import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import { VisitsTable, VisitsTableProps } from '../../src/visits/VisitsTable'; import { rangeOf } from '../../src/utils/utils'; import { NormalizedVisit } from '../../src/visits/types'; import { renderWithEvents } from '../__helpers__/setUpTest'; describe('', () => { const matchMedia = () => Mock.of({ matches: false }); const setSelectedVisits = jest.fn(); const setUpFactory = (props: Partial = {}) => renderWithEvents( , ); const setUp = (visits: NormalizedVisit[], selectedVisits: NormalizedVisit[] = []) => setUpFactory( { visits, selectedVisits }, ); const setUpForOrphanVisits = (isOrphanVisits: boolean) => setUpFactory({ isOrphanVisits }); const setUpWithBots = () => setUpFactory({ visits: [ Mock.of({ potentialBot: false, date: '2022-05-05' }), Mock.of({ potentialBot: true, date: '2022-05-05' }), ], }); afterEach(jest.resetAllMocks); it('renders expected amount of columns', () => { setUp([], []); expect(screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')).toHaveLength(8); }); it('shows warning when no visits are found', () => { setUp([]); expect(screen.getByText('No visits found with current filtering')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it.each([ [50, 5, 1], [21, 4, 1], [30, 4, 1], [60, 5, 1], [115, 7, 2], // This one will have ellipsis ])('renders the expected amount of pages', (visitsCount, expectedAmountOfPageItems, expectedDisabledItems) => { const { container } = setUp( rangeOf(visitsCount, () => Mock.of({ browser: '', date: '2022-01-01', referer: '' })), ); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.page-item')).toHaveLength(expectedAmountOfPageItems); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.disabled')).toHaveLength(expectedDisabledItems); }); it.each( rangeOf(20, (value) => [value]), )('does not render footer when there is only one page to render', (visitsCount) => { const { container } = setUp( rangeOf(visitsCount, () => Mock.of({ browser: '', date: '2022-01-01', referer: '' })), ); expect(container.querySelector('tfoot')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByLabelText('pagination')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('selected rows are highlighted', async () => { const visits = rangeOf(10, () => Mock.of({ browser: '', date: '2022-01-01', referer: '' })); const { container, user } = setUp(visits, [visits[1], visits[2]]); // Initial situation expect(container.querySelectorAll('.table-active')).toHaveLength(2); // Select one extra await'row')[5]); expect(setSelectedVisits).toHaveBeenCalledWith([visits[1], visits[2], visits[4]]); // Deselect one await'row')[3]); expect(setSelectedVisits).toHaveBeenCalledWith([visits[1]]); // Select all await'columnheader')[0]); expect(setSelectedVisits).toHaveBeenCalledWith(visits); }); it('orders visits when column is clicked', async () => { const { user } = setUp(rangeOf(9, (index) => Mock.of({ browser: '', date: `2022-01-0${10 - index}`, referer: `${index}`, country: `Country_${index}`, }))); const getFirstColumnValue = () => screen.getAllByRole('row')[2]?.querySelectorAll('td')[3]?.textContent; const clickColumn = async (index: number) =>'columnheader')[index]); expect(getFirstColumnValue()).toContain('Country_1'); await clickColumn(2); // Date column ASC expect(getFirstColumnValue()).toContain('Country_9'); await clickColumn(7); // Referer column - ASC expect(getFirstColumnValue()).toContain('Country_1'); await clickColumn(7); // Referer column - DESC expect(getFirstColumnValue()).toContain('Country_9'); await clickColumn(7); // Referer column - reset expect(getFirstColumnValue()).toContain('Country_1'); }); it('filters list when writing in search box', async () => { const { user } = setUp([ ...rangeOf(7, () => Mock.of({ browser: 'aaa', date: '2022-01-01', referer: 'aaa' })), ...rangeOf(2, () => Mock.of({ browser: 'bbb', date: '2022-01-01', referer: 'bbb' })), ]); const searchField = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Search...'); const searchText = async (text: string) => { await user.clear(searchField); text.length > 0 && await user.type(searchField, text); }; expect(screen.getAllByRole('row')).toHaveLength(9 + 2); await searchText('aa'); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getAllByRole('row')).toHaveLength(7 + 2)); await searchText('bb'); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getAllByRole('row')).toHaveLength(2 + 2)); await searchText(''); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getAllByRole('row')).toHaveLength(9 + 2)); }); it.each([ [true, 9], [false, 8], ])('displays proper amount of columns for orphan and non-orphan visits', (isOrphanVisits, expectedCols) => { setUpForOrphanVisits(isOrphanVisits); expect(screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')).toHaveLength(expectedCols); }); it('displays bots icon when a visit is a potential bot', () => { setUpWithBots(); const [,, nonBotVisitRow, botVisitRow] = screen.getAllByRole('row'); expect(nonBotVisitRow.querySelectorAll('td')[1]).toBeEmptyDOMElement(); expect(botVisitRow.querySelectorAll('td')[1]).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement(); }); });