'https://doma.in/foo', 'date' => '2020-03-01T00:00:00+00:00', 'userAgent' => 'cf-facebook', 'visitLocation' => null, 'potentialBot' => true, 'visitedUrl' => 'foo.com', 'type' => 'invalid_short_url', ]; private const REGULAR_NOT_FOUND = [ 'referer' => 'https://doma.in/foo/bar', 'date' => '2020-02-01T00:00:00+00:00', 'userAgent' => 'shlink-tests-agent', 'visitLocation' => null, 'potentialBot' => false, 'visitedUrl' => '', 'type' => 'regular_404', ]; private const BASE_URL = [ 'referer' => 'https://doma.in', 'date' => '2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', 'userAgent' => 'shlink-tests-agent', 'visitLocation' => null, 'potentialBot' => false, 'visitedUrl' => '', 'type' => 'base_url', ]; /** * @test * @dataProvider provideQueries */ public function properVisitsAreReturnedBasedInQuery( array $query, int $totalItems, int $expectedAmount, array $expectedVisits ): void { $resp = $this->callApiWithKey(self::METHOD_GET, '/visits/orphan', [RequestOptions::QUERY => $query]); $payload = $this->getJsonResponsePayload($resp); $visits = $payload['visits']['data'] ?? []; self::assertEquals($totalItems, $payload['visits']['pagination']['totalItems'] ?? -1); self::assertCount($expectedAmount, $visits); self::assertEquals($expectedVisits, $visits); } public function provideQueries(): iterable { yield 'all data' => [[], 3, 3, [self::INVALID_SHORT_URL, self::REGULAR_NOT_FOUND, self::BASE_URL]]; yield 'limit items' => [['itemsPerPage' => 2], 3, 2, [self::INVALID_SHORT_URL, self::REGULAR_NOT_FOUND]]; yield 'limit items and page' => [['itemsPerPage' => 2, 'page' => 2], 3, 1, [self::BASE_URL]]; yield 'exclude bots' => [['excludeBots' => true], 2, 2, [self::REGULAR_NOT_FOUND, self::BASE_URL]]; yield 'exclude bots and limit items' => [ ['excludeBots' => true, 'itemsPerPage' => 1], 2, 1, [self::REGULAR_NOT_FOUND], ]; } }