

Linked emails

{{ emailFeedback }}
Enter validation token for {{ linkedEmails.emailBeingAuthed }}:

Desktop notifications

Notifications are enabled.

Specific words to alert on:

If blank, all messages will trigger an alert. Your username & display name always alerts.

  • {{word}}
You have denied permission for notifications.
To enable it, reset the notification setting for this web site into your browser settings.
Sorry, your browser does not support notifications.


Home server: {{ config.homeserver }}
Identity server: {{ config.identityServer }}
User ID: {{ config.user_id }}
Access token: {{ config.access_token }}


The following commands are available in the room chat:
  • /nick <display_name>: change your display name
  • /me <action>: send the action you are doing. /me will be replaced by your display name
  • /join <room_alias>: join a room
  • /kick <user_id> [<reason>]: kick the user
  • /ban <user_id> [<reason>]: ban the user
  • /unban <user_id>: unban the user
  • /op <user_id> <power_level>: set user power level
  • /deop <user_id>: reset user power level to the room default value

{{ feedback }}