import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { DropdownItem } from 'reactstrap'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import createShortUrlsRowMenu from '../../../src/short-urls/helpers/ShortUrlsRowMenu'; import { ReachableServer } from '../../../src/servers/data'; import { ShortUrl } from '../../../src/short-urls/data'; import { DropdownBtnMenu } from '../../../src/utils/DropdownBtnMenu'; describe('', () => { let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; const DeleteShortUrlModal = () => null; const QrCodeModal = () => null; const selectedServer = Mock.of({ id: 'abc123' }); const shortUrl = Mock.of({ shortCode: 'abc123', shortUrl: '', }); const createWrapper = () => { const ShortUrlsRowMenu = createShortUrlsRowMenu(DeleteShortUrlModal, QrCodeModal); wrapper = shallow(); return wrapper; }; afterEach(() => wrapper?.unmount()); it('renders modal windows', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); const deleteShortUrlModal = wrapper.find(DeleteShortUrlModal); const qrCodeModal = wrapper.find(QrCodeModal); expect(deleteShortUrlModal).toHaveLength(1); expect(qrCodeModal).toHaveLength(1); }); it('renders correct amount of menu items', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); const items = wrapper.find(DropdownItem); expect(items).toHaveLength(5); expect(items.find('[divider]')).toHaveLength(1); }); describe('toggles state when toggling modals or the dropdown', () => { const assert = (modalComponent: Function) => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.find(modalComponent).prop('isOpen')).toEqual(false); (wrapper.find(modalComponent).prop('toggle') as Function)(); expect(wrapper.find(modalComponent).prop('isOpen')).toEqual(true); }; it('DeleteShortUrlModal', () => assert(DeleteShortUrlModal)); it('QrCodeModal', () => assert(QrCodeModal)); it('ShortUrlRowMenu', () => assert(DropdownBtnMenu)); }); });