mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 20:41:13 +03:00
This commit adds support for the port to be specified when using the radius monitor type. A check has been implemented to ensure that a null value is not passed to the radius check function as could occur with monitors that were created before this change was introduced. The default port of 1812 is displayed when the user selects the radius monitor in much the same way as the DNS port is handled. The port was not included in the hostname in the form hostname:port in order to avoid issues with IPv6 addresses and monitors that had been created before this change was implemented. Signed-off-by: Matthew Nickson <mnickson@sidingsmedia.com> Signed-off-by: Matthew Nickson <mnickson@sidingsmedia.com>
660 lines
18 KiB
660 lines
18 KiB
const tcpp = require("tcp-ping");
const Ping = require("./ping-lite");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { log, genSecret } = require("../src/util");
const passwordHash = require("./password-hash");
const { Resolver } = require("dns");
const childProcess = require("child_process");
const iconv = require("iconv-lite");
const chardet = require("chardet");
const mqtt = require("mqtt");
const chroma = require("chroma-js");
const { badgeConstants } = require("./config");
const mssql = require("mssql");
const { Client } = require("pg");
const postgresConParse = require("pg-connection-string").parse;
const { NtlmClient } = require("axios-ntlm");
const { Settings } = require("./settings");
const radiusClient = require("node-radius-client");
const {
dictionaries: {
rfc2865: { file, attributes },
} = require("node-radius-utils");
// From ping-lite
exports.WIN = /^win/.test(process.platform);
exports.LIN = /^linux/.test(process.platform);
exports.MAC = /^darwin/.test(process.platform);
exports.FBSD = /^freebsd/.test(process.platform);
exports.BSD = /bsd$/.test(process.platform);
* Init or reset JWT secret
* @returns {Promise<Bean>}
exports.initJWTSecret = async () => {
let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [
if (!jwtSecretBean) {
jwtSecretBean = R.dispense("setting");
jwtSecretBean.key = "jwtSecret";
jwtSecretBean.value = passwordHash.generate(genSecret());
await R.store(jwtSecretBean);
return jwtSecretBean;
* Send TCP request to specified hostname and port
* @param {string} hostname Hostname / address of machine
* @param {number} port TCP port to test
* @returns {Promise<number>} Maximum time in ms rounded to nearest integer
exports.tcping = function (hostname, port) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
address: hostname,
port: port,
attempts: 1,
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (data.results.length >= 1 && data.results[0].err) {
* Ping the specified machine
* @param {string} hostname Hostname / address of machine
* @returns {Promise<number>} Time for ping in ms rounded to nearest integer
exports.ping = async (hostname) => {
try {
return await exports.pingAsync(hostname);
} catch (e) {
// If the host cannot be resolved, try again with ipv6
if (e.message.includes("service not known")) {
return await exports.pingAsync(hostname, true);
} else {
throw e;
* Ping the specified machine
* @param {string} hostname Hostname / address of machine to ping
* @param {boolean} ipv6 Should IPv6 be used?
* @returns {Promise<number>} Time for ping in ms rounded to nearest integer
exports.pingAsync = function (hostname, ipv6 = false) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ping = new Ping(hostname, {
ping.send(function (err, ms, stdout) {
if (err) {
} else if (ms === null) {
reject(new Error(stdout));
} else {
* MQTT Monitor
* @param {string} hostname Hostname / address of machine to test
* @param {string} topic MQTT topic
* @param {string} okMessage Expected result
* @param {Object} [options={}] MQTT options. Contains port, username,
* password and interval (interval defaults to 20)
* @returns {Promise<string>}
exports.mqttAsync = function (hostname, topic, okMessage, options = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { port, username, password, interval = 20 } = options;
// Adds MQTT protocol to the hostname if not already present
if (!/^(?:http|mqtt)s?:\/\//.test(hostname)) {
hostname = "mqtt://" + hostname;
const timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
log.debug("mqtt", "MQTT timeout triggered");
reject(new Error("Timeout"));
}, interval * 1000 * 0.8);
log.debug("mqtt", "MQTT connecting");
let client = mqtt.connect(hostname, {
client.on("connect", () => {
log.debug("mqtt", "MQTT connected");
try {
log.debug("mqtt", "MQTT subscribe topic");
} catch (e) {
reject(new Error("Cannot subscribe topic"));
client.on("error", (error) => {
client.on("message", (messageTopic, message) => {
if (messageTopic === topic) {
if (okMessage != null && okMessage !== "" && message.toString() !== okMessage) {
reject(new Error(`Message Mismatch - Topic: ${messageTopic}; Message: ${message.toString()}`));
} else {
resolve(`Topic: ${messageTopic}; Message: ${message.toString()}`);
* Use NTLM Auth for a http request.
* @param {Object} options The http request options
* @param {Object} ntlmOptions The auth options
* @returns {Promise<(string[]|Object[]|Object)>}
exports.httpNtlm = function (options, ntlmOptions) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let client = NtlmClient(ntlmOptions);
.then((resp) => {
.catch((err) => {
* Resolves a given record using the specified DNS server
* @param {string} hostname The hostname of the record to lookup
* @param {string} resolverServer The DNS server to use
* @param {string} resolverPort Port the DNS server is listening on
* @param {string} rrtype The type of record to request
* @returns {Promise<(string[]|Object[]|Object)>}
exports.dnsResolve = function (hostname, resolverServer, resolverPort, rrtype) {
const resolver = new Resolver();
// Remove brackets from IPv6 addresses so we can re-add them to
// prevent issues with ::1:5300 (::1 port 5300)
resolverServer = resolverServer.replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
resolver.setServers([ `[${resolverServer}]:${resolverPort}` ]);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (rrtype === "PTR") {
resolver.reverse(hostname, (err, records) => {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
resolver.resolve(hostname, rrtype, (err, records) => {
if (err) {
} else {
* Run a query on SQL Server
* @param {string} connectionString The database connection string
* @param {string} query The query to validate the database with
* @returns {Promise<(string[]|Object[]|Object)>}
exports.mssqlQuery = function (connectionString, query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
mssql.connect(connectionString).then(pool => {
return pool.request()
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
}).finally(() => {
* Run a query on Postgres
* @param {string} connectionString The database connection string
* @param {string} query The query to validate the database with
* @returns {Promise<(string[]|Object[]|Object)>}
exports.postgresQuery = function (connectionString, query) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const config = postgresConParse(connectionString);
if (config.password === "") {
// See https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/issues/1927
return reject(new Error("Password is undefined."));
const client = new Client({ connectionString });
return client.query(query)
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
.finally(() => {
* Query radius server
* @param {string} hostname Hostname of radius server
* @param {string} username Username to use
* @param {string} password Password to use
* @param {string} calledStationId ID of called station
* @param {string} callingStationId ID of calling station
* @param {string} secret Secret to use
* @param {number} [port=1812] Port to contact radius server on
* @returns {Promise<any>}
exports.radius = function (
port = 1812,
) {
const client = new radiusClient({
host: hostname,
hostPort: port,
dictionaries: [ file ],
return client.accessRequest({
secret: secret,
attributes: [
[ attributes.USER_NAME, username ],
[ attributes.USER_PASSWORD, password ],
[ attributes.CALLING_STATION_ID, callingStationId ],
[ attributes.CALLED_STATION_ID, calledStationId ],
* Retrieve value of setting based on key
* @param {string} key Key of setting to retrieve
* @returns {Promise<any>} Value
* @deprecated Use await Settings.get(key)
exports.setting = async function (key) {
return await Settings.get(key);
* Sets the specified setting to specifed value
* @param {string} key Key of setting to set
* @param {any} value Value to set to
* @param {?string} type Type of setting
* @returns {Promise<void>}
exports.setSetting = async function (key, value, type = null) {
await Settings.set(key, value, type);
* Get settings based on type
* @param {string} type The type of setting
* @returns {Promise<Bean>}
exports.getSettings = async function (type) {
return await Settings.getSettings(type);
* Set settings based on type
* @param {string} type Type of settings to set
* @param {Object} data Values of settings
* @returns {Promise<void>}
exports.setSettings = async function (type, data) {
await Settings.setSettings(type, data);
// ssl-checker by @dyaa
* Get number of days between two dates
* @param {Date} validFrom Start date
* @param {Date} validTo End date
* @returns {number}
const getDaysBetween = (validFrom, validTo) =>
Math.round(Math.abs(+validFrom - +validTo) / 8.64e7);
* Get days remaining from a time range
* @param {Date} validFrom Start date
* @param {Date} validTo End date
* @returns {number}
const getDaysRemaining = (validFrom, validTo) => {
const daysRemaining = getDaysBetween(validFrom, validTo);
if (new Date(validTo).getTime() < new Date().getTime()) {
return -daysRemaining;
return daysRemaining;
* Fix certificate info for display
* @param {Object} info The chain obtained from getPeerCertificate()
* @returns {Object} An object representing certificate information
const parseCertificateInfo = function (info) {
let link = info;
let i = 0;
const existingList = {};
while (link) {
log.debug("cert", `[${i}] ${link.fingerprint}`);
if (!link.valid_from || !link.valid_to) {
link.validTo = new Date(link.valid_to);
link.validFor = link.subjectaltname?.replace(/DNS:|IP Address:/g, "").split(", ");
link.daysRemaining = getDaysRemaining(new Date(), link.validTo);
existingList[link.fingerprint] = true;
// Move up the chain until loop is encountered
if (link.issuerCertificate == null) {
} else if (link.issuerCertificate.fingerprint in existingList) {
log.debug("cert", `[Last] ${link.issuerCertificate.fingerprint}`);
link.issuerCertificate = null;
} else {
link = link.issuerCertificate;
// Should be no use, but just in case.
if (i > 500) {
throw new Error("Dead loop occurred in parseCertificateInfo");
return info;
* Check if certificate is valid
* @param {Object} res Response object from axios
* @returns {Object} Object containing certificate information
exports.checkCertificate = function (res) {
const info = res.request.res.socket.getPeerCertificate(true);
const valid = res.request.res.socket.authorized || false;
log.debug("cert", "Parsing Certificate Info");
const parsedInfo = parseCertificateInfo(info);
return {
valid: valid,
certInfo: parsedInfo
* Check if the provided status code is within the accepted ranges
* @param {number} status The status code to check
* @param {string[]} acceptedCodes An array of accepted status codes
* @returns {boolean} True if status code within range, false otherwise
* @throws {Error} Will throw an error if the provided status code is not a valid range string or code string
exports.checkStatusCode = function (status, acceptedCodes) {
if (acceptedCodes == null || acceptedCodes.length === 0) {
return false;
for (const codeRange of acceptedCodes) {
const codeRangeSplit = codeRange.split("-").map(string => parseInt(string));
if (codeRangeSplit.length === 1) {
if (status === codeRangeSplit[0]) {
return true;
} else if (codeRangeSplit.length === 2) {
if (status >= codeRangeSplit[0] && status <= codeRangeSplit[1]) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid status code range");
return false;
* Get total number of clients in room
* @param {Server} io Socket server instance
* @param {string} roomName Name of room to check
* @returns {number}
exports.getTotalClientInRoom = (io, roomName) => {
const sockets = io.sockets;
if (!sockets) {
return 0;
const adapter = sockets.adapter;
if (!adapter) {
return 0;
const room = adapter.rooms.get(roomName);
if (room) {
return room.size;
} else {
return 0;
* Allow CORS all origins if development
* @param {Object} res Response object from axios
exports.allowDevAllOrigin = (res) => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
* Allow CORS all origins
* @param {Object} res Response object from axios
exports.allowAllOrigin = (res) => {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
* Check if a user is logged in
* @param {Socket} socket Socket instance
exports.checkLogin = (socket) => {
if (!socket.userID) {
throw new Error("You are not logged in.");
* For logged-in users, double-check the password
* @param {Socket} socket Socket.io instance
* @param {string} currentPassword
* @returns {Promise<Bean>}
exports.doubleCheckPassword = async (socket, currentPassword) => {
if (typeof currentPassword !== "string") {
throw new Error("Wrong data type?");
let user = await R.findOne("user", " id = ? AND active = 1 ", [
if (!user || !passwordHash.verify(currentPassword, user.password)) {
throw new Error("Incorrect current password");
return user;
/** Start Unit tests */
exports.startUnitTest = async () => {
console.log("Starting unit test...");
const npm = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? "npm.cmd" : "npm";
const child = childProcess.spawn(npm, [ "run", "jest-backend" ]);
child.stdout.on("data", (data) => {
child.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
child.on("close", function (code) {
console.log("Jest exit code: " + code);
/** Start end-to-end tests */
exports.startE2eTests = async () => {
console.log("Starting unit test...");
const npm = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? "npm.cmd" : "npm";
const child = childProcess.spawn(npm, [ "run", "cy:run" ]);
child.stdout.on("data", (data) => {
child.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
child.on("close", function (code) {
console.log("Jest exit code: " + code);
* Convert unknown string to UTF8
* @param {Uint8Array} body Buffer
* @returns {string}
exports.convertToUTF8 = (body) => {
const guessEncoding = chardet.detect(body);
const str = iconv.decode(body, guessEncoding);
return str.toString();
* Returns a color code in hex format based on a given percentage:
* 0% => hue = 10 => red
* 100% => hue = 90 => green
* @param {number} percentage float, 0 to 1
* @param {number} maxHue
* @param {number} minHue, int
* @returns {string}, hex value
exports.percentageToColor = (percentage, maxHue = 90, minHue = 10) => {
const hue = percentage * (maxHue - minHue) + minHue;
try {
return chroma(`hsl(${hue}, 90%, 40%)`).hex();
} catch (err) {
return badgeConstants.naColor;
* Joins and array of string to one string after filtering out empty values
* @param {string[]} parts
* @param {string} connector
* @returns {string}
exports.filterAndJoin = (parts, connector = "") => {
return parts.filter((part) => !!part && part !== "").join(connector);
* Send a 403 response
* @param {Object} res Express response object
* @param {string} [msg=""] Message to send
module.exports.send403 = (res, msg = "") => {
"status": "fail",
"msg": msg,