const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider"); const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util"); const { default: axios } = require("axios"); const Crypto = require("crypto"); const qs = require("qs"); class AliyunSMS extends NotificationProvider { name = "AliyunSMS"; async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) { let okMsg = "Sent Successfully."; try { if (heartbeatJSON != null) { let msgBody = JSON.stringify({ name: monitorJSON["name"], time: heartbeatJSON["time"], status: this.statusToString(heartbeatJSON["status"]), msg: heartbeatJSON["msg"], }); if (this.sendSms(notification, msgBody)) { return okMsg; } } else { let msgBody = JSON.stringify({ name: "", time: "", status: "", msg: msg, }); if (this.sendSms(notification, msgBody)) { return okMsg; } } } catch (error) { this.throwGeneralAxiosError(error); } } /** * Send the SMS notification * @param {BeanModel} notification Notification details * @param {string} msgbody Message template * @returns {boolean} True if successful else false */ async sendSms(notification, msgbody) { let params = { PhoneNumbers: notification.phonenumber, TemplateCode: notification.templateCode, SignName: notification.signName, TemplateParam: msgbody, AccessKeyId: notification.accessKeyId, Format: "JSON", SignatureMethod: "HMAC-SHA1", SignatureVersion: "1.0", SignatureNonce: Math.random().toString(), Timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), Action: "SendSms", Version: "2017-05-25", }; params.Signature = this.sign(params, notification.secretAccessKey); let config = { method: "POST", url: "", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: qs.stringify(params), }; let result = await axios(config); if ( === "OK") { return true; } return false; } /** * Aliyun request sign * @param {Object} param Parameters object to sign * @param {string} AccessKeySecret Secret key to sign parameters with * @returns {string} */ sign(param, AccessKeySecret) { let param2 = {}; let data = []; let oa = Object.keys(param).sort(); for (let i = 0; i < oa.length; i++) { let key = oa[i]; param2[key] = param[key]; } let moreEscapesTable = function(m) { return { "!": "%21", "*": "%2A", "'": "%27", "(": "%28", ")": "%29" }[m] }; for (let key in param2) { let value = encodeURIComponent(param2[key]).replace(/[!*'()]/g, moreEscapesTable); data.push(`${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${value}`); } let StringToSign = `POST&${encodeURIComponent("/")}&${encodeURIComponent(data.join("&"))}`; return Crypto .createHmac("sha1", `${AccessKeySecret}&`) .update(Buffer.from(StringToSign)) .digest("base64"); } /** * Convert status constant to string * @param {const} status The status constant * @returns {string} */ statusToString(status) { switch (status) { case DOWN: return "DOWN"; case UP: return "UP"; default: return status; } } } module.exports = AliyunSMS;