import { fromPartial } from '@total-typescript/shoehorn'; import type { RegularServer } from '../../../src/servers/data'; import { ServersImporter } from '../../../src/servers/services/ServersImporter'; describe('ServersImporter', () => { const servers: RegularServer[] = [fromPartial<RegularServer>({}), fromPartial<RegularServer>({})]; const csvjsonMock = vi.fn().mockResolvedValue(servers); const text = vi.fn().mockReturnValue(''); const fileMock = () => fromPartial<File>({ text }); const importer = new ServersImporter(csvjsonMock); describe('importServersFromFile', () => { it.each([[null], [undefined]])('rejects with error if no file was provided', async (file) => { await expect(importer.importServersFromFile(file)).rejects.toEqual( new Error('No file provided'), ); }); it('rejects with error if parsing the file fails', async () => { const expectedError = new Error('Error parsing file'); csvjsonMock.mockRejectedValue(expectedError); await expect(importer.importServersFromFile(fileMock())).rejects.toEqual(expectedError); }); it.each([ [{}], [undefined], [[{ foo: 'bar' }]], [ [ { url: 1, apiKey: 1, name: 1, }, ], ], [ [ { url: 'foo', apiKey: 'foo', name: 'foo', }, { bar: 'foo' }, ], ], ])('rejects with error if provided file does not parse to valid list of servers', async (parsedObject) => { csvjsonMock.mockResolvedValue(parsedObject); await expect(importer.importServersFromFile(fileMock())).rejects.toEqual( new Error('Provided file does not have the right format.'), ); }); it('reads file when a CSV containing valid servers is provided', async () => { const expectedServers = [ { url: 'foo', apiKey: 'foo', name: 'foo', }, { url: 'bar', apiKey: 'bar', name: 'bar', }, ]; csvjsonMock.mockResolvedValue(expectedServers); const result = await importer.importServersFromFile(fileMock()); expect(result).toEqual(expectedServers); expect(text).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(csvjsonMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); });