import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn'; import { formatISO, subDays, subMonths, subYears } from 'date-fns'; import { LineChartCard } from '../../../src/shlink-web-component/visits/charts/LineChartCard'; import type { NormalizedVisit } from '../../../src/shlink-web-component/visits/types'; import { setUpCanvas } from '../../__helpers__/setUpTest'; describe('', () => { const setUp = (visits: NormalizedVisit[] = [], highlightedVisits: NormalizedVisit[] = []) => ({ user: userEvent.setup(), ...setUpCanvas(), }); it('renders provided title', () => { setUp(); expect(screen.getByRole('heading')).toHaveTextContent('Cool title'); }); it.each([ [[], 0], [[{ date: formatISO(subDays(new Date(), 1)) }], 3], [[{ date: formatISO(subDays(new Date(), 3)) }], 2], [[{ date: formatISO(subMonths(new Date(), 2)) }], 1], [[{ date: formatISO(subMonths(new Date(), 6)) }], 1], [[{ date: formatISO(subMonths(new Date(), 7)) }], 0], [[{ date: formatISO(subYears(new Date(), 1)) }], 0], ])('renders group menu and selects proper grouping item based on visits dates', async ( visits, expectedActiveIndex, ) => { const { user } = setUp( => fromPartial(visit))); await'button', { name: /Group by/ })); const items = screen.getAllByRole('menuitem'); expect(items).toHaveLength(4); expect(items[0]).toHaveTextContent('Month'); expect(items[1]).toHaveTextContent('Week'); expect(items[2]).toHaveTextContent('Day'); expect(items[3]).toHaveTextContent('Hour'); expect(items[expectedActiveIndex]).toHaveAttribute('class', expect.stringContaining('active')); }); it.each([ [undefined, undefined], [[], []], [[fromPartial({ date: '2016-04-01' })], []], [[fromPartial({ date: '2016-04-01' })], [fromPartial({ date: '2016-04-01' })]], ])('renders chart with expected data', (visits, highlightedVisits) => { const { events } = setUp(visits, highlightedVisits); expect(events).toBeTruthy(); expect(events).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('includes stats for visits with no dates if selected', async () => { const { getEvents, user } = setUp([ fromPartial({ date: '2016-04-01' }), fromPartial({ date: '2016-01-01' }), ]); const eventsBefore = getEvents(); await'Skip dates with no visits')); expect(eventsBefore).not.toEqual(getEvents()); }); });