import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import moment from 'moment'; import Moment from 'react-moment'; import { assoc, toString } from 'ramda'; import { ExternalLink } from 'react-external-link'; import { CopyToClipboard } from 'react-copy-to-clipboard'; import createShortUrlsRow from '../../../src/short-urls/helpers/ShortUrlsRow'; import Tag from '../../../src/tags/helpers/Tag'; describe('', () => { let wrapper; const mockFunction = () => ''; const ShortUrlsRowMenu = mockFunction; const stateFlagTimeout = jest.fn(() => true); const useStateFlagTimeout = jest.fn(() => [ false, stateFlagTimeout ]); const colorGenerator = { getColorForKey: mockFunction, setColorForKey: mockFunction, }; const server = { url: '', }; const shortUrl = { shortCode: 'abc123', shortUrl: '', longUrl: '', dateCreated: moment('2018-05-23 18:30:41').format(), tags: [ 'nodejs', 'reactjs' ], visitsCount: 45, }; beforeEach(() => { const ShortUrlsRow = createShortUrlsRow(ShortUrlsRowMenu, colorGenerator, useStateFlagTimeout); wrapper = shallow( , ); }); afterEach(() => wrapper.unmount()); it('renders date in first column', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').first(); const moment = col.find(Moment); expect(moment.html()).toContain('>2018-05-23 18:30'); }); it('renders short URL in second row', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').at(1); const link = col.find(ExternalLink); expect(link.prop('href')).toEqual(shortUrl.shortUrl); }); it('renders long URL in third row', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').at(2); const link = col.find(ExternalLink); expect(link.prop('href')).toEqual(shortUrl.longUrl); }); describe('renders list of tags in fourth row', () => { it('with tags', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').at(3); const tags = col.find(Tag); expect(tags).toHaveLength(shortUrl.tags.length); shortUrl.tags.forEach((tagValue, index) => { const tag =; expect(tag.prop('text')).toEqual(tagValue); }); }); it('without tags', () => { wrapper.setProps({ shortUrl: assoc('tags', [], shortUrl) }); const col = wrapper.find('td').at(3); expect(col.text()).toContain('No tags'); }); }); it('renders visits count in fifth row', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').at(4); expect(col.html()).toContain(toString(shortUrl.visitsCount)); }); it('updates state when copied to clipboard', () => { const col = wrapper.find('td').at(1); const menu = col.find(CopyToClipboard); expect(menu).toHaveLength(1); expect(stateFlagTimeout).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); menu.simulate('copy'); expect(stateFlagTimeout).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); });