import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { UncontrolledTooltip } from 'reactstrap'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mockery'; import { faTimes, faCheck, faCircleNotch } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import { DomainStatus } from '../../../src/domains/data'; import { DomainStatusIcon } from '../../../src/domains/helpers/DomainStatusIcon'; describe('', () => { const matchMedia = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Mock.of({ matches: false })); let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; const createWrapper = (status: DomainStatus) => { wrapper = shallow(); return wrapper; }; beforeEach(jest.clearAllMocks); afterEach(() => wrapper?.unmount()); it('renders loading icon when status is "validating"', () => { const wrapper = createWrapper('validating'); const tooltip = wrapper.find(UncontrolledTooltip); const faIcon = wrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon); expect(tooltip).toHaveLength(0); expect(faIcon).toHaveLength(1); expect(faIcon.prop('icon')).toEqual(faCircleNotch); expect(faIcon.prop('spin')).toEqual(true); }); it.each([ [ 'invalid' as DomainStatus, faTimes, 'Oops! There is some missing configuration, and short URLs shared with this domain will not work.', ], [ 'valid' as DomainStatus, faCheck, 'Congratulations! This domain is properly configured.' ], ])('renders expected icon and tooltip when status is not validating', (status, expectedIcon, expectedText) => { const wrapper = createWrapper(status); const tooltip = wrapper.find(UncontrolledTooltip); const faIcon = wrapper.find(FontAwesomeIcon); const getTooltipText = (): string => { const children = tooltip.prop('children'); if (typeof children === 'string') { return children; } return tooltip.find('span').html(); }; expect(tooltip).toHaveLength(1); expect(tooltip.prop('autohide')).toEqual(status === 'valid'); expect(getTooltipText()).toContain(expectedText); expect(faIcon).toHaveLength(1); expect(faIcon.prop('icon')).toEqual(expectedIcon); expect(faIcon.prop('spin')).toEqual(false); }); it.each([ [ true, 'top-start' ], [ false, 'left' ], ])('places the tooltip properly based on query match', (isMobile, expectedPlacement) => { matchMedia.mockReturnValue(Mock.of({ matches: isMobile })); const wrapper = createWrapper('valid'); const tooltip = wrapper.find(UncontrolledTooltip); expect(tooltip).toHaveLength(1); expect(tooltip.prop('placement')).toEqual(expectedPlacement); }); });