From 8cefc96c783f35b47011cb59b2e6df2f49153db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SiderealArt <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 18:11:26 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Update Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) translation

 src/languages/zh-TW.js | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/languages/zh-TW.js b/src/languages/zh-TW.js
index 0b5b5add..ff849adb 100644
--- a/src/languages/zh-TW.js
+++ b/src/languages/zh-TW.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export default {
     Appearance: "外觀",
     Theme: "主題",
     General: "一般",
-    "Primary Base URL": "主要基底 URL",
+    "Primary Base URL": "主要基底網址",
     Version: "版本",
     "Check Update On GitHub": "在 GitHub 檢查更新",
     List: "清單",
@@ -307,9 +307,12 @@ export default {
     PasswordsDoNotMatch: "密碼不相符。",
     records: "記錄",
     "One record": "一項記錄",
-    "Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records": "正在顯示 {count} 項記錄中的 {from} 至 {to} 項",
     steamApiKeyDescription: "若要監測 Steam 遊戲伺服器,您將需要 Steam Web-API 金鑰。您可以在此註冊您的 API 金鑰:",
     "Current User": "目前使用者",
+    topic: "Topic",
+    topicExplanation: "要監測的 MQTT Topic",
+    successMessage: "成功訊息",
+    successMessageExplanation: "視為成功的 MQTT 訊息",
     recent: "最近",
     Done: "完成",
     Info: "資訊",
@@ -355,6 +358,9 @@ export default {
     serwersmsPhoneNumber: "電話號碼",
     serwersmsSenderName: "SMS 寄件人名稱 (由客戶入口網站註冊)",
     stackfield: "Stackfield",
+    Customize: "自訂",
+    "Custom Footer": "自訂頁尾",
+    "Custom CSS": "自訂 CSS",
     smtpDkimSettings: "DKIM 設定",
     smtpDkimDesc: "請參考 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 使用方式。",
     documentation: "文件",
@@ -366,7 +372,7 @@ export default {
     smtpDkimskipFields: "不簽署的郵件標頭 (選填)",
     gorush: "Gorush",
     alerta: "Alerta",
-    alertaApiEndpoint: "API Endpoint",
+    alertaApiEndpoint: "API 端點",
     alertaEnvironment: "環境",
     alertaApiKey: "API 金鑰",
     alertaAlertState: "警示狀態",
@@ -380,4 +386,80 @@ export default {
     proxyDescription: "必須將代理伺服器指派給監測器才能運作。",
     enableProxyDescription: "此代理伺服器在啟用前不會在監測器上生效,您可以藉由控制啟用狀態來暫時對所有的監測器停用代理伺服器。",
     setAsDefaultProxyDescription: "預設情況下,新監測器將啟用此代理伺服器。您仍可分別停用各監測器的代理伺服器。",
+    "Certificate Chain": "憑證鏈結",
+    Valid: "有效",
+    Invalid: "無效",
+    AccessKeyId: "AccessKey ID",
+    SecretAccessKey: "AccessKey 密碼",
+    PhoneNumbers: "PhoneNumbers",
+    TemplateCode: "TemplateCode",
+    SignName: "SignName",
+    "Sms template must contain parameters: ": "Sms 範本必須包含參數:",
+    "Bark Endpoint": "Bark 端點",
+    WebHookUrl: "WebHookUrl",
+    SecretKey: "SecretKey",
+    "For safety, must use secret key": "為了安全起見,必須使用秘密金鑰",
+    "Device Token": "裝置權杖",
+    Platform: "平台",
+    iOS: "iOS",
+    Android: "Android",
+    Huawei: "華為",
+    High: "高",
+    Retry: "重試",
+    Topic: "Topic",
+    "WeCom Bot Key": "WeCom 機器人金鑰",
+    "Setup Proxy": "設置 Proxy",
+    "Proxy Protocol": "Proxy 通訊協定",
+    "Proxy Server": "Proxy 伺服器",
+    "Proxy server has authentication": "Proxy 伺服器啟用了驗證功能",
+    User: "使用者",
+    Installed: "已安裝",
+    "Not installed": "未安裝",
+    Running: "執行中",
+    "Not running": "未執行",
+    "Remove Token": "移除權杖",
+    Start: "開始",
+    Stop: "停止",
+    "Uptime Kuma": "Uptime Kuma",
+    "Add New Status Page": "新增狀態頁",
+    Slug: "Slug",
+    "Accept characters:": "可用字元:",
+    startOrEndWithOnly: "僅能使用 {0} 開頭或結尾",
+    "No consecutive dashes": "不得連續使用破折號",
+    Next: "下一步",
+    "The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.": "此 slug 已被使用。請選擇其他 slug。",
+    "No Proxy": "無 Proxy",
+    "HTTP Basic Auth": "HTTP 基本驗證",
+    "New Status Page": "新狀態頁",
+    "Page Not Found": "找不到頁面",
+    "Reverse Proxy": "反向代理",
+    Backup: "備份",
+    About: "關於",
+    wayToGetCloudflaredURL: "(從 {0} 下載 cloudflared)",
+    cloudflareWebsite: "Cloudflare 網站",
+    "Message:": "訊息:",
+    "Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何取得權杖嗎?請閱讀指南:",
+    "The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您目前正透過 Cloudflare Tunnel 連線,可能會導致連線中斷。您確定要停止嗎?請輸入密碼以確認。",
+    "Other Software": "其他軟體",
+    "For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如 nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。",
+    "Please read": "請閱覽",
+    "Subject:": "簽發給:",
+    "Valid To:": "有效期限:",
+    "Days Remaining:": "剩餘天數:",
+    "Issuer:": "簽發者:",
+    "Fingerprint:": "指紋:",
+    "No status pages": "無狀態頁",
+    "Domain Name Expiry Notification": "網域名稱到期通知",
+    Proxy: "Proxy",
+    "Date Created": "建立日期",
+    onebotHttpAddress: "OneBot HTTP 位址",
+    onebotMessageType: "OneBot 訊息類型",
+    onebotGroupMessage: "群組",
+    onebotPrivateMessage: "私人",
+    onebotUserOrGroupId: "群組/使用者 ID",
+    onebotSafetyTips: "為了安全起見,必須設置存取權杖",
+    "PushDeer Key": "PushDeer 金鑰",
+    "Footer Text": "頁尾文字",
+    "Show Powered By": "顯示技術支援文字",
+    "Domain Names": "網域名稱",