# Shlink Common This library provides some utils and conventions for web apps. It's main purpose is to be used on [Shlink](https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink) project, but any PHP project can take advantage. Most of the elements it provides require a [PSR-11] container, and it's easy to integrate on [expressive] applications thanks to the `ConfigProvider` it includes. ## Cache A [doctrine cache] adapter is registered, which returns different instances depending on your configuration: * An `ArrayCache` instance when the `debug` config is set to true. * A `PredisCache` instance when the `cache.redis` config is defined. * An `ArrayCache` instance when no `cache.redis` is defined and the APCu extension is not installed. * An `ApcuCache`instance when no `cache.redis` is defined and the APCu extension is installed. Any of the adapters will use the namespace defined in `cache.namespace` config entry. ```php false, 'cache' => [ 'namespace' => 'my_namespace', 'redis' => [ 'servers' => [ 'tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://', ], ], ], ]; ``` When the `cache.redis` config is provided, a set of servers is expected. If only one server is provided, this library will treat it as a regular server, but if several servers are defined, it will treat them as a redis cluster and expect the servers to be configured as such.