import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import type { HighlightCardProps } from '../../../src/overview/helpers/HighlightCard'; import { HighlightCard } from '../../../src/overview/helpers/HighlightCard'; import { renderWithEvents } from '../../__helpers__/setUpTest'; describe('', () => { const setUp = (props: PropsWithChildren>) => renderWithEvents( , ); it.each([ ['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz'], ])('renders provided title', (title) => { setUp({ title }); expect(screen.getByText(title)).toHaveClass('highlight-card__title'); }); it.each([ ['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz'], ])('renders provided children', (children) => { setUp({ title: 'title', children }); expect(screen.getByText(children)).toHaveClass('card-text'); }); it.each([ ['foo'], ['bar'], ['baz'], ])('adds extra props when a link is provided', (link) => { setUp({ title: 'title', link }); expect(screen.getByRole('img', { hidden: true })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByRole('link')).toHaveAttribute('href', `/${link}`); }); it('renders tooltip when provided', async () => { const { user } = setUp({ title: 'title', children: 'Foo', tooltip: 'This is the tooltip' }); await user.hover(screen.getByText('Foo')); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText('This is the tooltip')).toBeInTheDocument()); }); });