
34 lines
1.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
cd /etc/shlink
# Skip downloading GeoLite2 db file if the license key env var was not defined or skipping was explicitly set
if [ -z "${GEOLITE_LICENSE_KEY}" ] || [ "${SKIP_INITIAL_GEOLITE_DOWNLOAD}" == "true" ]; then
flags="${flags} --skip-download-geolite"
php vendor/bin/shlink-installer init ${flags}
# TODO If INIT_API_KEY was provided, create an initial API key
#if [ -n "${INIT_API_KEY}" ]; then
# php bin/cli api-key:initial "${INIT_API_KEY}"
# Periodically run visit:locate every hour, if ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE=true was provided and running as root
# FIXME: ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE is deprecated. Remove cron support in Shlink 4.0.0
if [ "${ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE}" = "true" ] && [ "${SHLINK_USER_ID}" = "root" ]; then
echo "Configuring periodic visit location..."
echo "0 * * * * php /etc/shlink/bin/cli visit:locate -q" > /etc/crontabs/root
/usr/sbin/crond &
if [ "$SHLINK_RUNTIME" == 'openswoole' ]; then
# When restarting the container, openswoole might think it is already in execution
# This forces the app to be started every second until the exit code is 0
until php vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start; do sleep 1 ; done
elif [ "$SHLINK_RUNTIME" == 'rr' ]; then
./bin/rr serve -c config/roadrunner/.rr.yml