# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>. # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>. # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # from typing import Optional, Tuple from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import JsonMapping, ScheduledTask, TaskStatus from synapse.util import Clock from synapse.util.task_scheduler import TaskScheduler from tests.replication._base import BaseMultiWorkerStreamTestCase from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase, override_config class TestTaskScheduler(HomeserverTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.task_scheduler = hs.get_task_scheduler() self.task_scheduler.register_action(self._test_task, "_test_task") self.task_scheduler.register_action(self._sleeping_task, "_sleeping_task") self.task_scheduler.register_action(self._raising_task, "_raising_task") self.task_scheduler.register_action(self._resumable_task, "_resumable_task") async def _test_task( self, task: ScheduledTask ) -> Tuple[TaskStatus, Optional[JsonMapping], Optional[str]]: # This test task will copy the parameters to the result result = None if task.params: result = task.params return (TaskStatus.COMPLETE, result, None) def test_schedule_task(self) -> None: """Schedule a task in the future with some parameters to be copied as a result and check it executed correctly. Also check that it get removed after `KEEP_TASKS_FOR_MS`.""" timestamp = self.clock.time_msec() + 30 * 1000 task_id = self.get_success( self.task_scheduler.schedule_task( "_test_task", timestamp=timestamp, params={"val": 1}, ) ) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.SCHEDULED) self.assertIsNone(task.result) # The timestamp being 30s after now the task should been executed # after the first scheduling loop is run self.reactor.advance(TaskScheduler.SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_MS / 1000) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.COMPLETE) assert task.result is not None # The passed parameter should have been copied to the result self.assertTrue(task.result.get("val") == 1) # Let's wait for the complete task to be deleted and hence unavailable self.reactor.advance((TaskScheduler.KEEP_TASKS_FOR_MS / 1000) + 1) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) self.assertIsNone(task) async def _sleeping_task( self, task: ScheduledTask ) -> Tuple[TaskStatus, Optional[JsonMapping], Optional[str]]: # Sleep for a second await deferLater(self.reactor, 1, lambda: None) return TaskStatus.COMPLETE, None, None def test_schedule_lot_of_tasks(self) -> None: """Schedule more than `TaskScheduler.MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNNING_TASKS` tasks and check the behavior.""" task_ids = [] for i in range(TaskScheduler.MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNNING_TASKS + 1): task_ids.append( self.get_success( self.task_scheduler.schedule_task( "_sleeping_task", params={"val": i}, ) ) ) # This is to give the time to the active tasks to finish self.reactor.advance(1) # Check that only MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNNING_TASKS tasks has run and that one # is still scheduled. tasks = [ self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) for task_id in task_ids ] self.assertEquals( len( [t for t in tasks if t is not None and t.status == TaskStatus.COMPLETE] ), TaskScheduler.MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNNING_TASKS, ) scheduled_tasks = [ t for t in tasks if t is not None and t.status == TaskStatus.ACTIVE ] self.assertEquals(len(scheduled_tasks), 1) # We need to wait for the next run of the scheduler loop self.reactor.advance((TaskScheduler.SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_MS / 1000)) self.reactor.advance(1) # Check that the last task has been properly executed after the next scheduler loop run prev_scheduled_task = self.get_success( self.task_scheduler.get_task(scheduled_tasks[0].id) ) assert prev_scheduled_task is not None self.assertEquals( prev_scheduled_task.status, TaskStatus.COMPLETE, ) async def _raising_task( self, task: ScheduledTask ) -> Tuple[TaskStatus, Optional[JsonMapping], Optional[str]]: raise Exception("raising") def test_schedule_raising_task(self) -> None: """Schedule a task raising an exception and check it runs to failure and report exception content.""" task_id = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.schedule_task("_raising_task")) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.FAILED) self.assertEqual(task.error, "raising") async def _resumable_task( self, task: ScheduledTask ) -> Tuple[TaskStatus, Optional[JsonMapping], Optional[str]]: if task.result and "in_progress" in task.result: return TaskStatus.COMPLETE, {"success": True}, None else: await self.task_scheduler.update_task(task.id, result={"in_progress": True}) # Await forever to simulate an aborted task because of a restart await deferLater(self.reactor, 2**16, lambda: None) # This should never been called return TaskStatus.ACTIVE, None, None def test_schedule_resumable_task(self) -> None: """Schedule a resumable task and check that it gets properly resumed and complete after simulating a synapse restart.""" task_id = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.schedule_task("_resumable_task")) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.ACTIVE) # Simulate a synapse restart by emptying the list of running tasks self.task_scheduler._running_tasks = set() self.reactor.advance((TaskScheduler.SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_MS / 1000)) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.COMPLETE) assert task.result is not None self.assertTrue(task.result.get("success")) class TestTaskSchedulerWithBackgroundWorker(BaseMultiWorkerStreamTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.task_scheduler = hs.get_task_scheduler() self.task_scheduler.register_action(self._test_task, "_test_task") async def _test_task( self, task: ScheduledTask ) -> Tuple[TaskStatus, Optional[JsonMapping], Optional[str]]: return (TaskStatus.COMPLETE, None, None) @override_config({"run_background_tasks_on": "worker1"}) def test_schedule_task(self) -> None: """Check that a task scheduled to run now is launch right away on the background worker.""" bg_worker_hs = self.make_worker_hs( "synapse.app.generic_worker", extra_config={"worker_name": "worker1"}, ) bg_worker_hs.get_task_scheduler().register_action(self._test_task, "_test_task") task_id = self.get_success( self.task_scheduler.schedule_task( "_test_task", ) ) task = self.get_success(self.task_scheduler.get_task(task_id)) assert task is not None self.assertEqual(task.status, TaskStatus.COMPLETE)