[new ApiKeyRole('invalid', [], $apiKey), true, Spec::andX()]; yield 'not inline invalid role' => [new ApiKeyRole('invalid', [], $apiKey), false, Spec::andX()]; yield 'inline author role' => [ new ApiKeyRole(Role::AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS, [], $apiKey), true, Spec::andX(new BelongsToApiKeyInlined($apiKey)), ]; yield 'not inline author role' => [ new ApiKeyRole(Role::AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS, [], $apiKey), false, new BelongsToApiKey($apiKey), ]; yield 'inline domain role' => [ new ApiKeyRole(Role::DOMAIN_SPECIFIC, ['domain_id' => '123'], $apiKey), true, Spec::andX(new BelongsToDomainInlined('123')), ]; yield 'not inline domain role' => [ new ApiKeyRole(Role::DOMAIN_SPECIFIC, ['domain_id' => '456'], $apiKey), false, new BelongsToDomain('456'), ]; } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideMetasWithDomainId */ public function getsExpectedDomainIdFromMeta(array $meta, string $expectedDomainId): void { self::assertEquals($expectedDomainId, Role::domainIdFromMeta($meta)); } public function provideMetasWithDomainId(): iterable { yield 'empty meta' => [[], '-1']; yield 'meta without domain_id' => [['foo' => 'bar'], '-1']; yield 'meta with domain_id' => [['domain_id' => '123'], '123']; } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideMetasWithAuthority */ public function getsExpectedAuthorityFromMeta(array $meta, string $expectedAuthority): void { self::assertEquals($expectedAuthority, Role::domainAuthorityFromMeta($meta)); } public function provideMetasWithAuthority(): iterable { yield 'empty meta' => [[], '']; yield 'meta without authority' => [['foo' => 'bar'], '']; yield 'meta with authority' => [['authority' => 'example.com'], 'example.com']; } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideRoleNames */ public function getsExpectedRoleFriendlyName(string $roleName, string $expectedFriendlyName): void { self::assertEquals($expectedFriendlyName, Role::toFriendlyName($roleName)); } public function provideRoleNames(): iterable { yield 'unknown' => ['unknown', '']; yield Role::AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS => [Role::AUTHORED_SHORT_URLS, 'Author only']; yield Role::DOMAIN_SPECIFIC => [Role::DOMAIN_SPECIFIC, 'Domain only']; } }