import React from 'react'; import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { FormGroup } from 'reactstrap'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import EditShortUrlModal from '../../../src/short-urls/helpers/EditShortUrlModal'; import { ShortUrl } from '../../../src/short-urls/data'; import { ShortUrlEdition } from '../../../src/short-urls/reducers/shortUrlEdition'; describe('<EditShortUrlModal />', () => { let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; const editShortUrl = jest.fn(async () => Promise.resolve()); const toggle = jest.fn(); const createWrapper = (shortUrl: Partial<ShortUrl>, shortUrlEdition: Partial<ShortUrlEdition>) => { wrapper = shallow( <EditShortUrlModal isOpen={true} shortUrl={Mock.of<ShortUrl>(shortUrl)} shortUrlEdition={Mock.of<ShortUrlEdition>(shortUrlEdition)} toggle={toggle} editShortUrl={editShortUrl} />, ); return wrapper; }; afterEach(() => wrapper?.unmount()); afterEach(jest.clearAllMocks); it.each([ [ false, 0 ], [ true, 1 ], ])('properly renders form with expected components', (error, expectedErrorLength) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({}, { saving: false, error }); const errorElement = wrapper.find('.bg-danger'); const form = wrapper.find('form'); const formGroup = form.find(FormGroup); expect(form).toHaveLength(1); expect(formGroup).toHaveLength(1); expect(errorElement).toHaveLength(expectedErrorLength); }); it.each([ [ true, 'Saving...', 'something', true ], [ true, 'Saving...', undefined, true ], [ false, 'Save', 'something', false ], [ false, 'Save', undefined, true ], ])('renders submit button on expected state', (saving, expectedText, longUrl, expectedDisabled) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ longUrl }, { saving, error: false }); const button = wrapper.find('[color="primary"]'); expect(button.prop('disabled')).toEqual(expectedDisabled); expect(button.html()).toContain(expectedText); }); it('saves data when form is submit', () => { const preventDefault = jest.fn(); const wrapper = createWrapper({}, { saving: false, error: false }); const form = wrapper.find('form'); form.simulate('submit', { preventDefault }); expect(preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(editShortUrl).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it.each([ [ '[color="link"]', 'onClick' ], [ 'Modal', 'toggle' ], [ 'ModalHeader', 'toggle' ], ])('toggles modal with different mechanisms', (componentToFind, propToCall) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({}, { saving: false, error: false }); const component = wrapper.find(componentToFind); (component.prop(propToCall) as Function)(); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion expect(toggle).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });