import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import type { ShlinkApiClient } from '../../../src/api/services/ShlinkApiClient'; import type { ShlinkState } from '../../../src/container/types'; import type { NonReachableServer, NotFoundServer, ReachableServer, RegularServer } from '../../../src/servers/data'; import { MAX_FALLBACK_VERSION, MIN_FALLBACK_VERSION, resetSelectedServer, selectedServerReducerCreator, selectServer as selectServerCreator, selectServerListener, } from '../../../src/servers/reducers/selectedServer'; describe('selectedServerReducer', () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); const health = jest.fn(); const buildApiClient = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(fromPartial({ health })); const selectServer = selectServerCreator(buildApiClient); const { reducer } = selectedServerReducerCreator(selectServer); afterEach(jest.clearAllMocks); describe('reducer', () => { it('returns default when action is RESET_SELECTED_SERVER', () => expect(reducer(null, resetSelectedServer())).toBeNull()); it('returns selected server when action is SELECT_SERVER', () => { const payload = fromPartial({ id: 'abc123' }); expect(reducer(null, selectServer.fulfilled(payload, '', ''))).toEqual(payload); }); }); describe('selectServer', () => { const version = '1.19.0'; const createGetStateMock = (id: string) => jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ servers: { [id]: { id }, }, }); it.each([ [version, version, `v${version}`], ['latest', MAX_FALLBACK_VERSION, 'latest'], ['%invalid_semver%', MIN_FALLBACK_VERSION, '%invalid_semver%'], ])('dispatches proper actions', async (serverVersion, expectedVersion, expectedPrintableVersion) => { const id = uuid(); const getState = createGetStateMock(id); const expectedSelectedServer = { id, version: expectedVersion, printableVersion: expectedPrintableVersion, }; health.mockResolvedValue({ version: serverVersion }); await selectServer(id)(dispatch, getState, {}); expect(getState).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(buildApiClient).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); // "Pending", "reset" and "fulfilled" expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ payload: expectedSelectedServer })); }); it('dispatches error when health endpoint fails', async () => { const id = uuid(); const getState = createGetStateMock(id); const expectedSelectedServer = fromPartial({ id, serverNotReachable: true }); health.mockRejectedValue({}); await selectServer(id)(dispatch, getState, {}); expect(health).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ payload: expectedSelectedServer })); }); it('dispatches error when server is not found', async () => { const id = uuid(); const getState = jest.fn(() => fromPartial({ servers: {} })); const expectedSelectedServer: NotFoundServer = { serverNotFound: true }; await selectServer(id)(dispatch, getState, {}); expect(getState).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(health).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ payload: expectedSelectedServer })); }); }); describe('selectServerListener', () => { const getState = jest.fn(() => ({})); const loadMercureInfo = jest.fn(); const { middleware } = selectServerListener(selectServer, loadMercureInfo); it.each([ [fromPartial({ version: '1.2.3' }), 1], [fromPartial({ serverNotFound: true }), 0], [fromPartial({ serverNotReachable: true }), 0], ])('dispatches loadMercureInfo when provided server is reachable', (payload, expectedCalls) => { middleware({ dispatch, getState })(jest.fn())({ payload, type: selectServer.fulfilled.toString(), }); expect(dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expectedCalls); expect(loadMercureInfo).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expectedCalls); }); it('does not dispatch loadMercureInfo when action is not of the proper type', () => { middleware({ dispatch, getState })(jest.fn())({ payload: fromPartial({ version: '1.2.3' }), type: 'something_else', }); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(loadMercureInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });