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synced 2025-03-15 14:38:29 +03:00
feat(i18n): translated "kill game process" feature
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 46 additions and 2 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Die ausgewählte Wine-Version konnte nicht abgerufen
downloading-failed = Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen
unpacking-failed = Entpacken fehlgeschlagen
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Reparieren der Spieldatei fehlgeschlagen
integrity-files-getting-error = Integritätsdateien konnten nicht abgerufen werden
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Updaten
download = Herunterladen
predownload-update = Vorab-Update von Version {$version} herunterladen ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Die Patch-Server sind nicht verfügbar und der Launcher kann den Patch-Status des Spiels nicht überprüfen. Sie können das Spiel auf eigene Gefahr spielen.
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Der Patch ist veraltet oder befindet sich in Vorbereitung und kann daher nicht verwendet werden. Kehren Sie später zurück, um den Status zu sehen.
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Die Version ist zu veraltet und kann nicht aktualisiert werden
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Failed to get selected wine version
downloading-failed = Downloading failed
unpacking-failed = Unpacking failed
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Failed to repair game file
integrity-files-getting-error = Failed to get integrity files
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Update
download = Download
predownload-update = Pre-download {$version} update ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Patch servers are unavailable and launcher can't verify the game's patching status. You're allowed to run the game on your own risk
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Patch is outdated or in preparation state, so unavailable for usage. Return back later to see its status
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Version is too outdated and can't be updated
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Fallo al buscar la versión elegida de Wine
downloading-failed = Descarga fallida
unpacking-failed = Descompresión fallida
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Fallo al reparar archivo del juego
integrity-files-getting-error = Fallo al buscar archivos de integridad
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Actualizar
download = Descargar
predownload-update = Pre-descargar actualización {$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Los servidores del parche no están disponibles y el launcher no puede verificar el estado de parcheo del juego. Puedes ejecutar el juego bajo tu propio riesgo.
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = El parche está desactualizado o en fase de preparación, por lo que no está disponible para usarse. Vuelve pronto para comprobar su estado.
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = La versión es demasiado vieja y no puede actualizarse.
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Impossible de récupérer la version de wine sélecti
downloading-failed = Le téléchargement a échoué
unpacking-failed = L'extraction a échoué
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Impossible de réparer les fichiers du jeu
integrity-files-getting-error = Impossible de récupérer les fichiers d'intégrité du jeu
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Mettre à jour
download = Télécharger
predownload-update = Pré-télécharger la mise à jour {$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Les serveurs de patch ne sont pas disponible, et le launcher ne peut pas vérifier l'état de patch du jeu. Lancez le jeu à vos risques et périls
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Le patch n'est pas à jour ou encore en train d'être préparé. Il n'est donc pas encore disponible. Revenez plus tard pour voir son état
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = La version du jeu est trop ancienne et ne peut pas être mise à jour
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Kiválasztott wine verzió beszerzése sikertelen
downloading-failed = Sikertelen letöltés
unpacking-failed = Sikertelen kicsomagolás
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Nem sikerült a játékfájlok javítása
integrity-files-getting-error = Integritásfájlok beszerzése sikertelen
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Frissítés
download = Letöltés
predownload-update = {$version} verzió előtöltése ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = A patch szerverek nem elérhetőek és a launcher nem tudja ellenőrizni a játék patch státuszát. Saját felelősségre futtathatod a játékot
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = A patch jelenleg nem elérhető mert túl elavult, vagy előkészítés alatt áll. Nézz vissza később
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Ez a verzió túl elavult és nem lehet frissíteni
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Gagal mendapatkan versi wine yang dipilih
downloading-failed = Gagal mengunduh
unpacking-failed = Gagal mengekstrak berkas
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Gagal memperbaiki file game
integrity-files-getting-error = Gagal mendapatkan integritas file
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Perbarui
download = Unduh
predownload-update = Pra-unduh pembaruan versi {$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Server patch tidak tersedia dan launcher tidak bisa memverifikasi status patch game. Anda bisa menjalankan game dengan resiko sendiri
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Patch kadaluarsa atau sedang dalam persiapan sehingga tidak tersedia. Kembali lagi nanti untuk melihat status patch
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Versi terlalu kadaluarsa dan tidak bisa diperbarui
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Ottenimento della versione selezionata di wine non ri
downloading-failed = Scaricamento non riuscito
unpacking-failed = Unpacking non riuscito
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Riparazione del file di gioco non riuscita
integrity-files-getting-error = Ottenimento dei file di integrità non riuscito
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Aggiorna
download = Scarica
predownload-update = Prescarica {$version} aggiornamento ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = I server delle patch non sono disponibili e il launcher non può verificare lo stato del patching del gioco. Hai la possibilità di eseguire il gioco a tuo rischio
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = La patch non è aggiornata o è in stato di preparazione, quindi non disponibile per l'utilizzo. Torna più tardi per vederne lo stato
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = La versione è troppo vecchia e non può essere aggiornata.
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = 選択されたwineバージョンを入手できま
downloading-failed = ダウンロードに失敗。
unpacking-failed = 展開失敗
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = ゲームファイルの修正に失敗しました。
integrity-files-getting-error = 整合性ファイルの取得に失敗しました
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = 更新
download = ダウンロード
predownload-update = {$version} の早期アップデート({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = パッチサーバーが利用できないため、パッチの状態を確認することができません。リスクを理解した上で実行することができます。
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = パッチは期限切れか準備中のため利用できません。しばらく立ってからパッチステータスを確認してください。
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = バージョンが古すぎるため、更新できませんでした。
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Не удалось найти выбранную в
downloading-failed = Ошибка загрузки
unpacking-failed = Ошибка распаковки
kill-game-process-failed = Не удалось убить процесс игры
game-file-repairing-error = Не удалось починить игровой файл
integrity-files-getting-error = Не удалось получить верные данные о файлах игры
@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ update = Обновить
download = Установить
predownload-update = Предустановить обновление {$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Убить процесс игры
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Серверы патча недоступны и лаунчер не может проверить статус патча игры. Вам разрешено запустить игру на ваш страх и риск
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Патч устарел или находится в процессе разработки, поэтому не может быть применен. Возвращайтесь позже чтобы проверить его статус
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Версия слишком стара и не может быть обновлена
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = Seçilen Wine versiyonunu alma başarısız oldu
downloading-failed = İndirme başarısız oldu
unpacking-failed = Oyun dosyalarını çıkarma başarısız oldu
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = Oyun dosyaları tamir edilemedi
integrity-files-getting-error = Dosyaların bütünlüğü kontrol edilemedi
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = Güncelle
download = İndir
predownload-update = Güncellemeyi önceden indir{$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = Yama sunucuları kullanılamıyor ve istemci, oyunun yama durumunu doğrulayamıyor. Oyunu kendi sorumluluğunuzda çalıştırabilirsiniz
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = Yama güncel değil veya hazırlık aşamasında, bu nedenle kullanım için uygun değil. Durumunu görmek için daha sonra geri dönün
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = Sürüm çok eski ve güncellenemez
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ failed-get-selected-wine = 选择 Wine 版本失败
downloading-failed = 下载失败
unpacking-failed = 解压缩失败
kill-game-process-failed = Failed to kill the game's process
game-file-repairing-error = 修复游戏文件失败
integrity-files-getting-error = 获取一致性文件失败
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ update = 更新
download = 下载
predownload-update = 预下载版本更新 {$version} ({$size})
kill-game-process = Kill game process
main-window--patch-unavailable-tooltip = 补丁服务器不可用,启动器无法验证游戏补丁状态。你可以运行游戏,但是有出问题的风险
main-window--patch-outdated-tooltip = 补丁版本太旧,新版补丁可能还没制作完成,无法使用。请过段时间再回来查看最新状态
main-window--version-outdated-tooltip = 版本太旧,无法更新
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ impl SimpleComponent for App {
gtk::Button {
adw::ButtonContent {
set_icon_name: "violence-symbolic", // window-close-symbolic
set_label: "Kill game process"
set_label: &tr!("kill-game-process")
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ impl SimpleComponent for App {
if let Err(err) = result {
sender.input(AppMsg::Toast {
title: String::from("Failed to kill the game's process"),
title: tr!("kill-game-process-failed"),
description: Some(err.to_string())
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