diff --git a/server/server.js b/server/server.js
index 03f1cff2..d03c715d 100644
--- a/server/server.js
+++ b/server/server.js
@@ -65,8 +65,6 @@ log.debug("server", "Importing http-graceful-shutdown");
const gracefulShutdown = require("http-graceful-shutdown");
log.debug("server", "Importing prometheus-api-metrics");
const prometheusAPIMetrics = require("prometheus-api-metrics");
-log.debug("server", "Importing compare-versions");
-const compareVersions = require("compare-versions");
const { passwordStrength } = require("check-password-strength");
log.debug("server", "Importing 2FA Modules");
@@ -91,9 +89,6 @@ log.debug("server", "Importing Notification");
const { Notification } = require("./notification");
-log.debug("server", "Importing Proxy");
-const { Proxy } = require("./proxy");
log.debug("server", "Importing Database");
const Database = require("./database");
@@ -1434,212 +1429,6 @@ let needSetup = false;
- socket.on("uploadBackup", async (uploadedJSON, importHandle, callback) => {
- try {
- checkLogin(socket);
- let backupData = JSON.parse(uploadedJSON);
- log.info("manage", `Importing Backup, User ID: ${socket.userID}, Version: ${backupData.version}`);
- let notificationListData = backupData.notificationList;
- let proxyListData = backupData.proxyList;
- let monitorListData = backupData.monitorList;
- let version17x = compareVersions.compare(backupData.version, "1.7.0", ">=");
- // If the import option is "overwrite" it'll clear most of the tables, except "settings" and "user"
- if (importHandle === "overwrite") {
- // Stops every monitor first, so it doesn't execute any heartbeat while importing
- for (let id in server.monitorList) {
- let monitor = server.monitorList[id];
- await monitor.stop();
- }
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_notification");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_tls_info");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM notification");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_tag");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM tag");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor");
- await R.exec("DELETE FROM proxy");
- }
- // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one notification
- if (notificationListData.length >= 1) {
- // Get every existing notification name and puts them in one simple string
- let notificationNameList = await R.getAll("SELECT name FROM notification");
- let notificationNameListString = JSON.stringify(notificationNameList);
- for (let i = 0; i < notificationListData.length; i++) {
- // Only starts importing the notification if the import option is "overwrite", "keep" or "skip" but the notification doesn't exists
- if ((importHandle === "skip" && notificationNameListString.includes(notificationListData[i].name) === false) || importHandle === "keep" || importHandle === "overwrite") {
- let notification = JSON.parse(notificationListData[i].config);
- await Notification.save(notification, null, socket.userID);
- }
- }
- }
- // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one proxy
- if (proxyListData && proxyListData.length >= 1) {
- const proxies = await R.findAll("proxy");
- // Loop over proxy list and save proxies
- for (const proxy of proxyListData) {
- const exists = proxies.find(item => item.id === proxy.id);
- // Do not process when proxy already exists in import handle is skip and keep
- if ([ "skip", "keep" ].includes(importHandle) && !exists) {
- return;
- }
- // Save proxy as new entry if exists update exists one
- await Proxy.save(proxy, exists ? proxy.id : undefined, proxy.userId);
- }
- }
- // Only starts importing if the backup file contains at least one monitor
- if (monitorListData.length >= 1) {
- // Get every existing monitor name and puts them in one simple string
- let monitorNameList = await R.getAll("SELECT name FROM monitor");
- let monitorNameListString = JSON.stringify(monitorNameList);
- for (let i = 0; i < monitorListData.length; i++) {
- // Only starts importing the monitor if the import option is "overwrite", "keep" or "skip" but the notification doesn't exists
- if ((importHandle === "skip" && monitorNameListString.includes(monitorListData[i].name) === false) || importHandle === "keep" || importHandle === "overwrite") {
- // Define in here every new variable for monitors which where implemented after the first version of the Import/Export function (1.6.0)
- // --- Start ---
- // Define default values
- let retryInterval = 0;
- let timeout = monitorListData[i].timeout || (monitorListData[i].interval * 0.8); // fallback to old value
- /*
- Only replace the default value with the backup file data for the specific version, where it appears the first time
- More information about that where "let version" will be defined
- */
- if (version17x) {
- retryInterval = monitorListData[i].retryInterval;
- }
- // --- End ---
- let monitor = {
- // Define the new variable from earlier here
- name: monitorListData[i].name,
- description: monitorListData[i].description,
- type: monitorListData[i].type,
- url: monitorListData[i].url,
- method: monitorListData[i].method || "GET",
- body: monitorListData[i].body,
- headers: monitorListData[i].headers,
- authMethod: monitorListData[i].authMethod,
- basic_auth_user: monitorListData[i].basic_auth_user,
- basic_auth_pass: monitorListData[i].basic_auth_pass,
- authWorkstation: monitorListData[i].authWorkstation,
- authDomain: monitorListData[i].authDomain,
- timeout,
- interval: monitorListData[i].interval,
- retryInterval: retryInterval,
- resendInterval: monitorListData[i].resendInterval || 0,
- hostname: monitorListData[i].hostname,
- maxretries: monitorListData[i].maxretries,
- port: monitorListData[i].port,
- keyword: monitorListData[i].keyword,
- invertKeyword: monitorListData[i].invertKeyword,
- ignoreTls: monitorListData[i].ignoreTls,
- upsideDown: monitorListData[i].upsideDown,
- maxredirects: monitorListData[i].maxredirects,
- accepted_statuscodes: monitorListData[i].accepted_statuscodes,
- dns_resolve_type: monitorListData[i].dns_resolve_type,
- dns_resolve_server: monitorListData[i].dns_resolve_server,
- notificationIDList: monitorListData[i].notificationIDList,
- proxy_id: monitorListData[i].proxy_id || null,
- };
- if (monitorListData[i].pushToken) {
- monitor.pushToken = monitorListData[i].pushToken;
- }
- let bean = R.dispense("monitor");
- let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList;
- delete monitor.notificationIDList;
- monitor.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes);
- delete monitor.accepted_statuscodes;
- bean.import(monitor);
- bean.user_id = socket.userID;
- await R.store(bean);
- // Only for backup files with the version 1.7.0 or higher, since there was the tag feature implemented
- if (version17x) {
- // Only import if the specific monitor has tags assigned
- for (const oldTag of monitorListData[i].tags) {
- // Check if tag already exists and get data ->
- let tag = await R.findOne("tag", " name = ?", [
- oldTag.name,
- ]);
- let tagId;
- if (!tag) {
- // -> If it doesn't exist, create new tag from backup file
- let beanTag = R.dispense("tag");
- beanTag.name = oldTag.name;
- beanTag.color = oldTag.color;
- await R.store(beanTag);
- tagId = beanTag.id;
- } else {
- // -> If it already exist, set tagId to value from database
- tagId = tag.id;
- }
- // Assign the new created tag to the monitor
- await R.exec("INSERT INTO monitor_tag (tag_id, monitor_id, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [
- tagId,
- bean.id,
- oldTag.value,
- ]);
- }
- }
- await updateMonitorNotification(bean.id, notificationIDList);
- // If monitor was active start it immediately, otherwise pause it
- if (monitorListData[i].active === 1) {
- await startMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id);
- } else {
- await pauseMonitor(socket.userID, bean.id);
- }
- }
- }
- await sendNotificationList(socket);
- await server.sendMonitorList(socket);
- }
- callback({
- ok: true,
- msg: "successBackupRestored",
- msgi18n: true,
- });
- } catch (e) {
- callback({
- ok: false,
- msg: e.message,
- });
- }
- });
socket.on("clearEvents", async (monitorID, callback) => {
try {
diff --git a/src/components/settings/Backup.vue b/src/components/settings/Backup.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 1452541f..00000000
--- a/src/components/settings/Backup.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@