import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { Card } from 'reactstrap'; import Message, { MessageProps } from '../../src/utils/Message'; describe('<Message />', () => { let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; const createWrapper = (props: PropsWithChildren<MessageProps> = {}) => { wrapper = shallow(<Message {...props} />); return wrapper; }; afterEach(() => wrapper?.unmount()); it.each([ [ true, 1, 0 ], [ false, 0, 1 ], [ undefined, 0, 1 ], ])('renders expected classes based on width', (fullWidth, expectedFull, expectedNonFull) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ fullWidth }); expect(wrapper.find('.col-md-12')).toHaveLength(expectedFull); expect(wrapper.find('.col-md-10')).toHaveLength(expectedNonFull); }); it.each([ [ true, 'These are the children contents' ], [ false, 'These are the children contents' ], [ true, undefined ], [ false, undefined ], ])('renders expected content', (loading, children) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ loading, children }); expect(wrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon)).toHaveLength(loading ? 1 : 0); if (loading) { expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toContain(children ? children : 'Loading...'); } else { expect(wrapper.find('span')).toHaveLength(0); expect(wrapper.find('h3').text()).toContain(children ? children : ''); } }); it.each([ [ 'error', 'border-danger', 'text-danger' ], [ 'default', '', 'text-muted' ], [ undefined, '', 'text-muted' ], ])('renders proper classes based on message type', (type, expectedCardClass, expectedH3Class) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ type: type as 'default' | 'error' | undefined }); const card = wrapper.find(Card); const h3 = wrapper.find('h3'); expect(card.prop('className')).toEqual(expectedCardClass); expect(h3.prop('className')).toEqual(`text-center mb-0 ${expectedH3Class}`); }); it.each([{ className: 'foo' }, { className: 'bar' }, {}])('renders provided classes', ({ className }) => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ className }); expect(wrapper.prop('className')).toEqual(`g-0${className ? ` ${className}` : ''}`); }); });