import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import reducer, { getShortUrlVisits, GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_START, GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_ERROR, GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS, GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_LARGE, } from '../../../src/visits/reducers/shortUrlVisits'; describe('shortUrlVisitsReducer', () => { describe('reducer', () => { it('returns loading on GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_START', () => { const state = reducer({ loading: false }, { type: GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_START }); const { loading } = state; expect(loading).toEqual(true); }); it('returns loadingLarge on GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_LARGE', () => { const state = reducer({ loadingLarge: false }, { type: GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_LARGE }); const { loadingLarge } = state; expect(loadingLarge).toEqual(true); }); it('stops loading and returns error on GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_ERROR', () => { const state = reducer({ loading: true, error: false }, { type: GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_ERROR }); const { loading, error } = state; expect(loading).toEqual(false); expect(error).toEqual(true); }); it('return visits on GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS', () => { const actionVisits = [{}, {}]; const state = reducer({ loading: true, error: false }, { type: GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS, visits: actionVisits }); const { loading, error, visits } = state; expect(loading).toEqual(false); expect(error).toEqual(false); expect(visits).toEqual(actionVisits); }); it('returns default state on unknown action', () => { const defaultState = { visits: [], loading: false, error: false, }; const state = reducer(defaultState, { type: 'unknown' }); expect(state).toEqual(defaultState); }); }); describe('getShortUrlVisits', () => { const buildApiClientMock = (returned) => ({ getShortUrlVisits: typeof returned === 'function' ? sinon.fake(returned) : sinon.fake.returns(returned), }); const dispatchMock = sinon.spy(); const getState = () => ({}); beforeEach(() => dispatchMock.resetHistory()); it('dispatches start and error when promise is rejected', async () => { const ShlinkApiClient = buildApiClientMock(Promise.reject()); const expectedDispatchCalls = 2; await getShortUrlVisits(() => ShlinkApiClient)('abc123')(dispatchMock, getState); const [ firstCallArg ] = dispatchMock.getCall(0).args; const { type: firstCallType } = firstCallArg; const [ secondCallArg ] = dispatchMock.getCall(1).args; const { type: secondCallType } = secondCallArg; expect(dispatchMock.callCount).toEqual(expectedDispatchCalls); expect(ShlinkApiClient.getShortUrlVisits.callCount).toEqual(1); expect(firstCallType).toEqual(GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_START); expect(secondCallType).toEqual(GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_ERROR); }); it('dispatches start and success when promise is resolved', async () => { const resolvedVisits = [{}, {}]; const ShlinkApiClient = buildApiClientMock(Promise.resolve({ data: resolvedVisits, pagination: { currentPage: 1, pagesCount: 1, }, })); const expectedDispatchCalls = 2; await getShortUrlVisits(() => ShlinkApiClient)('abc123')(dispatchMock, getState); const [ firstCallArg ] = dispatchMock.getCall(0).args; const { type: firstCallType } = firstCallArg; const [ secondCallArg ] = dispatchMock.getCall(1).args; const { type: secondCallType, visits } = secondCallArg; expect(dispatchMock.callCount).toEqual(expectedDispatchCalls); expect(ShlinkApiClient.getShortUrlVisits.callCount).toEqual(1); expect(firstCallType).toEqual(GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS_START); expect(secondCallType).toEqual(GET_SHORT_URL_VISITS); expect(visits).toEqual(resolvedVisits); }); it('performs multiple API requests when response contains more pages', async () => { const expectedRequests = 3; const ShlinkApiClient = buildApiClientMock((shortCode, { page }) => Promise.resolve({ data: [{}, {}], pagination: { currentPage: page, pagesCount: expectedRequests, }, })); await getShortUrlVisits(() => ShlinkApiClient)('abc123')(dispatchMock, getState); const [ secondCallArg ] = dispatchMock.getCall(1).args; const { visits } = secondCallArg; expect(ShlinkApiClient.getShortUrlVisits.callCount).toEqual(expectedRequests); expect(visits).toEqual([{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]); }); }); });