#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail -o errexit # Error handling handle_error() { read -n1 -r -p "FAILED: line $1, exit code $2. Press any key to exit..." _ exit 1 } trap 'handle_error $LINENO $?' ERR if ! command -v gh >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "gh command not found, unable te prepare a release." exit 1 fi current_branch=$(git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null || git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$current_branch" && "${current_branch}" != "master" ]]; then echo "Current branch '$current_branch' is not the 'master' branch." echo "Please checkout and pull the master branch before you continue." exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$GPG_SIGNING_USER" ]]; then read -rp "Provide the GPG user or key which will sign the tar.gz file: " input GPG_SIGNING_USER="${input}" fi if [[ -n "$GPG_SIGNING_USER" ]]; then if ! gpg --list-keys "$GPG_SIGNING_USER" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "GPG Key for '${GPG_SIGNING_USER}' not found." exit 1 fi fi # Get the latest release tag, this should match the tag created with `gh-prepare` LATEST_REMOTE_TAG="v$(git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --tags --refs --sort='v:refname' https://github.com/dani-garcia/bw_web_builds.git 'v*' | tail -n1 | grep -Eo '[^\/v]*$')" # Ask for release tag if not provided, or validate the `$LATEST_REMOTE_TAG` if [[ -z "$RELEASE_TAG" ]]; then read -rp "Provide git release tag (default: '${LATEST_REMOTE_TAG}'): " input RELEASE_TAG="${input:-${LATEST_REMOTE_TAG}}" fi # Check if the RELEASE_TAG starts with vYYYY.M.B and patch letters are allowed like vYYYY.M.Ba if [[ ! "${RELEASE_TAG}" =~ ^v20[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1}[a-z]?$ ]]; then echo "The provided release tag does not meet our standards!" echo "'${RELEASE_TAG}' does not match the vYYYY.M.B format." exit 1 fi while true; do read -rp "Using: '${RELEASE_TAG}' as tag, continue? (y/n): " yn case $yn in [Yy] ) # Continue with the release break ;; [Nn] ) echo "Aborting prepare" exit 1 ;; * ) echo "Please answer y or n" ;; esac done echo "Extracting tar.gz file from GitHub Container Registry" ${CONTAINER_CMD} create --name "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}" "ghcr.io/dani-garcia/bw_web_builds:${RELEASE_TAG}" ${CONTAINER_CMD} cp "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}:/bw_web_vault.tar.gz" "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz" ${CONTAINER_CMD} rm "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}" if [[ -f "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz" ]]; then gpg --yes --detach-sign --armor --local-user "$GPG_SIGNING_USER" --output "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz.asc" "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz" sha256sum "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz"* | tee sha256sums.txt gh release upload "${RELEASE_TAG}" "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz" "bw_web_${RELEASE_TAG}.tar.gz.asc" sha256sums.txt gh release edit "${RELEASE_TAG}" --draft=false fi