2.2 KiB
The sleekest looking WEBUI for qBittorrent made with Vuejs!
Vue, qBitorrent, Vuetify
Visit the releases page!
Download the latest STABLE release.zip
Unzip this folder
Point your Alternate WEBUI location to the 'vuetorrent' folder
- clone the repo
- npm install
- npm run serve
viewing sessions status ( down / upload speed, session uploaded / downloaded )
adding / removing / pausing / resuming torrents
sorting by every property shown!
mobile friendly! (maybe not for thousands of torrents...)
torrent info / trackers / peers / content
searching for new torrents straight from the WEBUI!
changing the most common settings
tag & category support
works on QBittorrent V4.2 and later
example queries:
- s name asc => sort by name ascending
- sort size desc => sort by size descending
- f ubuntu => filter by torrent-name that contains 'ubuntu'
- filter done => filter all completed torrents
- filt busy => filter all downloading torrents
I'll gladly accept help/pull requests & advice! (this is my first project of this nature, pls be kind 😛 ).
- Why build this??
- Why not? Most WebUI's look very dated and now it's no longer necessary to search for a remote control app!
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Open up an issue 😛
- Dashboard design heavily inspired by: 'Net Ninja - Vuetify'.
- This repo 'CzBiX qb-web '