import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { CardHeader, DropdownItem } from 'reactstrap'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import moment from 'moment'; import LineChartCard from '../../../src/visits/helpers/LineChartCard'; import ToggleSwitch from '../../../src/utils/ToggleSwitch'; describe('<LineChartCard />', () => { let wrapper; const createWrapper = (visits = [], highlightedVisits = []) => { wrapper = shallow(<LineChartCard title="Cool title" visits={visits} highlightedVisits={highlightedVisits} />); return wrapper; }; afterEach(() => wrapper && wrapper.unmount()); it('renders provided title', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); const header = wrapper.find(CardHeader); expect(header.html()).toContain('Cool title'); }); it.each([ [[], 'monthly' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(1, 'day').format() }], 'hourly' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(3, 'day').format() }], 'daily' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(2, 'month').format() }], 'weekly' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(6, 'month').format() }], 'weekly' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(7, 'month').format() }], 'monthly' ], [[{ date: moment().subtract(1, 'year').format() }], 'monthly' ], ])('renders group menu and selects proper grouping item based on visits dates', (visits, expectedActiveItem) => { const wrapper = createWrapper(visits); const items = wrapper.find(DropdownItem); expect(items).toHaveLength(4); expect('children')).toEqual('Month'); expect('active')).toEqual(expectedActiveItem === 'monthly'); expect('children')).toEqual('Week'); expect('active')).toEqual(expectedActiveItem === 'weekly'); expect('children')).toEqual('Day'); expect('active')).toEqual(expectedActiveItem === 'daily'); expect('children')).toEqual('Hour'); expect('active')).toEqual(expectedActiveItem === 'hourly'); }); it('renders chart with expected options', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); const chart = wrapper.find(Line); expect(chart.prop('options')).toEqual({ maintainAspectRatio: false, legend: { display: false }, scales: { yAxes: [ { ticks: { beginAtZero: true, precision: 0 }, }, ], xAxes: [ { scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Month' }, }, ], }, tooltips: { intersect: false, axis: 'x', }, }); }); it.each([ [[{}], [], 1 ], [[{}], [{}], 2 ], ])('renders chart with expected data', (visits, highlightedVisits, expectedLines) => { const wrapper = createWrapper(visits, highlightedVisits); const chart = wrapper.find(Line); const { datasets } = chart.prop('data'); expect(datasets).toHaveLength(expectedLines); }); it('includes stats for visits with no dates if selected', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper([ { date: '2016-04-01' }, { date: '2016-01-01' }, ]); expect(wrapper.find(Line).prop('data').labels).toHaveLength(2); wrapper.find(ToggleSwitch).simulate('change'); expect(wrapper.find(Line).prop('data').labels).toHaveLength(4); }); });