Refactor ShortUrlInputFilter for creation and edition

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Celaya 2024-02-21 10:12:40 +01:00
parent 50cc7ae632
commit 0e78deb8f2
4 changed files with 115 additions and 102 deletions

View file

@ -18,39 +18,39 @@ use function Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\normalizeOptionalDate;
use const Shlinkio\Shlink\DEFAULT_SHORT_CODES_LENGTH;
final class ShortUrlCreation implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
final readonly class ShortUrlCreation implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
* @param string[] $tags
* @param DeviceLongUrlPair[] $deviceLongUrls
private function __construct(
public readonly string $longUrl,
public readonly ShortUrlMode $shortUrlMode,
public readonly array $deviceLongUrls = [],
public readonly ?Chronos $validSince = null,
public readonly ?Chronos $validUntil = null,
public readonly ?string $customSlug = null,
public readonly ?int $maxVisits = null,
public readonly bool $findIfExists = false,
public readonly ?string $domain = null,
public readonly int $shortCodeLength = 5,
public readonly ?ApiKey $apiKey = null,
public readonly array $tags = [],
public readonly ?string $title = null,
public readonly bool $titleWasAutoResolved = false,
public readonly bool $crawlable = false,
public readonly bool $forwardQuery = true,
public string $longUrl,
public ShortUrlMode $shortUrlMode,
public array $deviceLongUrls = [],
public ?Chronos $validSince = null,
public ?Chronos $validUntil = null,
public ?string $customSlug = null,
public ?string $pathPrefix = null,
public ?int $maxVisits = null,
public bool $findIfExists = false,
public ?string $domain = null,
public int $shortCodeLength = 5,
public ?ApiKey $apiKey = null,
public array $tags = [],
public ?string $title = null,
public bool $titleWasAutoResolved = false,
public bool $crawlable = false,
public bool $forwardQuery = true,
) {
* @throws ValidationException
public static function fromRawData(array $data, ?UrlShortenerOptions $options = null): self
public static function fromRawData(array $data, UrlShortenerOptions $options = new UrlShortenerOptions()): self
$options = $options ?? new UrlShortenerOptions();
$inputFilter = ShortUrlInputFilter::withRequiredLongUrl($data, $options);
$inputFilter = ShortUrlInputFilter::forCreation($data, $options);
if (! $inputFilter->isValid()) {
throw ValidationException::fromInputFilter($inputFilter);

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use function Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\getOptionalBoolFromInputFilter;
use function Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\getOptionalIntFromInputFilter;
use function Shlinkio\Shlink\Core\normalizeOptionalDate;
final class ShortUrlEdition implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
final readonly class ShortUrlEdition implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
* @param string[] $tags
@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ final class ShortUrlEdition implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
* @param DeviceType[] $devicesToRemove
private function __construct(
private readonly bool $longUrlPropWasProvided = false,
public readonly ?string $longUrl = null,
public readonly array $deviceLongUrls = [],
public readonly array $devicesToRemove = [],
private readonly bool $validSincePropWasProvided = false,
public readonly ?Chronos $validSince = null,
private readonly bool $validUntilPropWasProvided = false,
public readonly ?Chronos $validUntil = null,
private readonly bool $maxVisitsPropWasProvided = false,
public readonly ?int $maxVisits = null,
private readonly bool $tagsPropWasProvided = false,
public readonly array $tags = [],
private readonly bool $titlePropWasProvided = false,
public readonly ?string $title = null,
public readonly bool $titleWasAutoResolved = false,
private readonly bool $crawlablePropWasProvided = false,
public readonly bool $crawlable = false,
private readonly bool $forwardQueryPropWasProvided = false,
public readonly bool $forwardQuery = true,
private bool $longUrlPropWasProvided = false,
public ?string $longUrl = null,
public array $deviceLongUrls = [],
public array $devicesToRemove = [],
private bool $validSincePropWasProvided = false,
public ?Chronos $validSince = null,
private bool $validUntilPropWasProvided = false,
public ?Chronos $validUntil = null,
private bool $maxVisitsPropWasProvided = false,
public ?int $maxVisits = null,
private bool $tagsPropWasProvided = false,
public array $tags = [],
private bool $titlePropWasProvided = false,
public ?string $title = null,
public bool $titleWasAutoResolved = false,
private bool $crawlablePropWasProvided = false,
public bool $crawlable = false,
private bool $forwardQueryPropWasProvided = false,
public bool $forwardQuery = true,
) {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ final class ShortUrlEdition implements TitleResolutionModelInterface
public static function fromRawData(array $data): self
$inputFilter = ShortUrlInputFilter::withNonRequiredLongUrl($data);
$inputFilter = ShortUrlInputFilter::forEdition($data);
if (! $inputFilter->isValid()) {
throw ValidationException::fromInputFilter($inputFilter);

View file

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ use function str_replace;
use function strtolower;
use function trim;
class CustomSlugFilter implements FilterInterface
readonly class CustomSlugFilter implements FilterInterface
public function __construct(private readonly UrlShortenerOptions $options)
public function __construct(private UrlShortenerOptions $options)
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ class CustomSlugFilter implements FilterInterface
$value = $this->options->isLooseMode() ? strtolower($value) : $value;
return (match ($this->options->multiSegmentSlugsEnabled) {
true => trim(str_replace(' ', '-', $value), '/'),
false => str_replace([' ', '/'], '-', $value),
return $this->options->multiSegmentSlugsEnabled
? trim(str_replace(' ', '-', $value), '/')
: str_replace([' ', '/'], '-', $value);

View file

@ -19,68 +19,52 @@ use function substr;
use const Shlinkio\Shlink\LOOSE_URI_MATCHER;
use const Shlinkio\Shlink\MIN_SHORT_CODES_LENGTH;
* @todo Pass forCreation/forEdition, instead of withRequiredLongUrl/withNonRequiredLongUrl.
* Make it also dynamically add the relevant fields
class ShortUrlInputFilter extends InputFilter
use Validation\InputFactoryTrait;
public const VALID_SINCE = 'validSince';
public const VALID_UNTIL = 'validUntil';
// Fields for creation only
public const SHORT_CODE_LENGTH = 'shortCodeLength';
public const CUSTOM_SLUG = 'customSlug';
public const MAX_VISITS = 'maxVisits';
public const PATH_PREFIX = 'pathPrefix';
public const FIND_IF_EXISTS = 'findIfExists';
public const DOMAIN = 'domain';
public const SHORT_CODE_LENGTH = 'shortCodeLength';
// Fields for creation and edition
public const LONG_URL = 'longUrl';
public const DEVICE_LONG_URLS = 'deviceLongUrls';
public const API_KEY = 'apiKey';
public const TAGS = 'tags';
public const VALID_SINCE = 'validSince';
public const VALID_UNTIL = 'validUntil';
public const MAX_VISITS = 'maxVisits';
public const TITLE = 'title';
public const TAGS = 'tags';
public const CRAWLABLE = 'crawlable';
public const FORWARD_QUERY = 'forwardQuery';
public const API_KEY = 'apiKey';
private function __construct(array $data, bool $requireLongUrl, UrlShortenerOptions $options)
public static function forCreation(array $data, UrlShortenerOptions $options): self
$this->initialize($requireLongUrl, $options);
$instance = new self();
return $instance;
public static function withRequiredLongUrl(array $data, UrlShortenerOptions $options): self
public static function forEdition(array $data): self
return new self($data, true, $options);
$instance = new self();
return $instance;
public static function withNonRequiredLongUrl(array $data): self
private function initializeForCreation(UrlShortenerOptions $options): void
return new self($data, false, new UrlShortenerOptions());
private function initialize(bool $requireLongUrl, UrlShortenerOptions $options): void
$longUrlInput = $this->createInput(self::LONG_URL, $requireLongUrl);
$deviceLongUrlsInput = $this->createInput(self::DEVICE_LONG_URLS, false);
new DeviceLongUrlsValidator($this->longUrlValidators(allowNull: ! $requireLongUrl)),
$validSince = $this->createInput(self::VALID_SINCE, false);
$validSince->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\Date(['format' => DateTimeInterface::ATOM]));
$validUntil = $this->createInput(self::VALID_UNTIL, false);
$validUntil->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\Date(['format' => DateTimeInterface::ATOM]));
// The only way to enforce the NotEmpty validator to be evaluated when the key is present with an empty value
// is with setContinueIfEmpty
$customSlug = $this->createInput(self::CUSTOM_SLUG, false)->setContinueIfEmpty(true);
// is with setContinueIfEmpty(true)
$customSlug = $this->createInput(self::CUSTOM_SLUG, required: false)->setContinueIfEmpty(true);
$customSlug->getFilterChain()->attach(new CustomSlugFilter($options));
->attach(new Validator\NotEmpty([
@ -90,32 +74,62 @@ class ShortUrlInputFilter extends InputFilter
$this->add($this->createNumericInput(self::MAX_VISITS, false));
$this->add($this->createNumericInput(self::SHORT_CODE_LENGTH, false, MIN_SHORT_CODES_LENGTH));
// The path prefix is subject to the same filtering and validation logic as the custom slug, which takes into
// consideration if multi-segment slugs are enabled or not.
// The only difference is that empty values are allowed here.
$pathPrefix = $this->createInput(self::PATH_PREFIX, required: false);
$pathPrefix->getFilterChain()->attach(new CustomSlugFilter($options));
$this->add($this->createBooleanInput(self::FIND_IF_EXISTS, false));
$this->add($this->createNumericInput(self::SHORT_CODE_LENGTH, required: false, min: MIN_SHORT_CODES_LENGTH));
$this->add($this->createBooleanInput(self::FIND_IF_EXISTS, required: false));
// This cannot be defined as a boolean inputs, because they can actually have 3 values: true, false and null.
// Defining them as boolean will make null fall back to false, which is not the desired behavior.
$this->add($this->createInput(self::FORWARD_QUERY, false));
$domain = $this->createInput(self::DOMAIN, false);
$domain = $this->createInput(self::DOMAIN, required: false);
$domain->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validation\HostAndPortValidator());
$apiKeyInput = $this->createInput(self::API_KEY, false);
$apiKeyInput->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\IsInstanceOf(['className' => ApiKey::class]));
$this->initializeForEdition(requireLongUrl: true);
$this->add($this->createTagsInput(self::TAGS, false));
private function initializeForEdition(bool $requireLongUrl = false): void
$longUrlInput = $this->createInput(self::LONG_URL, $requireLongUrl);
$title = $this->createInput(self::TITLE, false);
$deviceLongUrlsInput = $this->createInput(self::DEVICE_LONG_URLS, required: false);
new DeviceLongUrlsValidator($this->longUrlValidators(allowNull: ! $requireLongUrl)),
$validSince = $this->createInput(self::VALID_SINCE, required: false);
$validSince->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\Date(['format' => DateTimeInterface::ATOM]));
$validUntil = $this->createInput(self::VALID_UNTIL, required: false);
$validUntil->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\Date(['format' => DateTimeInterface::ATOM]));
$this->add($this->createNumericInput(self::MAX_VISITS, required: false));
$title = $this->createInput(self::TITLE, required: false);
$title->getFilterChain()->attach(new Filter\Callback(
static fn (?string $value) => $value === null ? $value : substr($value, 0, 512),
$this->add($this->createBooleanInput(self::CRAWLABLE, false));
$this->add($this->createTagsInput(self::TAGS, required: false));
$this->add($this->createBooleanInput(self::CRAWLABLE, required: false));
// This cannot be defined as a boolean inputs, because it can actually have 3 values: true, false and null.
// Defining them as boolean will make null fall back to false, which is not the desired behavior.
$this->add($this->createInput(self::FORWARD_QUERY, required: false));
$apiKeyInput = $this->createInput(self::API_KEY, required: false);
$apiKeyInput->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Validator\IsInstanceOf(['className' => ApiKey::class]));
private function longUrlValidators(bool $allowNull = false): Validator\ValidatorChain