shortUrl = $shortUrl; $this->date = Chronos::now(); $this->type = $type; } public static function forValidShortUrl(ShortUrl $shortUrl, Visitor $visitor, bool $anonymize = true): self { $instance = new self($shortUrl, self::TYPE_VALID_SHORT_URL); $instance->hydrateFromVisitor($visitor, $anonymize); return $instance; } public static function fromImport(ShortUrl $shortUrl, ImportedShlinkVisit $importedVisit): self { $instance = new self($shortUrl, self::TYPE_IMPORTED); $instance->userAgent = $importedVisit->userAgent(); $instance->potentialBot = isCrawler($instance->userAgent); $instance->referer = $importedVisit->referer(); $instance->date = Chronos::instance($importedVisit->date()); $importedLocation = $importedVisit->location(); $instance->visitLocation = $importedLocation !== null ? VisitLocation::fromImport($importedLocation) : null; return $instance; } public static function forBasePath(Visitor $visitor, bool $anonymize = true): self { $instance = new self(null, self::TYPE_BASE_URL); $instance->hydrateFromVisitor($visitor, $anonymize); return $instance; } public static function forInvalidShortUrl(Visitor $visitor, bool $anonymize = true): self { $instance = new self(null, self::TYPE_INVALID_SHORT_URL); $instance->hydrateFromVisitor($visitor, $anonymize); return $instance; } public static function forRegularNotFound(Visitor $visitor, bool $anonymize = true): self { $instance = new self(null, self::TYPE_REGULAR_404); $instance->hydrateFromVisitor($visitor, $anonymize); return $instance; } private function hydrateFromVisitor(Visitor $visitor, bool $anonymize = true): void { $this->userAgent = $visitor->getUserAgent(); $this->referer = $visitor->getReferer(); $this->remoteAddr = $this->processAddress($anonymize, $visitor->getRemoteAddress()); $this->visitedUrl = $visitor->getVisitedUrl(); $this->potentialBot = $visitor->isPotentialBot(); } private function processAddress(bool $anonymize, ?string $address): ?string { // Localhost addresses do not need to be anonymized if (! $anonymize || $address === null || $address === IpAddress::LOCALHOST) { return $address; } try { return (string) IpAddress::fromString($address)->getAnonymizedCopy(); } catch (InvalidArgumentException) { return null; } } public function getRemoteAddr(): ?string { return $this->remoteAddr; } public function hasRemoteAddr(): bool { return ! empty($this->remoteAddr); } public function getShortUrl(): ?ShortUrl { return $this->shortUrl; } public function getVisitLocation(): ?VisitLocationInterface { return $this->visitLocation; } public function isLocatable(): bool { return $this->hasRemoteAddr() && $this->remoteAddr !== IpAddress::LOCALHOST; } public function locate(VisitLocation $visitLocation): self { $this->visitLocation = $visitLocation; return $this; } public function isOrphan(): bool { return $this->shortUrl === null; } public function visitedUrl(): ?string { return $this->visitedUrl; } public function type(): string { return $this->type; } /** * Needed only for ArrayCollections to be able to apply criteria filtering * @internal */ public function getType(): string { return $this->type(); } public function jsonSerialize(): array { return [ 'referer' => $this->referer, 'date' => $this->date->toAtomString(), 'userAgent' => $this->userAgent, 'visitLocation' => $this->visitLocation, 'potentialBot' => $this->potentialBot, ]; } /** * @internal */ public function getDate(): Chronos { return $this->date; } }