olderDbExists()); self::assertEquals( 'An error occurred while updating geolocation database, but an older DB is already present.', $e->getMessage(), ); self::assertEquals(0, $e->getCode()); self::assertEquals($prev, $e->getPrevious()); } /** * @test * @dataProvider providePrev */ public function withoutOlderDbBuildsException(?Throwable $prev): void { $e = GeolocationDbUpdateFailedException::withoutOlderDb($prev); self::assertFalse($e->olderDbExists()); self::assertEquals( 'An error occurred while updating geolocation database, and an older version could not be found.', $e->getMessage(), ); self::assertEquals(0, $e->getCode()); self::assertEquals($prev, $e->getPrevious()); } public static function providePrev(): iterable { yield 'no prev' => [null]; yield 'RuntimeException' => [new RuntimeException('prev')]; yield 'Exception' => [new Exception('prev')]; } /** @test */ public function withInvalidEpochInOldDbBuildsException(): void { $e = GeolocationDbUpdateFailedException::withInvalidEpochInOldDb('foobar'); self::assertTrue($e->olderDbExists()); self::assertEquals( 'Build epoch with value "foobar" from existing geolocation database, could not be parsed to integer.', $e->getMessage(), ); } }