Disabled user change on Dockerfile, as it produces some issues

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Celaya 2021-08-01 08:55:39 +02:00
parent 969fcccc1f
commit 377562cdff
2 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -79,12 +79,13 @@ COPY docker/config/shlink_in_docker.local.php config/autoload/shlink_in_docker.l
COPY docker/config/php.ini ${PHP_INI_DIR}/conf.d/
# Change the ownership of /etc/shlink/data to be writable, then change the user to non-root
RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data
RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/locks
RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/proxies
RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/cache
RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/log
USER 1001
# FIXME Disabled for now, as it conflicts with ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE, which is used to configure a cron as root.
# Ref: https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink/issues/1132
#RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data
#RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/locks
#RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/proxies
#RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/cache
#RUN chown 1001 /etc/shlink/data/log
#USER 1001
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "./docker-entrypoint.sh"]

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fi
# https://shlink.io/documentation/long-running-tasks/#locate-visits
# set env var "ENABLE_PERIODIC_VISIT_LOCATE=true" to enable
echo "Starting periodic visite locate..."
echo "Configuring periodic visit locate..."
echo "0 * * * * php /etc/shlink/bin/cli visit:locate -q" > /etc/crontabs/root
/usr/sbin/crond &