createShortUrl(); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); foreach ($expectedKeys as $key) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $payload); } } /** @test */ public function createsNewShortUrlWithCustomSlug(): void { [$statusCode, $payload] = $this->createShortUrl(['customSlug' => 'my cool slug']); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); $this->assertEquals('my-cool-slug', $payload['shortCode']); } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideConflictingSlugs */ public function failsToCreateShortUrlWithDuplicatedSlug(string $slug, ?string $domain): void { [$statusCode, $payload] = $this->createShortUrl(['customSlug' => $slug, 'domain' => $domain]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, $statusCode); $this->assertEquals(RestUtils::INVALID_SLUG_ERROR, $payload['error']); } /** @test */ public function createsNewShortUrlWithTags(): void { [$statusCode, ['tags' => $tags]] = $this->createShortUrl(['tags' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], $tags); } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideMaxVisits */ public function createsNewShortUrlWithVisitsLimit(int $maxVisits): void { [$statusCode, ['shortCode' => $shortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl(['maxVisits' => $maxVisits]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); // Last request to the short URL will return a 404, and the rest, a 302 for ($i = 0; $i < $maxVisits; $i++) { $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_FOUND, $this->callShortUrl($shortCode)->getStatusCode()); } $lastResp = $this->callShortUrl($shortCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $lastResp->getStatusCode()); } public function provideMaxVisits(): array { return map(range(1, 20), function (int $i) { return [$i]; }); } /** @test */ public function createsShortUrlWithValidSince(): void { [$statusCode, ['shortCode' => $shortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl([ 'validSince' => Chronos::now()->addDay()->toAtomString(), ]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); // Request to the short URL will return a 404 since it's not valid yet $lastResp = $this->callShortUrl($shortCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $lastResp->getStatusCode()); } /** @test */ public function createsShortUrlWithValidUntil(): void { [$statusCode, ['shortCode' => $shortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl([ 'validUntil' => Chronos::now()->subDay()->toAtomString(), ]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $statusCode); // Request to the short URL will return a 404 since it's no longer valid $lastResp = $this->callShortUrl($shortCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $lastResp->getStatusCode()); } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideMatchingBodies */ public function returnsAnExistingShortUrlWhenRequested(array $body): void { [$firstStatusCode, ['shortCode' => $firstShortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl($body); $body['findIfExists'] = true; [$secondStatusCode, ['shortCode' => $secondShortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl($body); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $firstStatusCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $secondStatusCode); $this->assertEquals($firstShortCode, $secondShortCode); } public function provideMatchingBodies(): iterable { $longUrl = ''; yield 'only long URL' => [['longUrl' => $longUrl]]; yield 'long URL and tags' => [['longUrl' => $longUrl, 'tags' => ['boo', 'far']]]; yield 'long URL and custom slug' => [['longUrl' => $longUrl, 'customSlug' => 'my cool slug']]; yield 'several params' => [[ 'longUrl' => $longUrl, 'tags' => ['boo', 'far'], 'validSince' => Chronos::now()->toAtomString(), 'maxVisits' => 7, ]]; } /** * @test * @dataProvider provideConflictingSlugs */ public function returnsErrorWhenRequestingReturnExistingButCustomSlugIsInUse(string $slug, ?string $domain): void { $longUrl = ''; [$firstStatusCode] = $this->createShortUrl(['longUrl' => $longUrl]); [$secondStatusCode] = $this->createShortUrl([ 'longUrl' => $longUrl, 'customSlug' => $slug, 'findIfExists' => true, 'domain' => $domain, ]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $firstStatusCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, $secondStatusCode); } public function provideConflictingSlugs(): iterable { yield 'without domain' => ['custom', null]; yield 'with domain' => ['custom-with-domain', '']; } /** @test */ public function createsNewShortUrlIfRequestedToFindButThereIsNoMatch(): void { [$firstStatusCode, ['shortCode' => $firstShortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl([ 'longUrl' => '', ]); [$secondStatusCode, ['shortCode' => $secondShortCode]] = $this->createShortUrl([ 'longUrl' => '', 'findIfExists' => true, ]); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $firstStatusCode); $this->assertEquals(self::STATUS_OK, $secondStatusCode); $this->assertNotEquals($firstShortCode, $secondShortCode); } /** * @return array { * @var int $statusCode * @var array $payload * } */ private function createShortUrl(array $body = []): array { if (! isset($body['longUrl'])) { $body['longUrl'] = ''; } $resp = $this->callApiWithKey(self::METHOD_POST, '/short-urls', [RequestOptions::JSON => $body]); $payload = $this->getJsonResponsePayload($resp); return [$resp->getStatusCode(), $payload]; } }