import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { DropdownItem } from 'reactstrap'; import { identity, values } from 'ramda'; import FontAwesomeIcon from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import caretDownIcon from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid/faSortAmountDown'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import SortingDropdown from '../../src/utils/SortingDropdown'; describe('', () => { let wrapper; const items = { foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar', baz: 'Hello World', }; const createWrapper = (props) => { wrapper = shallow(); return wrapper; }; afterEach(() => wrapper && wrapper.unmount()); it('properly renders provided list of items', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); const dropdownItems = wrapper.find(DropdownItem); const secondIndex = 2; const clearItemsCount = 2; expect(dropdownItems).toHaveLength(values(items).length + clearItemsCount); expect('Foo'); expect('Bar'); expect('Hello World'); }); it('properly marks selected field as active with proper icon', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper({ orderField: 'bar', orderDir: 'DESC' }); const activeItem = wrapper.find('DropdownItem[active=true]'); const activeItemIcon = activeItem.first().find(FontAwesomeIcon); expect(activeItem).toHaveLength(1); expect(activeItemIcon.prop('icon')).toEqual(caretDownIcon); }); it('triggers change function when item is clicked and no order field was provided', () => { const onChange = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = createWrapper({ onChange }); const firstItem = wrapper.find(DropdownItem).first(); firstItem.simulate('click'); expect(onChange.callCount).toEqual(1); expect(onChange.calledWith('foo', 'ASC')).toEqual(true); }); it('triggers change function when item is clicked and an order field was provided', () => { const onChange = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = createWrapper({ onChange, orderField: 'baz', orderDir: 'ASC' }); const firstItem = wrapper.find(DropdownItem).first(); firstItem.simulate('click'); expect(onChange.callCount).toEqual(1); expect(onChange.calledWith('foo', 'ASC')).toEqual(true); }); it('updates order dir when already selected item is clicked', () => { const onChange = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = createWrapper({ onChange, orderField: 'foo', orderDir: 'ASC' }); const firstItem = wrapper.find(DropdownItem).first(); firstItem.simulate('click'); expect(onChange.callCount).toEqual(1); expect(onChange.calledWith('foo', 'DESC')).toEqual(true); }); });