mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 09:13:49 +03:00
275 lines
8.9 KiB
275 lines
8.9 KiB
import type { ChartData, ChartDataset, ChartOptions, InteractionItem } from 'chart.js';
import {
} from 'date-fns';
import { always, cond, countBy, reverse } from 'ramda';
import type { MutableRefObject } from 'react';
import { useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { getElementAtEvent, Line } from 'react-chartjs-2';
import {
} from 'reactstrap';
import { ToggleSwitch, useToggle } from '../../../shlink-frontend-kit/src';
import { HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR, MAIN_COLOR } from '../../../src/utils/theme';
import { formatInternational } from '../../utils/dates/helpers/date';
import { rangeOf } from '../../utils/helpers';
import { pointerOnHover, renderChartLabel } from '../../utils/helpers/charts';
import { prettify } from '../../utils/helpers/numbers';
import type { NormalizedVisit, Stats } from '../types';
import { fillTheGaps } from '../utils';
import './LineChartCard.scss';
interface LineChartCardProps {
title: string;
highlightedLabel?: string;
visits: NormalizedVisit[];
highlightedVisits: NormalizedVisit[];
setSelectedVisits?: (visits: NormalizedVisit[]) => void;
type Step = 'monthly' | 'weekly' | 'daily' | 'hourly';
const STEPS_MAP: Record<Step, string> = {
monthly: 'Month',
weekly: 'Week',
daily: 'Day',
hourly: 'Hour',
const STEP_TO_DURATION_MAP: Record<Step, (amount: number) => Duration> = {
hourly: (hours: number) => ({ hours }),
daily: (days: number) => ({ days }),
weekly: (weeks: number) => ({ weeks }),
monthly: (months: number) => ({ months }),
const STEP_TO_DIFF_FUNC_MAP: Record<Step, (dateLeft: Date, dateRight: Date) => number> = {
hourly: differenceInHours,
daily: differenceInDays,
weekly: differenceInWeeks,
monthly: differenceInMonths,
const STEP_TO_DATE_FORMAT: Record<Step, (date: Date) => string> = {
hourly: (date) => format(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00'),
// TODO Fix formatInternational return type
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
daily: (date) => formatInternational(date)!,
weekly(date) {
// TODO Fix formatInternational return type
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const firstWeekDay = formatInternational(startOfISOWeek(date))!;
// TODO Fix formatInternational return type
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const lastWeekDay = formatInternational(endOfISOWeek(date))!;
return `${firstWeekDay} - ${lastWeekDay}`;
monthly: (date) => format(date, 'yyyy-MM'),
const determineInitialStep = (oldestVisitDate: string): Step => {
const now = new Date();
const oldestDate = parseISO(oldestVisitDate);
const matcher = cond<never, Step | undefined>([
[() => differenceInDays(now, oldestDate) <= 2, always<Step>('hourly')], // Less than 2 days
[() => differenceInMonths(now, oldestDate) <= 1, always<Step>('daily')], // Between 2 days and 1 month
[() => differenceInMonths(now, oldestDate) <= 6, always<Step>('weekly')], // Between 1 and 6 months
return matcher() ?? 'monthly';
const groupVisitsByStep = (step: Step, visits: NormalizedVisit[]): Stats => countBy(
(visit) => STEP_TO_DATE_FORMAT[step](parseISO(visit.date)),
const visitsToDatasetGroups = (step: Step, visits: NormalizedVisit[]) =>
visits.reduce<Record<string, NormalizedVisit[]>>(
(acc, visit) => {
const key = STEP_TO_DATE_FORMAT[step](parseISO(visit.date));
acc[key] = acc[key] ?? [];
return acc;
const generateLabels = (step: Step, visits: NormalizedVisit[]): string[] => {
const diffFunc = STEP_TO_DIFF_FUNC_MAP[step];
const formatter = STEP_TO_DATE_FORMAT[step];
const newerDate = parseISO(visits[0].date);
const oldestDate = parseISO(visits[visits.length - 1].date);
const size = diffFunc(newerDate, oldestDate);
const duration = STEP_TO_DURATION_MAP[step];
return [
...rangeOf(size, (num) => formatter(add(oldestDate, duration(num)))),
const generateLabelsAndGroupedVisits = (
visits: NormalizedVisit[],
groupedVisitsWithGaps: Stats,
step: Step,
skipNoElements: boolean,
): [string[], number[]] => {
if (skipNoElements) {
return [Object.keys(groupedVisitsWithGaps), Object.values(groupedVisitsWithGaps)];
const labels = generateLabels(step, visits);
return [labels, fillTheGaps(groupedVisitsWithGaps, labels)];
const generateDataset = (data: number[], label: string, color: string): ChartDataset => ({
fill: false,
tension: 0.2,
borderColor: color,
backgroundColor: color,
let selectedLabel: string | null = null;
const chartElementAtEvent = (
labels: string[],
datasetsByPoint: Record<string, NormalizedVisit[]>,
[chart]: InteractionItem[],
setSelectedVisits?: (visits: NormalizedVisit[]) => void,
) => {
if (!setSelectedVisits || !chart) {
const { index } = chart;
if (selectedLabel === labels[index]) {
selectedLabel = null;
} else {
setSelectedVisits(labels[index] && datasetsByPoint[labels[index]] ? datasetsByPoint[labels[index]] : []);
selectedLabel = labels[index] ?? null;
export const LineChartCard = (
{ title, visits, highlightedVisits, highlightedLabel = 'Selected', setSelectedVisits }: LineChartCardProps,
) => {
const [step, setStep] = useState<Step>(
visits.length > 0 ? determineInitialStep(visits[visits.length - 1].date) : 'monthly',
const [skipNoVisits, toggleSkipNoVisits] = useToggle(true);
const refWithHighlightedVisits = useRef(null);
const refWithoutHighlightedVisits = useRef(null);
const datasetsByPoint = useMemo(() => visitsToDatasetGroups(step, visits), [step, visits]);
const groupedVisitsWithGaps = useMemo(() => groupVisitsByStep(step, reverse(visits)), [step, visits]);
const [labels, groupedVisits] = useMemo(
() => generateLabelsAndGroupedVisits(visits, groupedVisitsWithGaps, step, skipNoVisits),
[visits, step, skipNoVisits],
const groupedHighlighted = useMemo(
() => fillTheGaps(groupVisitsByStep(step, reverse(highlightedVisits)), labels),
[highlightedVisits, step, labels],
const generateChartDatasets = (): ChartDataset[] => {
const mainDataset = generateDataset(groupedVisits, 'Visits', MAIN_COLOR);
if (highlightedVisits.length === 0) {
return [mainDataset];
const highlightedDataset = generateDataset(groupedHighlighted, highlightedLabel, HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR);
return [mainDataset, highlightedDataset];
const generateChartData = (): ChartData => ({ labels, datasets: generateChartDatasets() });
const options: ChartOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
plugins: {
legend: { display: false },
tooltip: {
intersect: false,
axis: 'x',
callbacks: { label: renderChartLabel },
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true,
ticks: {
precision: 0,
callback: prettify,
x: {
title: { display: true, text: STEPS_MAP[step] },
onHover: pointerOnHover,
const renderLineChart = (theRef: MutableRefObject<any>) => (
data={generateChartData() as any}
options={options as any}
onClick={(e) =>
chartElementAtEvent(labels, datasetsByPoint, getElementAtEvent(theRef.current, e), setSelectedVisits)}
return (
<CardHeader role="heading">
<div className="float-end">
<DropdownToggle caret color="link" className="btn-sm p-0">
Group by
<DropdownMenu end>
{Object.entries(STEPS_MAP).map(([value, menuText]) => (
<DropdownItem key={value} active={step === value} onClick={() => setStep(value as Step)}>
<div className="float-end me-2">
<ToggleSwitch checked={skipNoVisits} onChange={toggleSkipNoVisits}>
<small>Skip dates with no visits</small>
<CardBody className="line-chart-card__body">
{/* It's VERY IMPORTANT to render two different components here, as one has 1 dataset and the other has 2 */}
{/* Using the same component causes a crash when switching from 1 to 2 datasets, and then back to 1 dataset */}
{highlightedVisits.length > 0 && renderLineChart(refWithHighlightedVisits)}
{highlightedVisits.length === 0 && renderLineChart(refWithoutHighlightedVisits)}