import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { SimplePaginator } from '../../shlink-web-component/src/utils/components/SimplePaginator'; import { ELLIPSIS } from '../../shlink-web-component/src/utils/helpers/pagination'; describe('', () => { const setUp = (pagesCount: number, currentPage = 1) => render( , ); it.each([-3, -2, 0, 1])('renders empty when the amount of pages is smaller than 2', (pagesCount) => { const { container } = setUp(pagesCount); expect(container.firstChild).toBeNull(); }); describe('ELLIPSIS are rendered where expected', () => { const getItemsForPages = (pagesCount: number, currentPage: number) => { setUp(pagesCount, currentPage); const items = screen.getAllByRole('link'); const itemsWithEllipsis = items.filter((item) => item.innerHTML.includes(ELLIPSIS)); return { items, itemsWithEllipsis }; }; it('renders first ELLIPSIS', () => { const { items, itemsWithEllipsis } = getItemsForPages(9, 7); expect(items[1]).toHaveTextContent(ELLIPSIS); expect(itemsWithEllipsis).toHaveLength(1); }); it('renders last ELLIPSIS', () => { const { items, itemsWithEllipsis } = getItemsForPages(9, 2); expect(items[items.length - 2]).toHaveTextContent(ELLIPSIS); expect(itemsWithEllipsis).toHaveLength(1); }); it('renders both ELLIPSIS', () => { const { items, itemsWithEllipsis } = getItemsForPages(20, 9); expect(items[1]).toHaveTextContent(ELLIPSIS); expect(items[items.length - 2]).toHaveTextContent(ELLIPSIS); expect(itemsWithEllipsis).toHaveLength(2); }); }); });