import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn'; import { addDays, formatISO, subDays } from 'date-fns'; import type { ShlinkApiClient } from '../../../src/api/services/ShlinkApiClient'; import type { ShlinkVisits } from '../../../src/api/types'; import type { ShlinkState } from '../../../src/container/types'; import { formatIsoDate } from '../../../src/utils/helpers/date'; import type { DateInterval } from '../../../src/utils/helpers/dateIntervals'; import { rangeOf } from '../../../src/utils/utils'; import { getOrphanVisits as getOrphanVisitsCreator, orphanVisitsReducerCreator, } from '../../../src/visits/reducers/orphanVisits'; import type { VisitsInfo } from '../../../src/visits/reducers/types'; import { createNewVisits } from '../../../src/visits/reducers/visitCreation'; import type { Visit } from '../../../src/visits/types'; describe('orphanVisitsReducer', () => { const now = new Date(); const visitsMocks = rangeOf(2, () => fromPartial({})); const getOrphanVisitsCall = jest.fn(); const buildShlinkApiClientMock = () => fromPartial({ getOrphanVisits: getOrphanVisitsCall }); const getOrphanVisits = getOrphanVisitsCreator(buildShlinkApiClientMock); const { reducer, cancelGetVisits: cancelGetOrphanVisits } = orphanVisitsReducerCreator(getOrphanVisits); beforeEach(jest.clearAllMocks); describe('reducer', () => { const buildState = (data: Partial) => fromPartial(data); it('returns loading on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_START', () => { const { loading } = reducer(buildState({ loading: false }), getOrphanVisits.pending('', {})); expect(loading).toEqual(true); }); it('returns loadingLarge on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_LARGE', () => { const { loadingLarge } = reducer(buildState({ loadingLarge: false }), getOrphanVisits.large()); expect(loadingLarge).toEqual(true); }); it('returns cancelLoad on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_CANCEL', () => { const { cancelLoad } = reducer(buildState({ cancelLoad: false }), cancelGetOrphanVisits()); expect(cancelLoad).toEqual(true); }); it('stops loading and returns error on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_ERROR', () => { const { loading, error } = reducer( buildState({ loading: true, error: false }), getOrphanVisits.rejected(null, '', {}), ); expect(loading).toEqual(false); expect(error).toEqual(true); }); it('return visits on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS', () => { const actionVisits: Visit[] = [fromPartial({}), fromPartial({})]; const { loading, error, visits } = reducer( buildState({ loading: true, error: false }), getOrphanVisits.fulfilled({ visits: actionVisits }, '', {}), ); expect(loading).toEqual(false); expect(error).toEqual(false); expect(visits).toEqual(actionVisits); }); it.each([ [{}, visitsMocks.length + 2], [ fromPartial({ query: { endDate: formatIsoDate(subDays(now, 1)) ?? undefined }, }), visitsMocks.length, ], [ fromPartial({ query: { startDate: formatIsoDate(addDays(now, 1)) ?? undefined }, }), visitsMocks.length, ], [ fromPartial({ query: { startDate: formatIsoDate(subDays(now, 5)) ?? undefined, endDate: formatIsoDate(subDays(now, 2)) ?? undefined, }, }), visitsMocks.length, ], [ fromPartial({ query: { startDate: formatIsoDate(subDays(now, 5)) ?? undefined, endDate: formatIsoDate(addDays(now, 3)) ?? undefined, }, }), visitsMocks.length + 2, ], ])('prepends new visits on CREATE_VISIT', (state, expectedVisits) => { const prevState = buildState({ ...state, visits: visitsMocks }); const visit = fromPartial({ date: formatIsoDate(now) ?? undefined }); const { visits } = reducer(prevState, createNewVisits([{ visit }, { visit }])); expect(visits).toHaveLength(expectedVisits); }); it('returns new progress on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_PROGRESS_CHANGED', () => { const { progress } = reducer(undefined, getOrphanVisits.progressChanged(85)); expect(progress).toEqual(85); }); it('returns fallbackInterval on GET_ORPHAN_VISITS_FALLBACK_TO_INTERVAL', () => { const fallbackInterval: DateInterval = 'last30Days'; const state = reducer(undefined, getOrphanVisits.fallbackToInterval(fallbackInterval)); expect(state).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ fallbackInterval })); }); }); describe('getOrphanVisits', () => { const dispatchMock = jest.fn(); const getState = () => fromPartial({ orphanVisits: { cancelLoad: false }, }); it.each([ [undefined], [{}], ])('dispatches start and success when promise is resolved', async (query) => { const visits = => ({ ...visit, visitedUrl: '' })); getOrphanVisitsCall.mockResolvedValue({ data: visits, pagination: { currentPage: 1, pagesCount: 1, totalItems: 1, }, }); await getOrphanVisits({ query })(dispatchMock, getState, {}); expect(dispatchMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(dispatchMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ payload: { visits, query: query ?? {} }, })); expect(getOrphanVisitsCall).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it.each([ [ [fromPartial({ date: formatISO(subDays(now, 5)) })], getOrphanVisits.fallbackToInterval('last7Days'), 3, ], [ [fromPartial({ date: formatISO(subDays(now, 200)) })], getOrphanVisits.fallbackToInterval('last365Days'), 3, ], [[], expect.objectContaining({ type: getOrphanVisits.fulfilled.toString() }), 2], ])('dispatches fallback interval when the list of visits is empty', async ( lastVisits, expectedSecondDispatch, expectedDispatchCalls, ) => { const buildVisitsResult = (data: Visit[] = []): ShlinkVisits => ({ data, pagination: { currentPage: 1, pagesCount: 1, totalItems: 1, }, }); getOrphanVisitsCall .mockResolvedValueOnce(buildVisitsResult()) .mockResolvedValueOnce(buildVisitsResult(lastVisits)); await getOrphanVisits({ doIntervalFallback: true })(dispatchMock, getState, {}); expect(dispatchMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expectedDispatchCalls); expect(dispatchMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, expectedSecondDispatch); expect(getOrphanVisitsCall).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); });