import L from 'leaflet'; import marker2x from 'leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png'; import marker from 'leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png'; import markerShadow from 'leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png'; import { stateFlagTimeout as stateFlagTimeoutFactory, determineOrderDir, fixLeafletIcons, rangeOf, roundTen, } from '../../src/utils/utils'; describe('utils', () => { describe('stateFlagTimeout', () => { it('sets state and initializes timeout with provided delay', () => { const setTimeout = jest.fn((callback) => callback()); const setState = jest.fn(); const stateFlagTimeout = stateFlagTimeoutFactory(setTimeout); const delay = 5000; stateFlagTimeout(setState, 'foo', false, delay); expect(setState).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(setState).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, { foo: false }); expect(setState).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, { foo: true }); expect(setTimeout).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(setTimeout).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.anything(), delay); }); }); describe('determineOrderDir', () => { it('returns ASC when current order field and selected field are different', () => { expect(determineOrderDir('foo', 'bar')).toEqual('ASC'); expect(determineOrderDir('bar', 'foo')).toEqual('ASC'); }); it('returns ASC when no current order dir is provided', () => { expect(determineOrderDir('foo', 'foo')).toEqual('ASC'); expect(determineOrderDir('bar', 'bar')).toEqual('ASC'); }); it('returns DESC when current order field and selected field are equal and current order dir is ASC', () => { expect(determineOrderDir('foo', 'foo', 'ASC')).toEqual('DESC'); expect(determineOrderDir('bar', 'bar', 'ASC')).toEqual('DESC'); }); it('returns undefined when current order field and selected field are equal and current order dir is DESC', () => { expect(determineOrderDir('foo', 'foo', 'DESC')).toBeUndefined(); expect(determineOrderDir('bar', 'bar', 'DESC')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('fixLeafletIcons', () => { it('updates icons used by leaflet', () => { fixLeafletIcons(); const { iconRetinaUrl, iconUrl, shadowUrl } = L.Icon.Default.prototype.options; expect(iconRetinaUrl).toEqual(marker2x); expect(iconUrl).toEqual(marker); expect(shadowUrl).toEqual(markerShadow); }); }); describe('rangeOf', () => { const func = (i) => `result_${i}`; const size = 5; it('builds a range of specified size invike provided function', () => { expect(rangeOf(size, func)).toEqual([ 'result_1', 'result_2', 'result_3', 'result_4', 'result_5', ]); }); it('builds a range starting at provided pos', () => { const startAt = 3; expect(rangeOf(size, func, startAt)).toEqual([ 'result_3', 'result_4', 'result_5', ]); }); }); describe('roundTen', () => { it('rounds provided number to the next multiple of ten', () => { const expectationsPairs = [ [ 10, 10 ], [ 12, 20 ], [ 158, 160 ], [ 5, 10 ], [ -42, -40 ], ]; expect.assertions(expectationsPairs.length); expectationsPairs.forEach(([ number, expected ]) => { expect(roundTen(number)).toEqual(expected); }); }); }); });