diff --git a/src/lang/yue.json b/src/lang/yue.json index 6fdd7ac8..c6fb894f 100644 --- a/src/lang/yue.json +++ b/src/lang/yue.json @@ -12,5 +12,9 @@ "Version": "版本", "Check Update On GitHub": "去 GitHub 睇下有冇更新", "List": "列表", - "Add": "新增" + "Add": "新增", + "Primary Base URL": "主要 Base URL", + "Heartbeat Retry Interval": "確定為離線的重試間隔", + "retryCheckEverySecond": "每 {0} 秒重試一次", + "add one": "加一個" } diff --git a/src/lang/zh-HK.json b/src/lang/zh-HK.json index 1111c3cb..14f25b5e 100644 --- a/src/lang/zh-HK.json +++ b/src/lang/zh-HK.json @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ "Partially Degraded Service": "部份服務受阻", "Degraded Service": "服務受阻", "Add Group": "新增群組", - "Add a monitor": " 新增監測器", + "Add a monitor": "新增監測器", "Edit Status Page": "編輯 Status Page", "Go to Dashboard": "前往主控台", "Status Page": "Status Page", @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "Done": "完成", "Info": "資訊", "Security": "安全性", - "Steam API Key": "Steam API 金鑰", + "Steam API Key": "Steam API Key", "Shrink Database": "壓縮資料庫", "Pick a RR-Type...": "選擇資源記錄類型…", "Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "選擇可接受的狀態碼…", @@ -429,5 +429,149 @@ "Not running": "未執行", "Remove Token": "移除 Token", "Start": "開始", - "User": "使用者" + "User": "使用者", + "trustProxyDescription": "信任 'X-Forwarded-*' 的 Header。如果您想取得正確的 Client IP,且您的 Uptime Kuma 架設於 Nginx 或 Apache 之後,您應啟用此選項。", + "Reverse Proxy": "Reverse Proxy", + "Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ": "若要取得長期有效 Access Token,請按您的個人檔案名稱 (左下角),捲動至最下方,然後按建立 Token。 ", + "A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.": "您可以在 Home Assistant 中查看通知服務的列表,在\"開發者工具 > 服務\"下搜尋\"通知\"來找到您的裝置/手機的名稱。", + "loadingError": "未能取得數據,請重新再試。", + "uninstall": "解除安裝", + "wayToGetZohoCliqURL": "您可以前往此頁面以了解如何建立 Webhook 網址 {0}。", + "Select status pages...": "選擇 Status Page…", + "webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc": "設定傳送 Webhook 時使用的額外 Header。", + "topic": "Topic", + "topicExplanation": "監測 MQTT 中的一個 Topic", + "successMessageExplanation": "MQTT 中收到視為成功的訊息", + "Certificate Chain": "証書信任鏈", + "Slug": "Slug", + "Accept characters:": "可用字元:", + "startOrEndWithOnly": "只能使用 {0} 開頭或結尾", + "No consecutive dashes": "不得連續使用破折號", + "The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.": "此 slug 已被使用。請選擇其他 slug。", + "Authentication": "驗證", + "HTTP Basic Auth": "HTTP Basic Auth", + "New Status Page": "新 Status Page", + "Docker Daemon": "Docker Daemon", + "About": "關於", + "wayToGetCloudflaredURL": "(到 {0} 下載 cloudflared)", + "cloudflareWebsite": "Cloudflare 網頁", + "Message:": "訊息:", + "Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何取得權杖?請閱讀指南:", + "The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您正透過 Cloudflare Tunnel 連線,可能會導致連線中斷。您確定要停止嗎?請輸入密碼以確認。", + "HTTP Headers": "HTTP Headers", + "Trust Proxy": "信任 Proxy", + "Other Software": "其他軟件", + "For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如 nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。", + "Please read": "請閱覽", + "Subject:": "標題:", + "Days Remaining:": "餘下日數:", + "Issuer:": "簽發者:", + "Fingerprint:": "指紋:", + "No status pages": "無 Status Page", + "Domain Name Expiry Notification": "Domain 到期通知", + "Footer Text": "Footer 文字", + "Show Powered By": "顯示 \"Powered By\"", + "Domain Names": "Domain", + "signedInDisp": "登入為 {0}", + "signedInDispDisabled": "驗證已停用。", + "RadiusSecret": "Radius Secret", + "RadiusSecretDescription": "Client 與 Server 之間的共享 Secret", + "RadiusCalledStationId": "Called Station Id", + "RadiusCallingStationId": "Calling Station Id", + "Certificate Expiry Notification": "証書過期通知", + "API Username": "API 使用者名稱", + "API Key": "API Key", + "Show update if available": "有更新時顯示", + "Also check beta release": "檢查 Beta 版本", + "Using a Reverse Proxy?": "正在使用 Reverse Proxy?", + "Check how to config it for WebSocket": "查看如何加入 WebSocket 設定", + "Steam Game Server": "Steam 遊戲 Server", + "Most likely causes:": "最可能原因:", + "The resource is no longer available.": "資源已不能存取。", + "There might be a typing error in the address.": "網址可能輸入錯誤。", + "What you can try:": "您可以嘗試:", + "Retype the address.": "重新輸入網址。", + "Go back to the previous page.": "返回上一頁。", + "Coming Soon": "即將推出", + "Connection String": "Connection String", + "Query": "Query", + "settingsCertificateExpiry": "TLS 証書到期", + "certificationExpiryDescription": "証書將於 X 天後到期時觸發 HTTPS 監測器通知:", + "Setup Docker Host": "設定 Docker 主機", + "Connection Type": "連線方式", + "deleteDockerHostMsg": "您確定要為所有監測器刪除此 Docker 主機嗎?", + "socket": "Socket", + "tcp": "TCP / HTTP", + "Docker Container": "Docker Container", + "Container Name / ID": "Container 名稱 / ID", + "Docker Host": "Docker 主機", + "Docker Hosts": "Docker 主機", + "Domain": "Domain", + "Workstation": "Workstation", + "ZohoCliq": "ZohoCliq", + "disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg": "您處於無驗證模式。無須輸入密碼。", + "wayToGetLineNotifyToken": "您可以從 {0} 取得 Access Token。", + "Examples": "例子", + "Home Assistant URL": "Home Assistant 網址", + "Long-Lived Access Token": "長期有效 Access Token", + "Notification Service": "通知服務", + "default: notify all devices": "預設:通知所有服務", + "Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:": "可以選擇在 Home Assistant 中觸發自動程序:", + "Trigger type:": "觸發類型:", + "backupRecommend": "請直接備份 Docker Volume 或 ./data/ 資料夾。", + "squadcast": "Squadcast", + "or": "或", + "recurringInterval": "間隔", + "Recurring": "重複性", + "strategyManual": "手動啟用/停用", + "warningTimezone": "正在使用 Server 的時區", + "weekdayShortMon": "一", + "weekdayShortTue": "二", + "weekdayShortWed": "三", + "weekdayShortThu": "四", + "weekdayShortFri": "五", + "weekdayShortSat": "六", + "weekdayShortSun": "日", + "dayOfWeek": "每周特定一天", + "dayOfMonth": "每月特定一天", + "lastDay": "最後一天", + "lastDay1": "每月最後一天", + "maintenanceStatus-ended": "已結束", + "maintenanceStatus-unknown": "未知", + "Display Timezone": "顯示時區", + "Schedule Maintenance": "排程維護", + "Date and Time": "日期與時間", + "DateTime Range": "日期與時間範圍", + "plugin": "插件 | 插件", + "install": "安裝", + "installing": "正在安装", + "uninstalling": "正在解除安裝", + "confirmUninstallPlugin": "你確定要解除安裝?", + "dataRetentionTimeError": "保留限期必需為 0 或正數", + "infiniteRetention": "設定為 0 以作無限期保留。", + "Effective Date Range": "有效日期範圍", + "Hello @everyone is...": "Hello {'@'}everyone is…", + "Packet Size": "Packet 大小", + "Event type:": "事件類型:", + "Event data:": "事件資料:", + "Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.": "然後選擇操作,例如切換至 RGB 燈為紅色的場景。", + "Frontend Version": "前端版本", + "Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "前端版本與後端版本不符!", + "lastDay2": "每月倒數第二天", + "lastDay3": "每月倒數第三天", + "lastDay4": "每月倒數第四天", + "No Maintenance": "無維護", + "pauseMaintenanceMsg": "您確定要暫停嗎?", + "maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "維護中", + "maintenanceStatus-inactive": "已停用", + "maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "已排程", + "Server Timezone": "伺服器時區", + "statusPageMaintenanceEndDate": "結束", + "IconUrl": "Icon 網址", + "dnsCacheDescription": "在某些情況 IPv6 可能會出現異常,如果您遇到任何問題,請停用。", + "Single Maintenance Window": "單一維護時段", + "Maintenance Time Window of a Day": "每日維護時段", + "Proxy": "Proxy", + "backupOutdatedWarning": "過時:由於備份功能未顧及新功能的增加,因此備份功能無法產生或復原完整的備份。", + "Optional": "可選填" }