#!/usr/bin/env sh export APP_ENV=test export TEST_ENV=api export TEST_RUNTIME="${TEST_RUNTIME:-"openswoole"}" # Openswoole is deprecated. Remove in v4.0.0 export DB_DRIVER="${DB_DRIVER:-"postgres"}" export GENERATE_COVERAGE="${GENERATE_COVERAGE:-"no"}" # Reset logs OUTPUT_LOGS=data/log/api-tests/output.log rm -rf data/log/api-tests mkdir data/log/api-tests touch $OUTPUT_LOGS # Try to stop server just in case it hanged in last execution [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'openswoole' ] && vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:stop [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'rr' ] && bin/rr stop -f echo 'Starting server...' [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'openswoole' ] && vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start -d [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'rr' ] && bin/rr serve -p -c=config/roadrunner/.rr.dev.yml \ -o=http.address= \ -o=logs.encoding=json \ -o=logs.channels.http.encoding=json \ -o=logs.channels.server.encoding=json \ -o=logs.output="${PWD}/${OUTPUT_LOGS}" \ -o=logs.channels.http.output="${PWD}/${OUTPUT_LOGS}" \ -o=logs.channels.server.output="${PWD}/${OUTPUT_LOGS}" & sleep 2 # Let's give the server a couple of seconds to start vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=random -c phpunit-api.xml --testdox --colors=always --log-junit=build/coverage-api/junit.xml $* testsExitCode=$? [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'openswoole' ] && vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:stop [ "$TEST_RUNTIME" = 'rr' ] && bin/rr stop -c config/roadrunner/.rr.dev.yml -o=http.address= # Exit this script with the same code as the tests. If tests failed, this script has to fail exit $testsExitCode