import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router'; import { NotFound } from '../../src/common/NotFound'; import { checkAccessibility } from '../__helpers__/accessibility'; describe('<NotFound />', () => { const setUp = (props = {}) => render(<MemoryRouter><NotFound {...props} /></MemoryRouter>); it('passes a11y checks', () => checkAccessibility(setUp())); it('shows expected error title', () => { setUp(); expect(screen.getByText('Oops! We could not find requested route.')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('shows expected error message', () => { setUp(); expect(screen.getByText( 'Use your browser\'s back button to navigate to the page you have previously come from, or just press this button.', )).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it.each([ [{}, '/', 'Home'], [{ to: '/foo/bar', children: 'Hello' }, '/foo/bar', 'Hello'], [{ to: '/baz-bar', children: <>Foo</> }, '/baz-bar', 'Foo'], ])('shows expected link and text', (props, expectedLink, expectedText) => { setUp(props); const link = screen.getByRole('link'); expect(link).toHaveAttribute('href', expectedLink); expect(link).toHaveTextContent(expectedText); expect(link).toHaveAttribute('class', 'btn btn-outline-primary btn-lg'); }); });