Add unit test for RedirectRuleHandler

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Celaya 2024-03-03 12:51:17 +01:00
parent eb40dc2d5d
commit 8751d6c315
3 changed files with 281 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -60,24 +60,26 @@ class RedirectRuleHandler implements RedirectRuleHandlerInterface
$io->table(['Priority', 'Conditions', 'Redirect to'], $listing);
$action = $io->choice(
$action = RedirectRuleHandlerAction::from($io->choice(
'What do you want to do next?',
'Add new rule',
'Remove existing rule',
'Re-arrange rule',
'Discard changes',
'Save and exit',
'Save and exit',
return match ($action) {
'Add new rule' => $this->manageRules($io, $shortUrl, $this->addRule($shortUrl, $io, $rules)),
'Remove existing rule' => $this->manageRules($io, $shortUrl, $this->removeRule($io, $rules)),
'Re-arrange rule' => $this->manageRules($io, $shortUrl, $this->reArrangeRule($io, $rules)),
'Save and exit' => $rules,
default => null,
RedirectRuleHandlerAction::ADD => $this->manageRules(
$this->addRule($shortUrl, $io, $rules),
RedirectRuleHandlerAction::REMOVE => $this->manageRules($io, $shortUrl, $this->removeRule($io, $rules)),
RedirectRuleHandlerAction::RE_ARRANGE => $this->manageRules(
$this->reArrangeRule($io, $rules),
RedirectRuleHandlerAction::SAVE => $rules,
RedirectRuleHandlerAction::DISCARD => null,

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
namespace Shlinkio\Shlink\CLI\RedirectRule;
enum RedirectRuleHandlerAction: string
case ADD = 'Add new rule';
case REMOVE = 'Remove existing rule';
case RE_ARRANGE = 'Re-arrange rule';
case SAVE = 'Save and exit';
case DISCARD = 'Discard changes';

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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
namespace ShlinkioTest\Shlink\CLI\RedirectRule;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\CLI\RedirectRule\RedirectRuleHandler;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\CLI\RedirectRule\RedirectRuleHandlerAction;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\Model\DeviceType;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\RedirectRule\Entity\RedirectCondition;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\RedirectRule\Entity\ShortUrlRedirectRule;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\RedirectRule\Model\RedirectConditionType;
use Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\ShortUrl\Entity\ShortUrl;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\StyleInterface;
use function sprintf;
class RedirectRuleHandlerTest extends TestCase
private RedirectRuleHandler $handler;
private StyleInterface & MockObject $io;
private ShortUrl $shortUrl;
private RedirectCondition $cond1;
private RedirectCondition $cond2;
private RedirectCondition $cond3;
/** @var ShortUrlRedirectRule[] */
private array $rules;
protected function setUp(): void
$this->io = $this->createMock(StyleInterface::class);
$this->shortUrl = ShortUrl::withLongUrl('');
$this->cond1 = RedirectCondition::forLanguage('es-AR');
$this->cond2 = RedirectCondition::forQueryParam('foo', 'bar');
$this->cond3 = RedirectCondition::forDevice(DeviceType::ANDROID);
$this->rules = [
new ShortUrlRedirectRule($this->shortUrl, 3, '', new ArrayCollection(
new ShortUrlRedirectRule($this->shortUrl, 8, '', new ArrayCollection(
[$this->cond2, $this->cond3],
new ShortUrlRedirectRule($this->shortUrl, 5, '', new ArrayCollection(
[$this->cond1, $this->cond3],
$this->handler = new RedirectRuleHandler();
#[Test, DataProvider('provideExitActions')]
public function commentIsDisplayedWhenRulesListIsEmpty(
RedirectRuleHandlerAction $action,
?array $expectedResult,
): void {
$this->io->expects($this->once())->method('text')->with('<comment>// No rules found.</comment>');
$result = $this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, []);
self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);
#[Test, DataProvider('provideExitActions')]
public function rulesAreDisplayedWhenRulesListIsEmpty(
RedirectRuleHandlerAction $action,
): void {
$comment = fn (string $value) => sprintf('<comment>%s</comment>', $value);
$this->io->expects($this->once())->method('table')->with($this->isType('array'), [
['1', $comment($this->cond1->toHumanFriendly()), ''],
$comment($this->cond2->toHumanFriendly()) . ' AND ' . $comment($this->cond3->toHumanFriendly()),
$comment($this->cond1->toHumanFriendly()) . ' AND ' . $comment($this->cond3->toHumanFriendly()),
$this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, $this->rules);
public static function provideExitActions(): iterable
yield 'discard' => [RedirectRuleHandlerAction::DISCARD, null];
yield 'save' => [RedirectRuleHandlerAction::SAVE, []];
#[Test, DataProvider('provideDeviceConditions')]
* @param RedirectCondition[] $expectedConditions
public function newRulesCanBeAdded(
RedirectConditionType $type,
array $expectedConditions,
bool $continue = false,
): void {
fn (string $message): string|int => match ($message) {
'Rule priority (the lower the value, the higher the priority)' => 2, // Add in between existing rules
'Long URL to redirect when the rule matches' => '',
'Language to match?' => 'en-US',
'Query param name?' => 'foo',
'Query param value?' => 'bar',
default => '',
function (string $message) use (&$callIndex, $type): string {
if ($message === 'Type of the condition?') {
return $type->value;
} elseif ($message === 'Device to match?') {
return DeviceType::ANDROID->value;
// First we select remove action to trigger code branch, then save to finish execution
$action = $callIndex === 1 ? RedirectRuleHandlerAction::ADD : RedirectRuleHandlerAction::SAVE;
return $action->value;
$continueCallCount = 0;
$this->io->method('confirm')->willReturnCallback(function () use (&$continueCallCount, $continue) {
return $continueCallCount < 2 && $continue;
$result = $this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, $this->rules);
new ShortUrlRedirectRule($this->shortUrl, 2, '', new ArrayCollection(
], $result);
public static function provideDeviceConditions(): iterable
yield 'device' => [RedirectConditionType::DEVICE, [RedirectCondition::forDevice(DeviceType::ANDROID)]];
yield 'language' => [RedirectConditionType::LANGUAGE, [RedirectCondition::forLanguage('en-US')]];
yield 'query param' => [RedirectConditionType::QUERY_PARAM, [RedirectCondition::forQueryParam('foo', 'bar')]];
yield 'multiple query params' => [
[RedirectCondition::forQueryParam('foo', 'bar'), RedirectCondition::forQueryParam('foo', 'bar')],
public function existingRulesCanBeRemoved(): void
$callIndex = 0;
function (string $message) use (&$callIndex): string {
if ($message === 'What rule do you want to delete?') {
return ''; // Second rule to be removed
// First we select remove action to trigger code branch, then save to finish execution
$action = $callIndex === 1 ? RedirectRuleHandlerAction::REMOVE : RedirectRuleHandlerAction::SAVE;
return $action->value;
$result = $this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, $this->rules);
self::assertEquals([$this->rules[0], $this->rules[2]], $result);
public function warningIsPrintedWhenTryingToRemoveRuleFromEmptyList(): void
$callIndex = 0;
function () use (&$callIndex): string {
$action = $callIndex === 1 ? RedirectRuleHandlerAction::REMOVE : RedirectRuleHandlerAction::DISCARD;
return $action->value;
$this->io->expects($this->once())->method('warning')->with('There are no rules to remove');
$this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, []);
public function existingRulesCanBeReArranged(): void
fn (string $message): string|int => match ($message) {
'Rule priority (the lower the value, the higher the priority)' => 1,
default => '',
function (string $message) use (&$callIndex): string {
if ($message === 'What rule do you want to re-arrange?') {
return ''; // Second rule to be re-arrange
// First we select remove action to trigger code branch, then save to finish execution
$action = $callIndex === 1 ? RedirectRuleHandlerAction::RE_ARRANGE : RedirectRuleHandlerAction::SAVE;
return $action->value;
$result = $this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, $this->rules);
self::assertEquals([$this->rules[1], $this->rules[0], $this->rules[2]], $result);
public function warningIsPrintedWhenTryingToReArrangeRuleFromEmptyList(): void
$callIndex = 0;
function () use (&$callIndex): string {
$action = $callIndex === 1 ? RedirectRuleHandlerAction::RE_ARRANGE : RedirectRuleHandlerAction::DISCARD;
return $action->value;
$this->io->expects($this->once())->method('warning')->with('There are no rules to re-arrange');
$this->handler->manageRules($this->io, $this->shortUrl, []);