ico';


The detectParameters function takes a URL and attempts to extract a valid set of parameters for the current bridge.

If the passed URL is valid for this bridge the function should return an array of parameter -> value pairs that can be used by this bridge, or an empty array if the bridge requires no parameters. If the URL is not relevant for this bridge the function should return null.

Notice: Implementing this function is optional. By default RSS-Bridge tries to match the supplied URL to the URI constant defined in the bridge which may be enough for bridges without any parameters defined.

public function detectParameters($url){
	$regex = '/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(.+?)(\/)?$/';
	&& preg_match($regex, $url, $urlMatches) > 0
	&& preg_match($regex, static::URI, $bridgeUriMatches) > 0
	&& $urlMatches[3] === $bridgeUriMatches[3]) {
		return array();
	} else {
		return null;

Helper Methods

BridgeAbstract implements helper methods to make it easier for bridge maintainers to create bridges. Use these methods whenever possible instead of writing your own.


Within the context of the current bridge, stores a value by key in the cache. The value can later be retrieved with loadCacheValue.

protected function saveCacheValue($key, $value)
  • $key - the name under which the value is stored in the cache.
  • $value - the value to store in the cache.

Usage example:

const MY_KEY = 'MyKey';

public function collectData()
    $value = 'my value';
    $this->saveCacheValue(MY_KEY, $value);


Within the context of the current bridge, loads a value by key from cache. Optionally specifies the cache duration for the key. Returns null if the key doesn't exist or the value is expired.

protected function loadCacheValue($key, $duration = 86400)
  • $key - the name under which the value is stored in the cache.
  • $duration - the maximum time in seconds after which the value expires. The default duration is 86400 (24 hours).

Usage example:

const MY_KEY = 'MyKey';

public function collectData()
  $value = $this->loadCacheValue(MY_KEY, 1800 /* 30 minutes */);

  if (!isset($value)){
      // load value
      $this->saveCacheValue(MY_KEY, $value);

  // ...