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* Copyright (C) by Klaas Freitag <>
* Copyright (C) by Jocelyn Turcotte <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "syncfilestatustracker.h"
#include "syncengine.h"
2017-09-01 19:11:43 +03:00
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "common/asserts.h"
#include <QLoggingCategory>
namespace OCC {
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcStatusTracker, "sync.statustracker", QtInfoMsg)
static int pathCompare( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs )
// Should match Utility::fsCasePreserving, we want don't want to pay for the runtime check on every comparison.
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
static bool pathStartsWith( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs )
return lhs.startsWith(rhs,
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
bool SyncFileStatusTracker::PathComparator::operator()( const QString& lhs, const QString& rhs ) const
// This will make sure that the std::map is ordered and queried case-insensitively on macOS and Windows.
return pathCompare(lhs, rhs) < 0;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag SyncFileStatusTracker::lookupProblem(const QString &pathToMatch, const SyncFileStatusTracker::ProblemsMap &problemMap)
auto lower = problemMap.lower_bound(pathToMatch);
for (auto it = lower; it != problemMap.cend(); ++it) {
const QString &problemPath = it->first;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag severity = it->second;
if (pathCompare(problemPath, pathToMatch) == 0) {
return severity;
} else if (severity == SyncFileStatus::StatusError
&& pathStartsWith(problemPath, pathToMatch)
&& (pathToMatch.isEmpty() || == '/')) {
return SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
} else if (!pathStartsWith(problemPath, pathToMatch)) {
// Starting at lower_bound we get the first path that is not smaller,
// since: "a/" < "a/aa" < "a/aa/aaa" < "a/ab/aba"
// If problemMap keys are ["a/aa/aaa", "a/ab/aba"] and pathToMatch == "a/aa",
// lower_bound(pathToMatch) will point to "a/aa/aaa", and the moment that
// problemPath.startsWith(pathToMatch) == false, we know that we've looked
// at everything that interest us.
return SyncFileStatus::StatusNone;
* Whether this item should get an ERROR icon through the Socket API.
* The Socket API should only present serious, permanent errors to the user.
* In particular SoftErrors should just retain their 'needs to be synced'
* icon as the problem is most likely going to resolve itself quickly and
* automatically.
static inline bool showErrorInSocketApi(const SyncFileItem &item)
const auto status = item._status;
return item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR
|| status == SyncFileItem::NormalError
|| status == SyncFileItem::FatalError
|| status == SyncFileItem::DetailError
|| status == SyncFileItem::BlacklistedError
|| item._hasBlacklistEntry;
static inline bool showWarningInSocketApi(const SyncFileItem &item)
const auto status = item._status;
return item._instruction == CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
|| status == SyncFileItem::FileIgnored
|| status == SyncFileItem::Conflict
|| status == SyncFileItem::Restoration;
SyncFileStatusTracker::SyncFileStatusTracker(SyncEngine *syncEngine)
: _syncEngine(syncEngine)
connect(syncEngine, SIGNAL(aboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector &)),
SLOT(slotAboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector &)));
connect(syncEngine, SIGNAL(itemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &)),
SLOT(slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &)));
connect(syncEngine, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), SLOT(slotSyncFinished()));
connect(syncEngine, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotSyncEngineRunningChanged()));
connect(syncEngine, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), SLOT(slotSyncEngineRunningChanged()));
SyncFileStatus SyncFileStatusTracker::fileStatus(const QString &relativePath)
if (relativePath.isEmpty()) {
// This is the root sync folder, it doesn't have an entry in the database and won't be walked by csync, so resolve manually.
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(QString(), NotShared);
// The SyncEngine won't notify us at all for CSYNC_FILE_SILENTLY_EXCLUDED
// and CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_AND_REMOVE excludes. Even though it's possible
// that the status of CSYNC_FILE_EXCLUDE_LIST excludes will change if the user
// update the exclude list at runtime and doing it statically here removes
// our ability to notify changes through the fileStatusChanged signal,
// it's an acceptable compromize to treat all exclude types the same.
if (_syncEngine->excludedFiles().isExcluded(_syncEngine->localPath() + relativePath,
_syncEngine->ignoreHiddenFiles())) {
return SyncFileStatus(SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning);
if (_dirtyPaths.contains(relativePath))
return SyncFileStatus::StatusSync;
// First look it up in the database to know if it's shared
SyncJournalFileRecord rec = _syncEngine->journal()->getFileRecord(relativePath);
if (rec.isValid()) {
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, rec._remotePerm.contains("S") ? Shared : NotShared);
// Must be a new file not yet in the database, check if it's syncing or has an error.
return resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, NotShared, PathUnknown);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotPathTouched(const QString &fileName)
QString folderPath = _syncEngine->localPath();
QString localPath = fileName.mid(folderPath.size());
emit fileStatusChanged(fileName, SyncFileStatus::StatusSync);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag)
// Will return 0 (and increase to 1) if the path wasn't in the map yet
int count = _syncCount[relativePath]++;
if (!count) {
SyncFileStatus status = sharedFlag == UnknownShared
? fileStatus(relativePath)
: resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, sharedFlag);
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(relativePath), status);
// We passed from OK to SYNC, increment the parent to keep it marked as
// SYNC while we propagate ourselves and our own children.
int lastSlashIndex = relativePath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIndex != -1)
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(relativePath.left(lastSlashIndex), UnknownShared);
else if (!relativePath.isEmpty())
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(QString(), UnknownShared);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag)
int count = --_syncCount[relativePath];
if (!count) {
// Remove from the map, same as 0
SyncFileStatus status = sharedFlag == UnknownShared
? fileStatus(relativePath)
: resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(relativePath, sharedFlag);
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(relativePath), status);
// We passed from SYNC to OK, decrement our parent.
int lastSlashIndex = relativePath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIndex != -1)
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(relativePath.left(lastSlashIndex), UnknownShared);
else if (!relativePath.isEmpty())
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(QString(), UnknownShared);
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotAboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector &items)
ProblemsMap oldProblems;
std::swap(_syncProblems, oldProblems);
foreach (const SyncFileItemPtr &item, items) {
qCDebug(lcStatusTracker) << "Investigating" << item->destination() << item->_status << item->_instruction;
if (showErrorInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusError;
} else if (showWarningInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
SharedFlag sharedFlag = item->_remotePerm.contains("S") ? Shared : NotShared;
if (item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR) {
// Mark this path as syncing for instructions that will result in propagation.
incSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(item->destination(), sharedFlag);
} else {
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(item->destination()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(item->destination(), sharedFlag));
// Some metadata status won't trigger files to be synced, make sure that we
// push the OK status for dirty files that don't need to be propagated.
// Swap into a copy since fileStatus() reads _dirtyPaths to determine the status
QSet<QString> oldDirtyPaths;
std::swap(_dirtyPaths, oldDirtyPaths);
2016-07-11 13:27:59 +03:00
for (auto it = oldDirtyPaths.constBegin(); it != oldDirtyPaths.constEnd(); ++it)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(*it), fileStatus(*it));
// Make sure to push any status that might have been resolved indirectly since the last sync
// (like an error file being deleted from disk)
for (auto it = _syncProblems.begin(); it != _syncProblems.end(); ++it)
for (auto it = oldProblems.begin(); it != oldProblems.end(); ++it) {
const QString &path = it->first;
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag severity = it->second;
if (severity == SyncFileStatus::StatusError)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(path), fileStatus(path));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
qCDebug(lcStatusTracker) << "Item completed" << item->destination() << item->_status << item->_instruction;
if (showErrorInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusError;
} else if (showWarningInSocketApi(*item)) {
_syncProblems[item->_file] = SyncFileStatus::StatusWarning;
} else {
SharedFlag sharedFlag = item->_remotePerm.contains("S") ? Shared : NotShared;
if (item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NONE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE
&& item->_instruction != CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_ERROR) {
// decSyncCount calls *must* be symetric with incSyncCount calls in slotAboutToPropagate
decSyncCountAndEmitStatusChanged(item->destination(), sharedFlag);
} else {
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(item->destination()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(item->destination(), sharedFlag));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncFinished()
// Clear the sync counts to reduce the impact of unsymetrical inc/dec calls (e.g. when directory job abort)
QHash<QString, int> oldSyncCount;
std::swap(_syncCount, oldSyncCount);
for (auto it = oldSyncCount.begin(); it != oldSyncCount.end(); ++it)
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(it.key()), fileStatus(it.key()));
void SyncFileStatusTracker::slotSyncEngineRunningChanged()
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(QString()), resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(QString(), NotShared));
SyncFileStatus SyncFileStatusTracker::resolveSyncAndErrorStatus(const QString &relativePath, SharedFlag sharedFlag, PathKnownFlag isPathKnown)
// If it's a new file and that we're not syncing it yet,
// don't show any icon and wait for the filesystem watcher to trigger a sync.
SyncFileStatus status(isPathKnown ? SyncFileStatus::StatusUpToDate : SyncFileStatus::StatusNone);
if (_syncCount.value(relativePath)) {
} else {
// After a sync finished, we need to show the users issues from that last sync like the activity list does.
// Also used for parent directories showing a warning for an error child.
SyncFileStatus::SyncFileStatusTag problemStatus = lookupProblem(relativePath, _syncProblems);
if (problemStatus != SyncFileStatus::StatusNone)
ASSERT(sharedFlag != UnknownShared,
"The shared status needs to have been fetched from a SyncFileItem or the DB at this point.");
if (sharedFlag == Shared)
return status;
void SyncFileStatusTracker::invalidateParentPaths(const QString &path)
QStringList splitPath = path.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
for (int i = 0; i < splitPath.size(); ++i) {
QString parentPath = QStringList(splitPath.mid(0, i)).join(QLatin1String("/"));
emit fileStatusChanged(getSystemDestination(parentPath), fileStatus(parentPath));
QString SyncFileStatusTracker::getSystemDestination(const QString &relativePath)
QString systemPath = _syncEngine->localPath() + relativePath;
// SyncEngine::localPath() has a trailing slash, make sure to remove it if the
// destination is empty.
if (systemPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
systemPath.truncate(systemPath.length() - 1);
return systemPath;