import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import { ShortUrlCreationSettings as ShortUrlsSettings, Settings } from '../../src/settings/reducers/settings'; import { ShortUrlCreationSettings } from '../../src/settings/ShortUrlCreationSettings'; import { renderWithEvents } from '../__mocks__/setUpTest'; describe('', () => { const setShortUrlCreationSettings = jest.fn(); const setUp = (shortUrlCreation?: ShortUrlsSettings) => renderWithEvents( ({ shortUrlCreation })} setShortUrlCreationSettings={setShortUrlCreationSettings} />, ); afterEach(jest.clearAllMocks); it.each([ [{ validateUrls: true }, true], [{ validateUrls: false }, false], [undefined, false], ])('URL validation switch has proper initial state', (shortUrlCreation, expectedChecked) => { const matcher = /^Request validation on long URLs when creating new short URLs/; setUp(shortUrlCreation); const checkbox = screen.getByLabelText(matcher); const label = screen.getByText(matcher); if (expectedChecked) { expect(checkbox).toBeChecked(); expect(label).toHaveTextContent('Validate URL checkbox will be checked'); expect(label).not.toHaveTextContent('Validate URL checkbox will be unchecked'); } else { expect(checkbox).not.toBeChecked(); expect(label).toHaveTextContent('Validate URL checkbox will be unchecked'); expect(label).not.toHaveTextContent('Validate URL checkbox will be checked'); } }); it.each([ [{ forwardQuery: true }, true], [{ forwardQuery: false }, false], [{}, true], ])('forward query switch is toggled if option is true', (shortUrlCreation, expectedChecked) => { const matcher = /^Make all new short URLs forward their query params to the long URL/; setUp({ validateUrls: true, ...shortUrlCreation }); const checkbox = screen.getByLabelText(matcher); const label = screen.getByText(matcher); if (expectedChecked) { expect(checkbox).toBeChecked(); expect(label).toHaveTextContent('Forward query params on redirect checkbox will be checked'); expect(label).not.toHaveTextContent('Forward query params on redirect checkbox will be unchecked'); } else { expect(checkbox).not.toBeChecked(); expect(label).toHaveTextContent('Forward query params on redirect checkbox will be unchecked'); expect(label).not.toHaveTextContent('Forward query params on redirect checkbox will be checked'); } }); it.each([ [{ tagFilteringMode: 'includes' } as ShortUrlsSettings, 'Suggest tags including input', 'including'], [ { tagFilteringMode: 'startsWith' } as ShortUrlsSettings, 'Suggest tags starting with input', 'starting with', ], [undefined, 'Suggest tags starting with input', 'starting with'], ])('shows expected texts for tags suggestions', (shortUrlCreation, expectedText, expectedHint) => { setUp(shortUrlCreation); expect(screen.getByRole('button', { name: expectedText })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText(/^The list of suggested tags will contain those/)).toHaveTextContent(expectedHint); }); it.each([[true], [false]])('invokes setShortUrlCreationSettings when URL validation toggle value changes', async (validateUrls) => { const { user } = setUp({ validateUrls }); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await^Request validation on long URLs when creating new short URLs/)); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ validateUrls: !validateUrls }); }); it.each([[true], [false]])('invokes setShortUrlCreationSettings when forward query toggle value changes', async (forwardQuery) => { const { user } = setUp({ validateUrls: true, forwardQuery }); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await^Make all new short URLs forward their query params to the long URL/)); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ forwardQuery: !forwardQuery })); }); it('invokes setShortUrlCreationSettings when dropdown value changes', async () => { const { user } = setUp(); const clickItem = async (name: string) => { await'button', { name: 'Suggest tags starting with input' })); await screen.findByRole('menuitem', { name })); }; expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await clickItem('Suggest tags including input'); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining( { tagFilteringMode: 'includes' }, )); await clickItem('Suggest tags starting with input'); expect(setShortUrlCreationSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining( { tagFilteringMode: 'startsWith' }, )); }); });